电脑主机Mainframe computer
You can go to the major IT forums, look at the hardwarequotations around the Pacific, Zhongguancun and so onThe board may consider using ASUS G41 integrated graphics boardis probably less than 400 dollars, the only significant pricedifference of about more than 200 bigbucks: of course the firstchoice in the memory at 2G, now 300 yuan, pay attention not tohave smuggled goods; WD hard disk, ST 500G motherboard with theprice difference is not much; CPU consider the E5200 of it, theprice of power supply without ibid; and reported it, playnetwork game words to use the independent video card, consider9800GT, 650 - 680, I only know so much
In fact, for the first time you buy a computer, it is betterthan the 3 best goods. Do not know too much, because this ismore complicated, the price of each city and the flagship brandis not quite the same. But I want to remind you that the mostimportant thing is to listen to what you buy, to change it, andto listen carefully to the introduction! And then there' s theprice list. Make sure he doesn't write it to specific levels,such as what version, model, cache, or something. Afterlistening to do not buy, take your quotation on the Internetto collect prices, so that they will not be fooled! ~Strong man ah, you want to display 24, and that price will be1400, even if you match 4000, you have 2400, 2400 you want tomatch good ah, you kidding. Of course, computers are cheap now,but they are not cheap. We can get good prices at this price.Memory is so expensive now! For you to count, chassis + power300, CD-ROM 160, hard disk 340, memory minimum 2G, almost a
little DDR2-800 bar, also 280, as well as keyboard and mouse,count you 80. The rest of the big three CPU, graphics card,motherboard, you calculate your left 1240. What else do youhavein your line?. You this price I suggest or use AMD CPU,cost-effective higher, the motherboard price is OK, ASUSmotherboard is good, it is accepted. But the price is relativelyexpensive. Spend 500 on video cards! Give me the brand you usedto use, and personally feel good about it. At least I've spentthree years without any problems. Case + power CD-ROM SamsungSeagate GoldenField hard disk memory (his personal feel what' stoo fake Kingston CPUAMD motherboard) ASUS GALAXY Logitech keymouse with reference oh! Best to bring a knowledgeable person,lest be profiteers flicker, dislike profiteers.
I don't use so much that display or play games easily tiredplaying games is certainly the preferred standard screen 19inch and 24 inch widescreen standard screen now about this youselected CPUAMD Athlon IIX2245 (box) 1 $399**the BA-2101 $499motherboard Spartacus memory Kingston 2GBDDR313331234 $345 *32MB (WD500GB5400 hard disk serial/GP) 1234$345 GALAXY 9800GTBlackEdition 1234$799or Acard sapphire4670overseas editionmore than 500 1G memory game is a good performance CD-ROM SONYDDU-1681S1 $135 LCDAOC2430V+1 $1259 * case sources of $65 to6021 power version 2. 3 1 Diamond Huntkey King cool $199 RAPOON3800 wired optical mouse. Suite 1 $85 like this configurationplaying 3D no problem, but there are more than 4100 down all200-300 so sure in your counter-offer interval within thebudget! ! ! If you use a 19 inch display, you can also match agood CPU3 core or 4 core
CPUAMD Athlon IIX2245 (box) $399 motherboard ASRock M3A770DE
$528 ASUS brand Kingston 2GBDDR31333 $345 Seagate hard diskmemory 500GB7200. 1216M (serial / bulk) ST3 $360 UNIKA2HD5750DDR5 version$799 electrodeless Daniel support DX1140mntechnology of low power consumption LCDAOC2430V+ $1259 machinebox sources of$65 to 601 to 450 Ma Chao Shadow Power (ATX-330-3)$198 maximum 450W passive PFC total amount: 3953 yuanCPUAMD Athlon IIX3435 (box) * 1 $490 $490 total of 45 businesses(Gigabyte GA-MA770-US3 rev.2. motherboard
0) * 1 $599 $599 total of 70 businesses Kingston 2GBDDR2800(narrow) * 1 $260 $260 total of 121 businesses of Seagate500GB7200. 1216M (hard disk serial / bulk) ST350 * 1 $355 $360= 5 a total of 118 business card Leadtek WinFastGT240512MD3 *1 $699 $699 total of 15 businesses CD-ROM LGDVDRWGH22NS50 * 1$190 $190 total of 6businesses LCD LGW1942SP*1 $999$999 totalof 41 businesses chassis power train dust man X3 * 1 $180 $180total of 33 businesses to power the Great Wall double power muteBTX-400SEL-P4 * 1 $258 $258 total of 56 business suiteshuangfeiyan 520X love Cafe set * 1 $80 $80 total of 16businesses radiator ant three x 1 OC gold $90 $90 total of 17businesses: the total amount of 4200 yuan and see this very goodreputation, at the end of the mainstream. To meet therequirements of the landlord, do not change the whole 24 inchLCD, look at the web, exhausted you! 22 inches is enough. Youshould have such a friend' s ability to understand, and even ifthe installation alone can not read, how to install ah. I don'tthink you understand! Note that there are many places, but thecomputer vendors will not fool you, after all, doing businessis important reputation. You can choose the size / supply /strength of the store to configure your computer, try not to
go to that small shop, where the most tricky!
