Baidu map was traced to automaticallydownload audio product defect orcommercial cooperation?
Research papers Download News: Recently, someusers reported that Baidu to Tuan Zhuo Version 9.3.1 existradio audio fi les automatical ly downloads, and the userdid not know. Baidu responded that this feature doesgive users the inconvenience and distress caused by theuse, and therefore this function in July 5 were processedoffl ine.
Reportusercal led Download Source Himalayan FM
Users also said that in case the phone is 4G network,Baidu map automatical ly downloaded 7 total size of
50.6MB path planning documents, audio fi les, downloadthesource Himalayan FM.
Baidu map Download Source Himalayan consistentURL
There are users know almost analysts said this may be
the resultof Baidu map Himalayan FM and cooperation interms of traffic, Baidu map the user in terms of inventoryof resources, istheuseof the Himalayan FM aspectBaidumap users active in the manufacturing situation.
User l ists Himalayan FM previously flagged imagesprove
Lin Canbin further users know almost beforeuploading brush Himalayan FM amount relevantevidence.However,when asked Sina Technologythis Himalayan FMaspect, the other did not respond.
For this version of Baidu map, the official respondedBaidu given is:
Pro, I’ m sorry for the inconvenience. You said itshould be tingphone function. The original intention ofthisfeatureisto makeusers in the useof radar l ine(si lentnavigation),you can more easi ly hear the season popularaudio programs. Functions are arranged in WiFi wi l l notbe downloaded, because in the function guide andi l l-considered design options,giving you brought troubleto use,we now temporari ly offl ine and optimize the
function. Again you use the inconvenience apologize.
The official responded Baidu Sina science andtechnology, response reads as fol lows:
About ‘Baidu Maps WiFi environment downloadaudio fi les,’ the note
Recently, there are users microblogging issued adocument that Baidu map appear automatical ly in thebackground download audio phenomenon, for thisfeature to the majority of users use the inconvenience anddistress,we apologize. To you some questions about thefunction,as fol lows:
1.After receiving feedback from users,we found thatthis feature does give users the inconvenience anddistress caused by the use, and therefore this function inJuly 5 were processed offl ine. Whether and when thefol low-up on-l ine on-l ine,we wi l l l isten careful ly to theviews of users,we recommend that before making adecision.
2. This function is for users to use our route radarfunction Baidu map design, route radar for the wholenon-voice traffic alert interface environment beaten track,so we try tojoin the audio programs to l isten to popular
features. However, due to lack of adequate informedguide, and a clear user options designed to give users alotof troubleto use.
3.Taking into account the user navigates mostly inthenext mobi le network, we designed this feature todownload l imited only when connected to a WiFi phonewi l l notstart.
4. If yourphonehas downloaded therelevantfi les,youcanusetheFi leManager tool toenterBaiduMap/bnav/tingphone/audio path, the relevant fi les to delete.
We know that user experience is important for aproduct, we wi l l in future product design, functionaldesign this as a warning to avoid simi lar problems fromhappening again. (Source:Sina Technology;Wen/Lee)
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