电脑主机故障引起的黑屏故障Black screen failure caused bycomputer mainframe fault
Computer host fault causedby black screen fault, canbe dividedinto the following categories:
1. power failure caused by main machine
Host power failure or host power quality caused by black screenfault is very common. For example, when you add some newequipment, the display will appear black screen failure, afterexcluding the parts quality and compatibility of the poorquality of power supply shortage is the main cause of the fault,then you may also hear the built-in loudspeaker 12 continuousalarm sound, the replacement of high quality power supply isthe best way to solve it fault. In addition, some motherboardshave AT/ATX dual power interface, and its choice of jumpersettings is not correct, can also cause such failures.
2. parts quality failure
The quality of computer accessories is poor or damaged, whichis the main cause of black screen failure. For example, themotherboard (and the motherboard BIOS) , memory, display cards,and so on, there is a problem that can definitely lead to blackscreen failure. Its failure performance, such as display lightorange, then replacedwith the replacement of the next displaycard, memory, and even motherboards, CPU try, is the mostefficient solution.
3. connection quality between parts
Memory, graphics cards and so on, and the motherboard betweenthe plug is not correct or loose, resulting in poor contact isthe main cause of black screen failure. And display card andmonitor connection problems, may cause this kind of fault,until the AT power plug is incorrect, more even if your harddrive or CD-ROM data line connection, may also lead to startblack screen fault.
4. black screen failure caused by overclocking
Excessive overclocking or overclocking for parts that are notsuitable for overclocking will not only result in black screenfailures, but also cause damage to accessories in severe cases.There is excessive overclocking or not suitable foroverclocking components, overclocking poor heat, or the usualuse of cooling fan damage, do not turn, and so on, will causethe system self-protection, crash black screen.
5. black screen caused by other causes
Other, such as the motherboard CMOS settings are incorrect andthe motherboard cleared BIOS jumper is not correct, can causeblack screen fault, then you can compare the motherboardinstructions to change its settings. In addition, softwareconflicts such as driver problems such as improper installation,improper DIY BIOS refresh error, power management settings arenot correct, hardware damage caused by the virulent virus (suchas CIH) and so onare likely tobe causedby the displayof blackscreen. Everyone in the face of this kind of fault may wish tothink carefully consider the causes of a failure, we do
troubleshooting effort.
Two, the display of its own fault caused by black screen faultAccording to the author' s usual experience, the black screenfault causedby the display' s own fault is mainly causedby thefollowing reasons:
1. power shortage of AC power supply
Lack of external power supply, resulting in some old monitorsor some power consumption of the large monitors can not beactivated, is one of the causes of the black screen fault causedby the display itself. Or external power supply voltageinstability, too high, too low, may cause the monitor does notwork.
2. the power switch circuit is damaged
The failure of the display switch circuit is the main cause ofthe black screen fault. Simple, such as power switch damage orinternal short-circuit; common such as the damage to the switchtube or its peripheral circuit components damage, and so on.Damage of 3. line output circuit
The output circuit or the picture tube and its power supplycircuit are out of order, which is the main cause of black screenfault. Especially in some damage to the high-pressure bag usedfor years or inferior quality brand-name display result displayblack screen failure is more common.
Three, monitor black screen fault solution
For the screen black screen fault how to repair, we will putforward some ideas for your reference.
First of all, for the computer host fault caused by the screenblack screen fault, we can from the following ideas to solve:
1. check fittings installation quality
When you have a black screen failure while you are assemblinga computer or changing parts, you should first check theinstallation quality of your parts. For example, the memory isinstalled correctly is in contact with the motherboard socket,good display cards, the card is installed in place, and themotherboard BIOS jumper settings the choice is correct, butcarefully refer to the relevant board instructions set, inaddition to focus on examinationof board self quality problemsand the main board and the relevant slot on the card
"Goldfinger" is part of a foreign body and to be contaminatedby dust is also very necessary.
?? In addition to whether the CPU is overclocking overclockingor"wrong" (especially for some soft jumper of the motherboard,the system of "automatic" errors caused by such failure to setmore) , whether the hard disk or CD-ROM data line is reversedso all you need to consider. And for such problems, it is bestto use the "minimum system" and "replacement method" todiagnose, the host will only leave the motherboard, graphicscards, memory, CPU to try,
Especially the quality of memory caused by the failure rate isrelatively high, such as no problem, you can check the qualityof key accessories, such as the still black, can focus on theseparts carefully connectedafter the restart to try, if not solvethe problem, the available related parts replacement parts willtry.