1, chassis power, CD-ROM should be close to the agent price,memory, harddiskprices are online to findthereal-timeprice,motherboards, suites, graphics cards, fan keys, mouse is foundin the online media prices. Even if you install the machine atthis price, the suppliers still have a profit, and they arewilling to install it for you. 2, go to the first day ofcalculation, to the local computer city trip, say hello to thearrival of the bus routes, early in the morning don't sleep late,go early, must eat breakfast. You'd better take a card. If it' scash, you must pay attention to it. You should be careful onthe bus and the computer city. 3, to computer city, there areall kinds of showmanship and distribute leaflets, don' t ignorethem, first to all retail counter to ask, ask the day CPU memoryhard drive prices, because the price is not the same every day,even every hour are not the same, and the price is transparent,the chassis power mouse and keyboard graphics. The price changeis slow, but also take the opportunity to ask you, also can letyou take out to see to the counter. What we say to you, you goto all kinds of counter to see for yourself. Chassis is oftena lot of styles, you go to the chassis of monopoly, look atyourself like that style. 4, for an hour, about 10 points, findsome machine installed, spacious retail store, you go on theline, there are natural offer members greet you, if it is toohot in the store is another home, is a mess no place to sit,is two family business is good, no one will talk to you. 5, toothers in the store when, pretend to take a look at, can buynot buy appearance, this time there must be quoted clerk comeforward to greet you: "big brother, install the machine?"Younger brother (younger sister) to quote a price bai. "Use this
time, look around, observe the business environment, windowdisplay products, shop layout environment, bar, technicalworkers, accounting, library management, tooling, these willgive you initial impression of the merchant. To stand in frontof you offer, do not look at them, I sweep him (she) on the line,for the purpose of this is to be a fully reflects the consumeruncle out, two is that beautiful MM offer certain mastermindstype eyes, get restless heart. After 6, youwill quote the pricequotation and invite amember of the earth, the middle is a table,asked to quote the first sentence is: "brother, do youwant moremoney with the computer?" Don' t ignore him this sentence, ifhe can feel thirsty to have a glass of water, he will fart fartpad pad with a cup to the children at the water cooler to yourwater, although you already have a budget, but don' t tell him,you just tell him I point the piece, you give me a quotationon the line. Before the quotation begins, the following threequestions are asked,
You can pick a few questions and ask him: 1, other homes havegifts, buy a gift at your house? 2. Can you deliver it to me?3, my computer if broken, can give me home repair not? Thesethings are not necessarily what you must have later, but laterthey will be used to bargain. As long as the merchant promisedyou one, he would increase the cost. 7, after you get to theparts list, let him give youwrittenquotation in the quotation,the best configuration in mind, say familiar, is to look at theguests quote the price quotation, the more for his guests thatthe layman, the more he dare to cheat, let him indicate warrantyin the period of price is still behind, Baohuan warranty, inthis process, a variety of reasons he will certainly be out ofstock, theprice of certain accessories or you should recommend
him to you the shop agent or profit of the products, and he nononsense, I will tell him these things, no I have to transfergoods to adjust the arrival I walk. With your insistence, hewill give up these efforts. After the report finished, he willuse a calculator plus price for you, please don' t talk aboutprice, let him make a confirmation to the agent, you want thesepieces of children are in stock, (for the purpose of this isto prevent some businesses to collect your deposit, then wheninstalled to tell you to adjust to the goods, forcing you toreplace his recommended configuration, although you may not paythe deposit, but will waste a lot of time. 8, if you canguarantee the goods, the quotations take over, check theconf iguration and price again written before, and your own mindcalculation good business cost compared to approximatelycalculate this quotation in the profits of the business, withtheir own calculator to add it again and his nuclear pricerelative. Then put the quotation back to him, let him make aprice, usuallyquotewillreadilygive youa littleput alittle:20 30 dollars, erased or removed fraction, you have seen, andthen let him for two times the price, the price usually willnot lower, and you will complain: what profit very low loss ah,ah, what if you use something, I can also cheap and so on. 9,this time in your quotation and counter-offer, don't give himyour nonsense then gives you the opportunity to offer, remember:this offer is not a simple price, but the price +presented tome what gifts, add to my home delivery, and door-to-door serviceclass, the price is installed taking the cost price to youestimate is slightly lower and then rounding, for example hegive you 4640, you directly and to 4400 or 4300, or even 4000are free, what did not feel shy, you must overcome theunreasonable price out of the fear and embarrassment of mind.
