areaAnalysis- Baidu mobile Internet outlet frequent high German who had been holding the key to the key map(分析-百度移动互联网出口频繁高地德语曾拿着地图的关键的关键)

百度map  时间:2021-02-25  阅读:()

Analysis:Baidu mobile Internet outletfrequenthigh German who had been holdingthe key to the key map

(Research papers Download News) As there is agrowing carowners, the importanceof maps has becomeincreasingly prominent, the current map domestic markethas become increasingly fierce competition. Recently,Baidu maps and high moral map are rules and layout inrelated fields and a plural ity of maps, travel, LBS, l ife.Apri l 19, Baidu map publ ished international strategy,announced that it wi l l increase on l ine 150 countries andregions in 2016, sounded the clarion cal l to accelerateoverseas expansion; In addition, Baidu map and also thefirst domestic car manufacturers agree on the wisdom ofChangan Automobi le strategic cooperation, and the l ineof nearly 150 spots on a spring outing panoramic maps.And the high moral map also began to seekan incomingvehicle networking industry.

Look on the strategic layout of the two map makers,we can easi ly determine the future development of the


map keyactual ly l ies inthe handsof who.

Strategic Positioning First impressions:High German isfocused type players,Baidu is a versati le player

In the field map, high moral and Baidu play differentfrom each other,each trick.

High German map is a more typical ‘preoccupied’players. Especial ly after the acquisition of Al i, has begunto give up O2O and commercial ization, focusing on thenavigation map,and open platform developmenteffort inLBS. Goal is to rely on the professional abi l ity to providebetter navigation services for users. The high Germanofficial of some data, now covers 31 provinces,municipal ities and autonomous regions and Hong Kongand Macao special administrative regions, navigable roadmi leage of over 650 km, including more than 17 mi l l ionreal mining POI; and nationwide real-time traffic data isGordo important advantages of long-term spread of themap.

By contrast, Baidu Maps regarded as a ‘versati le’players. On the basis of functional services, Baidu Mapsalso bui ld up a professional team of data col lection, bothtraditional mapping team, also based on the Internet and


large data patterns road and POI data production team.Baidu map now covers more than 6.5 mi l l ion km of roadmi leage, POI over 40 mi l l ion, the overal l accuracy rate of96.5%, the same real-time traffic data coveragenationwide. At the same time, Baidu maps has beencompletely transformed from a navigation tool to aservice platform not only provides traditional travelnavigation services, also provides car networking, travelservices, local l ife, ticketing area a ful l range of servicesaround the l ife.

And so itwas moreconcerned about is theattitude ofboth global ization, progress in vehicle networking, andthe abi l ity to connect the real world with a map of thesethree elements is l ikely to affect their future marketposition.

Global ization:Map of Baidu started an internationalcampaign led by high German domesticfocus

Based on product attributes and technical capabi l ities,map products compared to other types of APP, directedinternational expansion inherent advantages. However,the degree of international ization step by step dependson the recognition of global geographic data, as wel l as


technical abi l ity to integrate domestic and internationalconsumer market, so the layout can successful ly establ ishthe international market has become an importantindustry barriers to competition affecting factors. Let’ slook at the process of global ization strategy Baidu mapwith high moral map between.

December 2014, Baidu map ‘Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan map’ formal ly launched, relying on Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan as a springboard map, Baidu mapsuccessful ly open its own international market. 2016Spring Festival, Baidu maps wi l l own strategic territoryextended to Korea, Japan,Thai land and Singapore as themarket;Recently,Baidu mapconvening of an internationalstrategy conference to announce that as of now theinternational map onl ine 18 countries and regions, and isexpected to 2016 continue to the end covering 150countries and territories. This is not only for outbounddomestic users is a great boon, as one of Baidu mobi leentrance,more Baidu played the role of global strategiclayoutof Onslaught.

Compared to Baidu map, the current high moral mapopened in China, Hong Kong, China and Macao Special


Administrative Region, China Taiwan market and theinternational market is not open up. Taking into accountthe competitive environment, as wel l as the layout ofAl ibaba in theworld, thefuture of high moral map is alsovery l ikely to the international market, but everythingtakes time to verify.

