Analysis:Baidu map layout internationalmarket for unmanned paving it?
(Research papers Download News) at a distance ofRio Olympics opening ceremony less than a month’ stime, according to onl ine news sources, Baidu map hasbeen official ly in Brazi l, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay andother South American countries on the l ine 13 can notonly provide a mobi le map service for domestic touristswent to watch the Olympic Games, to better promote thedevelopment of Baidu map in the international market.Baidu Map first half of this year has released the latestinternational strategy, plan before the end of the year inmorethan 150 countriesworldwide.
It is only Baidu its global ization strategy in a sectionfrom the current situation, the domestic Internetcompanies have turned to the international market,especial ly the BAT three Internet companies, the trio hasbeen in the domestic market occupies a considerableInternet market share, but also the need to further thegoal of international ization forward.
In addition, the three there was no confl ict in the
international market place, because the main electricitysuppl ier to Al i, Tencent social based, and other placesBaidu technology servicesas the main output, this indeedreflects Baidu international ization strategy certainadvantages, after al l, present in many areas, the overseasmarket isalso in its infancy,although Baidu layout insomeareas and not too early, but maybe Baidu to seize othermarketsXianpu good way.
Baidu map development status in the internationalmarket
Since this year, Baidu map publ ished internationalstrategy has now been on the l ine, the momentum real lyfast in theworld nearly 70 countries enough,whi le BaiduCEO Zhang Yaqin, has also said the process ofinternational ization Baidu map is Baidu mobi le, serviceand international ization thebestembodimentof thethreeelementsof thestrategy, isan importantstep Baidu globalstrategic layout.
For Baidu map, the current can start overseas traveldomestic tourists start,after al l,people quite fami l iar withBaidu, larger although Google in the world market-wide
influence, but because of domestic and other specialcircumstances, compared with people or for Baidu mapawareness is relatively high, so you can rely on Baidu mapsuch opportunities in overseas markets to stabi l ize theheel, then tour some of the projects by overseas Chinese,and local businesses business contacts and establ ishlong-term relationship slowly penetrate into the localmarket,of course, it is best to real ize the local ization ofthe local area.
So for Baidu, a truly international distributioncompleted, the last is by expanding the coverage andoverseas business relations, Baidu map wi l l fight aninternational brand, to enhance the brand influence.From thecurrentmarket, in additionto Google Mapsmapin theglobal mobi le market share is higher,Apple iPhonemaps rely slowly accumulated a lot of users, and now themarket share upward trend is very fierce, thesecompetitors are for Baidu, big problem, after al l, if youwant to get outside the map information,which wi l lrequire substantial capital injection,whereas the previoushigh moral map is for simi lar reasons, and in theinternational market development can not be, do not
knowwhether thefunds Baidu map aspect ready.
Baidu whether to acceleratethe layoutand unmannedrelated international market
Recal l that this year Baidu map for strategic planningof the international market, and this year, Baidu has justsetuptheautopi lotbusiness,at thesametime,Baidu alsoproposed a ‘three-year commercial production for fiveyears,’ the goal between the two whether there issomething to do with it? Baidu map moving map in thedomestic market share in addition to high moral map,move the map for other platforms can be difficult tocompete with, then to foreign markets it is another case,also mentioned above, too,Optics Val ley Google MapsandAppleMaps isenoughtocopewiththeBaidu map.
However, three of the layout,wi l l find one thing incommon is that al l three are in the development ofunmanned technology, so Baidu map in the internationalmarket to intensify the pace of progress,might real ly havea plan and Baidu unmanned commercial contacted.After al l, from the perspective of the unmanned market,Googleiscurrentlyin unmannedcommercialareasalsono
specific timeto plan, and Apple also said unmanned sidealso need to wait for some time, there are sti l l someproblems. So this time for Baidu, is indeed a goodopportunity, and unmanned technology, the mobi le fieldmap is an important key points of its location, so if youwant to unmanned Baidu in overseas markets occupy acertain share, the market ahead of the layout of overseasmobi le map isgranted.
Baidu overseas markets need to plan for unmanned
Baidu as a domestic unmanned technology moreleading enterprises, but also carries the expectations ofthe people to go abroad for it outside, if Baidu can seizethis opportunity, to seize the international marketopportunities unmanned, would be a feasible way,perhaps Baidu international brand and not Google andApple so loud, but given the Baidu and BMW have suchinternational influence car prices worked, perhaps bymeans of business cooperation in simi lar internationalbrand influence,wi l l push its own unmanned technologyto international markets,of course, the premise is to be atthe technical level to control, after al l, before Tesla alsosuffered an accident in which their autopi lot technology
also leads to the death of a driver, Baidu should goodcontrol over the detai ls, to avoid simi lar incidents.
Baidu map has been one step ahead in theinternational market,butcan not bewith unmanned afterthe completion of the domestic business, then go to theinternational marketplace,wi l l depend on whether aninternational market local ization Baidu technical level,butas Baidu international ization an important part of thestrategy, Baidu map the need for a l imited time,withl imited resources, to open the door to the internationalmarket morequickly, improvethe local service as soon aspossible.
If Baidu can seize this opportunity, so in the future,maybe Baidu can become a truly international Internetcompanies, but also as before if Baidu transition from theInternet to the mobi le Internet as slow response, thenprobably not for its international strategy so smooth asimagined. (Source: First view text/compi le Pei Ning: )