New mainframe operating system curriculum teaching reformpractice
"New mainframe operating system" curriculum teaching reformpractice
Abstract: the host operating system is different from thecommonoperating system. As soon as possible to let the studentsgrasp the host operating system, this article from the practiceenvironment, examination mode, the extracurricular practiceteaching mode, to the new host operating system course teachingreform practice is discussed. Keywords: new host operatingsystem; The teaching reform; The teaching mode operating systemcourse is a core specialized course in computer science, whichhas been valued in teaching plan and practical teaching. As themost important system software on the computer system, theoperating system itself is constantly evolving. In teaching theintroduction of modern new host operating system, to keep upwith the pace of the computer technology to update teachingcontent, is to adapt to the needs of the operating systemteaching reform under the new form. Let the students master thebasic theoretical knowledge, on thebasis of learning the styleof excellent, advanced new host operating system, is thetraining of specialists in the field of computer conforming tothe need of the society' s needs. In the teaching of generalschool, the basic theory and basic method of operating systemare explainedby common operating system such as UNIX. And UNIX,Windows, etc. Are much worse than the new host operating systemin terms of reliability, availability, parallelism, sharing,security and data processing capabilities. Since its inceptionin 1964, the host operating system has evolved from closed to
open. In particular, since 2000, IBM has launched a more openand reliable new host operating system, Z/OS, which has madethe host operating system more dynamic than ever before. Basedon the advance of technology and the need of the society,beginning in 2006, our computer major began to open the "newhost operating system" elective course. The host operatingsystem is advanced, large, complex, and the common operatingsystem has similarities and differences. In order to makestudents learn the course well, we from the practiceenvironment, teaching mode, evaluation method,extracurricular practice has carried on the beneficial aspectssuch as teaching research and reform. 1 set up advanced openpractice environment, lets the student contact the host,familiar with the host, final love host because the hostinterface and common operating system interface difference isbig, introductory students generally feel difficult, thereforeguarantee anytime and anywhere with machine, convenient andgradually familiar with the host, appear very necessary. As oneof the nine universities participating in the IBM hostingproject, our university has a large host, Z900, donated by IBMin 2005. Favorable conditions on this, we set up an open hostpractice environment, including the Z/OS operating system,RACF security subsystem, COBOL, the DB2 database, PL / 1, theCICS middleware, etc. The main engine is free and open 24 hoursa day, and the students can access the main machine at any time.In the teaching, the teacher USES the theoretical explanationand combined closely with the actual operating systemenvironment, to some abstract theory, by the corresponding hostoperating demonstration, enhancing the students' ability inunderstanding and practical application. Through the study of48 hours and the unlimited number of after-school machines,
students are completely unfamiliar to the host, and graduallybecome familiar and eventually love them. For example for Z/OSoperating system interface characters never like to love, notonly because practice makes perfect, but the character of theinterface quickly and is superior to the UNIX character styleof the interface, and Z/OS powerful data processing ability isto let the students are willing to use it. 2 for differentknowledge, the use of targeted teaching model (1) lenovo +contrast teaching due to the new Z/OS host operating system isdifferent from common Windows and UNIX systems, the initiallearning, a large number of basic concepts and terminology, thestudent is very strange, difficult to understand, hard to getstarted. For this obstacle, we think of lenovo + comparisonteaching. Make full use of the knowledge that the students havemastered, and enhance understanding of new concepts and newterms through association and contrast. First of all,Most of the students who take the course have taken the"operating system principles" course and are familiar with theUNIX and Windows operating systems because of the scheduling.Therefore, the teacher USES the contrast method to compare theconcepts and terms in UNIX and Z/OS, to the purpose of rapidlyenhancing the students' understanding (see table 1) . (2) theresearch-oriented teaching method as a research university, onthe view of talent training in our school attaches greatimportance to the cultivation of students' scientific researchability, and this also extends to classroom teaching. In theteaching, the teacher not only teach basic theory knowledge,also attaches great importance to the cultivation of students'research thinking, the research-oriented teachingmethod, willfound the problem, research questions, the methodology to solve
the problem permeate to the teaching content. In learning,students learned knowledge discovery process, the power oftechnology innovation and thinking, through the questions, theresearch question, proposes the solution method, finally theway to solve the problem, the students learned to discover,explore, research, and finally solve the problem, improve theability of study. For example in the interpretation of the hostchannel technology development, the teacher let students clearimprove the efficiency of system is the driving force for thedevelopment of the technology, and to achieve this goal, needsto solve the question is how to make high-speed CPU and slowspeed of I/O devices. To solve this problem, we must improvethe early host CPU and I/O device serial working mode, reducethe waiting time of the CPU, and work in parallel mode is a goodway to solve the problem, and the introduction of communicationcontroller, channels, technology, implements the host,channels, I/O devices in parallel operation, the systemefficiency is raised.