Telematics: Baidu map ful l bloom, high moralconservatism Qiuwen

As a battleground in car networking, Baidu layout isvery positive, first introduced CarLife phone car-planeinterconnect,MyCar Automotive private cloud services,CoDriver intel l igent voice Fujia,CarGuard car guards fourtechnical solutions, access the number of car brands, carmanufacturers and machine software ecosystem serviceproviders. March 2016, Baidu also ranked first with thedomestic Changan Automobi le signed a ‘smart car’strategic cooperation agreement. In addition, relying onBaidu map output of the only large-scale, high-precisionmap, Baidu unmanned vehicle has been the first in thecountryto achieve thecity,aswel l as high-speed ring roadat the end of 2015 hybrid automatic driving roadconditions.


In contrast, the high moral map is more l ike steadi ly,prefertofocuson positioning and navigation services, thecar companies do consol idators. However, relying on themap navigation technology, high moral map also receivedcooperation with Jaguar Land Rover and other automanufacturers, such as Changan, Great Wal l, Geely andother local car have also sought cooperation with theHighGerman.

Connect the real world: Baidu map visionary, highmoral navigation bets

Virtual real itytechnologyiscombinedwiththisyearonthe air, can be expected to show more thantwo-dimensional map information in future productform,three-dimensional real-world connections through morerevolutionary virtual real ity technology to the real worldvirtual ization means of providing more direct It can be asense of service,which wi l l become the future of themission map products.

Obviously, the ‘ index real world’ has been astrategic goal of Baidu map. At the moment,one of thethree entrance Baidu ‘Connecting people and services’ ,

‘index real world’ Baidu map focused on bui lding a


comprehensive integration platform service l ife of travel,on the one hand positioning, navigation and other basicfunctions, on the one hand O2O surrounding l ivingservices.

At the same time, Baidu map wi l l also be expected to

‘Panoramamap’ functionsodeepbigger, inmyopinion,this wi l l Baidu in the future further ‘index real world’foundation. According to official data, as of January2016,Baidu panoramic map has covered 424 cities to thecountry, the total col lected more than one mi l l ionki lometers of road. Just recently, Baidu map also on thel inewith a panoramic map spring outing topics, coveringa number of cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Xiamen, Nanjing andother nearly 150 Spring flowers outing attractions. Inaddition to rich urban coverage and the type ofacquisition, Baidu map around Panorama also developedsuch as ‘Panorama Time Machine,’ ‘hundreds ofmi l l ions of pixels Panorama’ , ‘interior panorama’ anda series of functions.

Compared to Baidu in majorefforts panoramic map,ahigh German map has already abandoned the project


panoramic map, the map is currently on the phone

‘when King’ can only browse users to upload atwo-dimensional picture. Short-term view, panoramicmaps is a laborious,money,energyof the dirty work, butto expand the wings of imagination, virtual real itytechnology is l ikely to lead to a ‘virtual real ity map’ ofthe revolution,wi l l become evident panoramic maps mapindex an important tool for the real world, and lead themajor changes in the map business travel and moreaspects of l ife services.

First, the index of the real attractions, travel guideusers

Compare Baidu map with high moral map navigationtravel services, both at present and there is not muchdifference,but apparently panoramic maps let users travelbecomes more real . In tourism, for example, Baidu mapPanorama users are becoming tourist travel decisionsauxi l iary reference. Especial ly the buffet l ine userstypical ly rely on tourism Raiders, but through the fi lterplus attractions l ike being meituxiu show the beauty,impossible for anyone to develop an accurate traveljudgments. This time, the role of panoramic maps


manifested, 360-degree view of a user or a number ofscenic landscapes, immersive to ‘understand’ a touristattraction by the feel ing of panoramic maps, fieldexperiencegothere more much fun.

Tourism rel ies on the perception of the beautifulscenery, smooth interactive experience, as wel l as sound,l ight, temperature, odor and other more

‘four-dimensional’ of elements. Currently panoramicmap either Baidu or Google,Tencent, are unableto reachthis height, but al low users to travel together in the formof diversification. In today’ s increasingly popular VR,VR panorama wi l l also bring more imagination, it wi l lgreatlyenhancethe user’ sonl inetravel experienceinthefuture.

Second, the index of the real scene, to guide the userconsumption O2O

Mentioned two map makers layout O2O aspects, it isquite interesting. Year high after Germany was acquiredby Al ibaba, resolutely cut off O2O, considered unsuitablefor map makersdo O2O. However,Baidu map,but inthefield of O2O done fast, and become super Baidu’ s O2Oentrance platform. The panoramic maps of O2O




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