This staff will offer to pen a throw, waved his hand and saidsimply can not make, said: "brother, you really can cut down. ""you have to have you sold me" and so on, not what, then youopen the price of 50 and 100 gave himup, until he profits limitnearby. He is still not, freight and gifts plus service costsabout less than 100 dollars, this * for fine-tuning, of courseis that if I send something to my cheap, if not cheap send mesomething, not delivery the taxi money cut out and so on, thistime must face the offer. And he was laughing, if this time youdespise him, he' ll think you're playing with him, he will feelgreat humiliation and collapse, consequence is that he islikely to go to the store you out, then it is the price premiumWhen the braincells, hewill take acalculator, apsychologicalpress, then calculate how much money he shot and calculated togive you much money and gifts such as he can get the freightfor this business, and he will give you a price, then the priceplus brother said I sent you. What things, the lowest price,the price you ask me not. You look at this price, has been muchlower than his initial opening, and this time you will berighteous and then change, because businesses can not do yourrequest, remember that the business must say that he can notdo it,
Although we do not look at the city' s business as a person tosee, but if you let people ask you to quote, you counter-offer,people say that you can do, and you do not have a legitimatereason not to do, this kind of estoppel is very bad. 10, so fora price, less time reported on a 2, 3, time reported on a 4,5, which also have a 2 or 3 hours, time is more than 12 points,you have a stack of quotations, for which a little better, youyour heart should have a number of computer, and then to the
edge of the city of snacks to eat lunch, lunch is to eat, takethis time to think you ran each, have not required the lowestprice, but also consider all aspects of business strengthcustomer service service etc. . After dinner, go directly to theone you like. After 11, and quote the price negotiated, usuallyrequire you to pay a deposit, absolutelynot to pay the deposit,in other cases, the merchant said, we help you catch a piece,we don' t earn you money, you give money directly to the generalagent of the delivery line, this does not give money, anywayis the business all let you pay first reason cannot agree, ifis the business that requires you to pay the deposit, then youask him: "you have a problem with something?"The business willsay, "no problem!"You say: "since there' s no problem, I'm sureI' ll pay you in the end. No problem. Are you afraid that I won'tgive you any money?"" "If the delivery agent asks you to payin cash, you tell him that we' ll have the ledger with theinstalled owner. You go and talk to the boss. ". " If you pay adeposit, then you will involuntarily. If the other party paysthe deposit, then change it. 12, inspection. Staff will offerorders, then you have the various pieces of children will besent, you must personally inspection, should pay attention tocheck the model, visually check whether there is damage to theappearance, whether there is dust, welding, screw hole isscrewed, because these symptoms represent repair products,check whether the package accessory drive well, the hard diskmust be completely sealed packaging, check holding status anddate posted. In 13, yourecognized after installed small unionsgive you installed, installed in the whole process must notleave the monitor installed, so as not to be transferred, wheninstalling the system, do not let him save ghost, let him driveinstalled directly, is the order of the first board after the
other driver patch drive, a drive, if asked to restart restartagain, don't drive end together restart, may bring someunexpected problems; change the BIOS time and then back to see,BIOS can keep the parameters inBIOS systemand confirm the typeof frequency chip CPU memory hard disk capacity CD-ROMmotherboard graphics description. The front of the chassisAUDIO and USB must he connected and tested, there are somedifferent PIN feet to let him manually change the line, thenlet him put some commonly used software and games, can run3DMARK again, see if you can run down, the score is normal, andthen watch a DVD movie, this time should be afternoon 3, at 4,finally after the confirmation, the package, take things aregood inventory, this time a moment, the most easy to forgetthings, wrap, boss and general ledger. Configure prices,service calls, what are written in order to facilitate futureafter-sales service. 14, give you several other suggestions:1, computer city this line is slaughtered and cooked, cookedmore more slaughter, so there is no need to go to theiracquaintances, but is a very interesting exercise, or with somebuddies tobegin, if he took the trouble to practice a lot moreexperience more life, a computer is installed, install 1000computer is installed, computer installed more, the finger islike playing the piano very flexible, CPU memory feel in thehand. 2, 7300, there are many kinds, there are 7300LE, 7300GS,7300GT, three of the poor performance, this point should payattention to. 15, pick the case and speakers, the business willtake you to sell boxes and speakers agent, then he behind youto the agent a wink,
The agents will then and the pain of selling blood like the costof more than 100 to more than 300 this case shouting said the
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