(3) highlight the key, difficult and detailed slightly properpart of the host operating system course content and theprinciple of"operating system" student courses is roughly same,in order to in the limited class hour try to deepen students'understanding of the host system, we just speak these content,and to focus on two aspects: (1) the advantages of the hostoperating system and new technology (2) the host operatingsystem. For example, in new technologies, teachers focus onhosting virtualization technologies. The technology has beenevolving ever since, and has been at the top of virtualizationtechnology. In addition to the principle of"operating system"when it comes to the storage virtualization (this part briefly
explain) , we detailed level server virtualization wouldn' ttechnology and operating system-level virtualizationtechnology, lets the student has been clear about the differentlevels of virtualization is applicable to solve differentactual demand. In the teaching, pay attention to theintroduction of the latest technology development, such as theythe differential area of the new technology, at the same time,the host virtualization technology and current studentsfamiliar with x86 VMware and VirtualPC software to compare thetwo virtual machine, make the students understand more clearlythe different virtual technology and host the advantages ofvirtualization technology. It also emphasizes teachingdifficulties in teaching. When developing a program, the hostcompiles and debuts the software with complex problems, and thestudents start out having difficulty adapting. So we increasedthe class, through teachers carefully selected differentinstances of the demo compiling and debugging process, at thesame time for different knowledge point and the difficulty ofdesign experimental subject, organization practice, increasethe student to the compiler and debugger using intensity, makestudents quickly adapt to the application environment of thehost. 3 introduce the internationalization way of examinationways, in the regular grade=f inal grade+operation+ computer+ attendance record, on the basis of introducing the IBMmainframe Z01 global certification exam. Z01 examinationcertification by the world' s largest computer services company,United States Prometric global unified exam of English way,mainly examine the host operating system knowledge, globalrecognition. Students can take the Z01 test free of charge, anduse international standards to measure how well they know theircourse. Introduction of internationalized appraisal way to
expand the student' s field of vision, conforms to the educationinternationalization trend, at the same time this batch ofstudents when choosing a career in the future, a lot of demandfrom software outsourcing industry, and internationalcertificate can increase competitiveness in employment.4 in addition to the emphasis on classroom teaching andextracurricular practice of rich and colorful extracurricularpractice can also stimulate students' interest in learning,cultivate the students' innovation ability. In view of this,we are consciously guiding students to participate inextracurricular activities, using the good relationshipbetween our school and IBM. For example teachers encouragestudents to participate in the IBM host application contest,significantly improved the students' understanding of the hostand application development ability, played an irreplaceablerole in classroom teaching. In 2007, our team made it to thefinal and won the prize. In order to stimulate students to learnthe enthusiasm of the host, the teacher also recommend studentswho are good at learning to apply for IBM intern program, enterthe IBM mainframe department practice, through and IBMmainframe team work together, students in technology by leapsand bounds, the more inspired other students enthusiasm oflearning. The five binding host operating systemZ/OS is quitedifferent from the usual UNIX and Windows, and the students havelittle contact, and the entry is harder. Through the teachingreform in the above four aspects, we better solve the problem,so that the students can quickly preliminary masterhost system,greatly enhanced the students confidence step by step to masterthis complex system, in order to further study the developmentof the subsequent courses have laid a good foundation.
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