Baidu map 10 hospitals before looking Baiduerror:no PPC
Research papers Download News:open the phone,opening Baidu map,Zhangjiang (a pseudonym) enteredthe ‘Second People’ s Hospital of Chengdu,’ theaddress, cl ickon the search results on the screen instantlyjumped out of the 10 smal l red dots, these red dots markthe hospital location, far Dujiangyan, near Jinjiang haveZhangjiang loss, in accordance with the principle of thenearest point of theJinjiang District location of the tag, tothe destination only to find, is not looking for their ownhospital.
Yesterday morning, the reporter once again enter the
‘Second People’ s Hospital of Chengdu’ in Baidu Mapsalso appear Dujiangyan, Jintang, Qingyang District, PiCounty and other places 10 markers in the left of thesearch results column, in the first row of It is ‘QingyangDistrict second people’ s hospital,’ a hospital unti l thelast page first, did not appear Qingyun South Street islocated in Chengdu second people’ s hospital .
Go to the hospital and fol lowthe navigation to go to a
placeworse 2.5 km
Yesterday, Zhangjiang with his fami ly to the SecondPeople’ s Hospital of Chengdu,becauseof the road is notveryfami l iarwith, hetookout his mobi le inputs ‘SecondPeople’ s Hospital of Chengdu’ in Baidu map, ful l screenred dot let him dazzl ing, although there are a number of
‘hospital’ on the screen, butonly in a range of JinjiangDistrict,Zhangjiang tried to pointa bit.
In accordancewith navigation guidance,al l thewaytothe Zhangjiang Yanshikou Xiangyang Street, the entranceto a hospital only to find, accessible locationjust JinjiangDistrict People’ s Hospital, and they seek the SecondPeople’ s Hospital of Chengdu, located in JinjiangQingyun South Street near the area, and their own placeto reach nearly 2.5 ki lometers worse.
Open Baidu map, enter the same keyword, thereporter found, appear on the first page of a plural ity of
‘Hospital’ does not tel l people. If you do not see thered dotonthe rightsideof the map markers,a close lookatthe leftsideof the search results,you can seethat thesetwo hospitals have their own more specific ‘name’ ,appears on the screen from the four addresses of view, a
totalof 10 hospitals in thefirst pageaddress,but this 10isnot the ‘second people’ s hospital of Chengdu,’ unti lturned overthe position of thefirstpage, the second pageto appear on the address reporters want to search, if youdo not a closer look at the search results directory,bel ieveitwi l l gowrong.
Search Homepageof thehospitaldid notwantthetop
On the first page, in the first row of the QingyangDistrict Second People’ s Hospital, behind the hospitalthey are the Second People’ s Hospital (Dujiangyan),Second People’ s Hospital of Sichuan Pi County,ChengduJinjiang District People’ s Hospital Dujiangyan Citysecond people’ s hospital of Danyang Branch,Metropol issecond people’ s hospital, Longquan District secondpeople’ s hospital, Spring Branch Chongzhou secondpeople’ s hospital, the second people’ s hospital ofPixian County second people’ s hospital.
Ful l page, reporters did not find in the search boxenter ‘Chengdu Second People’ s Hospital.’Subsequently, the reporter l inked to the number oneQingyang District Second People’ s Hospital, the staffsaid, they are not the city’ s two hospitals. Then the
reporter consulted the hospital whether private hospitals,the staff responded that ‘the national regular hospital.’
‘The publ ic is it?’ Theface of questions from reporters,the other responded, ‘ah.’ Reporters cal l again rankedNo.4 in the search bar Jinjiang District,Chengdu SecondPeople’ s Hospital, when asked whether the publ ichospital, the staff responded that, ‘ is the state’ shospitals, thepeopleof thecountry hospitals arehospitals,and thatyou you can rest assured. ‘when asked again,’it is the publ ic hospital? ‘theother repl ied,’ right. ‘
However, reporters in the health sector and JinjiangQingyang District verification found two hospitals is not apubl ic hospital . One staff member Qingyang DistrictHealth Board, said, ‘(Qingyang District Second People)hospital restructuring 10 years ago,and is private.’
Subsequently, the reporter contacted the Pi, the newcapital district, Longquanyi District, Jintang County andothercounties in the health sector, thestaff said that thesehospitals are publ ic hospitals, the health department saidDujiangyan, Shiyang Second People’ s Hospital on themap Branch does notexist.
A network marketing company, said: can provide
top-ranking business
From Baidu map pages, reporters found a ‘Baidu topromote’ the phone, however, customer service, saidlocation marked on the map are free, there is nopromotion of Baidu map features. Retrieving relevantBaidu map optimized content, the reporter l inked to anetwork marketing company, said he has a Dumpl ingHouse,wantasearchonthemapsothatwewi l l beabletosearch. In otherchecked Dumpl ing Houseafter its name,it indicates that theseare possible.
Promotioncompanystaff input inthemapof Chengduin the ‘Northeast Dumpl ing Restaurant’ Map Top 128search resultsappear, the person said, ‘If you do,you canput in thefirst rowof thecrowddown.’ Then show he hasdone a ‘success story’ , the person said, Taobaotransactions mayfirst need to pay300yuana month,aftera month to pay 200yuan.
Second People’ s Hospital in Chengdu:We did notknow
Yesterday, for the patient as of Baidu Map Navigationwrong way, the Second People’ s Hospital of Chengdurelevant responsible person said, ‘We did not know,’
Then, she opened Baidu map Enter the ful l name of thehospital, looking over thefirst page of search the hospitaldid not find address position. According to her, inaddition to hospital Qingyun Street near the headquarters,aswel l as grass Division Street, the other two hospitals onthe map and theyare irrelevant.
She said, Baidu map the platform is someone else’ splatform, the hospital can not control, ‘Maybe there arebusiness practices, we are not easy to give theirassessment.’ The official said, but sti l l want the map tosearch engines give people more accurate the result, toavoid thesituation could notfind the road. Shealso saidthat the hospital should improve their own means ofpubl icity, so that more people understand the hospital ’ saddress, telephone number.
Baidu response
PPC is not thefirst timeto repair
For this, the reporter interviewed yesterday by mai lBaidu’ s stakeholders want to know whether theexistence of PPC Baidu map the phenomenon, but as ofpress time, the reporter did not receive a formal response,the day of 16:00, the reporter again when enter ‘second
people’ s hospital of Chengdu,’ the key discovery, andbefore the ful l screen red dot dotted different red dot onthe map is only one address displayed in the addressQingyun South Street hospital, and enter a name tomatch.
Baidu relevant departments said they had noticed thesituation and for the first time has been fixed, the currentsearch results have been returned to normal. Currently,weare urgent investigation and the reasons. In addition,Baidu map no PPC promotion this way, al l search resultsare based on keyword relevance, location, distance andother ranking algorithms. (Source: ‘Chengdu BusinessDai ly’ )
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