Baidu announced the international map, saidthe current domestic market share in the first
Research papers Download News:Apri l 19 pm news,Baidu map, today announced the international strategy inBeijing, by the end of 2016 wi l l complete the globalcoverage by 2020 wi l l achieve 50%of the user goal fromoverseas,and eventual ly become a ‘world map’ .
Baidu side said, began in 2014 to explore theinternational, in November that year, Baidu mappioneered on-l ineChinese Hong Kong,Macaoand Taiwanregions and services. Eve of Spring Festival in 2016,on-l ine in Japan, South Korea, Thai land and Singaporemap service; thisyear,March 31, launched theAsia-Pacific11 countries map services, including Malaysia,Maldives,Phi l ippines, Brunei,Vietnam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,Nepal,India Austral ia, New Zealand. Up to now, Baidu mapon-l ine international service has 18 countriesand regions.Andwi l lcovermorethan 150countriesand regionsbytheend of 2016.
Baidualsoannouncedthetermsof theuserdataBaidumap,atpresent,Baidu map inthecountryhas 500 mi l l ion
users,and claimed thataccountformorethan70%marketshare, ranking the industry first.
Baidu CEO Ya-Qin Zhang also said that Baidu Baiduinternational map as an inlet and an important support,wi l l help Baidu in the service, mobi l ity and furtherinternational ization.
According to general manager of Baidu map divisionLidong Min introduction,Baidu map international strategyis divided into three stages:
The first stage, for the 100 mi l l ion Chinese outboundtourism provide mapping services, 2016 covering 150countries and territories.
The second stage, choosing the right target market toprovide local language version of the map service, Baidumapto enhance local influence.
The third stage, Baidu map into a global brand, by2020,50%of users Baidu mapfrom overseas, to becomeatrue ‘world map.’ (Source:Sina Technology)
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