In addition, it is important that you also need to understandthe main power and power switch is good or bad, and itsconnection is normal or not, they may cause the whole machineblack screen, these you need to focus on understanding. If thepower supply has a problem, then after you open the computermainframe panel visible light does not shine, and hear soundrotation within the host power supply fan and hard drive selfsound and so on, it shows that the host system you didn't getthe normal power supply. This problem you should first checkwhether there is AC coming outside, with a test pencil to seeif there is a power socket. Cece power line is connected to thehost side is the power of electricity, the multimeter to testthe voltage is sufficient enough with the necessary voltage istoo high or too low may cause the occurrence of the host powersupply automatic shutdown protection overvoltage orundervoltage circuit, if no problem, then you should firstfocus on maintenance inside the host and the power switch andreset button, using the same minimum system method andreplacement method, one by one to pull the host card and otherequipment in power line and signal line, and then power testmachine, such as the removal of a host power recovery device,is just remove the equipment damage due to improperinstallation or short circuit, the short circuit protection
circuit in power supply power supply equipment to start, stopthe machine, then you can check it on the key contact, whennecessary to change again; also focus on examination of thepower switch and reset The key quality and their connection onthe motherboard is correct or not is very important, becausemany poor chassis on the power switch and reset button severaltimes after frequent use of the internal metal contact sheetfracture caused short supply situation, resulting in blackmachine without any display. If the above inspection fails tosolve the problem, then please change the power supply to try.
2. listen and distinguish faults
? computer black screen fault more time after turning on thehost panel indicator light, machine fan normal rotation, butthe emergence of PC horn sound alarm equipment; or internalchassis such as hard disk and other related normal self, butdisplays no display. At this time in addition to repairaccording to the above method, it is more important to learnto distinguish wrong rules PC horn to distinguish fault, flashfailure situations in addition to observe a variety of host ordisplay indicator to judge the fault is also very good.For example, the host is properly self checked, but the monitorappears "black screen" fault. For this fault, we can focus onthe main board - display card - monitor connection line -monitor this idea to consider. First, you can check whether themonitor power indicator light, such as normal, you can focuson adjusting the brightness, contrast button, to exclude the"common" such false black screen fault. If no problem, then youcan check the host key card to display on the monitor whether
the connecting cable and cable plug problem within the pointeris the existence of skew fault and whether the card is closelyconnected with display, and can also remove the cable connector,see the displaywhether the normal light or even display to trythe other host, in order to determine the fault location is fromthe host or the display itself caused by.
??For example, display a black screen and speakers within thehost to send out a long, two or three short beeps or continuousbeep, show card problem or display card is connected with adisplay there is a problem with the connection between themotherboard, you may check the socket contact is good if aforeign body and groove try changing video, if no improvementcan be showed in the motherboard, the motherboard try to getother graphics. Again, the emergence of continuous long tweets,most of which indicate that memory problems, you can focus onmemory and memory slot installation contact. If the beep iscontinuously short, it shows that there is a slightshort-circuit in the machine, and the minimum system method andthe elimination method can be used to solve the problem untilthe short circuit is found. In addition, if you hear the soundtwo short beeps indicates that the motherboard or display cardor monitor may be a problem, if not connected with the displayor tweet, show card site problems, such as a short, that theend of the display problem.
For the black screen fault caused by the display itself, wemainly provide you with more specific maintenance ideas fromthe following points
1. fast maintenance of screen black screen
?? If there is no indication on display after boot, aftercontrolling for a host of reasons, the first check is not duetohighor lowvoltageprotection circuit causedby the display,can check the acceleration voltage is normal. In addition,The key is to check the following parts of the problem, suchas to see whether the fuse fuse, rectifier bridge switch ifthere is breakdown, current limiting resistor is blown, theseparts are sometimes can be seen from the appearance of theburned black fault phenomenon. Then check the focus line outputtube, low frequency transformer, rectifier, rectifier tube andother key parts of the existence of damage or performancedegradation or weld, the general failure as long as you displaya black screen which can quickly set shoudaobingchu.
Fault diagnosis of 2. line scanning circuit
The fault of the line scanning circuit is the important reasonof no raster and no screen display when the monitor is poweredon. For this type of failure, canbe the focus in the maintenanceof the scanning circuit, first check whether there is a problemfor the oscillation circuit, in the spare conditions inaddition to check for oscillation chip peripheral componentsis damaged can be replaced for the first oscillator chip to try,the push pipe damaged or the abnormal working state, the outputtube damage or for output load problems may cause the failure,then you can repair and replacement of these components. Andthe output circuit, if there is a problem, after this overhaul,replacement is generally restored to normal.
Fault diagnosis of 3. picture tube and its power supply circuitThe picture tube and its power supply circuit are not normal,also can cause the monitor to add electricity without gratingblack screen fault. At this time we can first check the picturetube filament is bright, with meter to measure its filamentpower supply circuit, to see whether the filament voltage isnormal. In addition, if the need to replace the broken filamentresistance on the filament current limiting resistance can, ifit is found that the filament tube is broken, youneed to replacethe tube. If the above normal, we can focus on checking thepicture tube acceleration voltage is normal, especiallyacceleration, pole voltage, connection broken is the main causeof such failures, can be replaced. If there is a high voltage,we can focus on changing the line output transformer (highvoltage package) try, this part of the damage is caused by thescreen black failure is one of the main reasons. In addition,the above overhaul
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