病害[转贴]设计与施工中若干常见病害的防治对策 - Powered By BBSxp

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[转贴]设计与施工中若干常见病害的防治对策- Powered By BBSxp[Keywords] design and construction of a number of commondiseases prevention and control measuresillness

1] andmost of the constructiondesign, theplane sizeof stairsconstruction and structure are the same, in the constructionof the platform at the opposite surface, up and down nosing linewill stagger two surface layer thickness, not in the samestraight line segment. Double run stair well, pretty is eachone according to his lights. Many stairs and bulk finishes,construction plan and construction plan and no change in size,the landing decoration is not good head, so must the bodystructure has been completed on cutting processing, evenstructure is not much, cut bare teeth could see, and thendecorative construction.

[1] if preventive measures in structure of professionaldistribution map of stair plane size according to thecompletion of construction requiredprior to the adjustment canbe avoided for complete knock structure finishing chisel. Inthe design practice, summed up the "uplink, down, closing,width reduction"adjustment experience. As for ordinary cementmortar plastering up 20mm, 20mm, closed down on the boards ofthe ladder width of each side by 20mm ", " 50mm on the stonefacing upward and downward 50mm, boards of the ladder width ofeach side by 50mm", the"brick put 40mm, 40mm uplink downlink,the width of each ladder section board side by 40mm".Three run and run the stairs, playing surface, tread and two

sidesmustbeaffixedto bulk, if youdonot considerthis issue,at the corner at the platform can not head, will not become theplatform angle square square. I said here that the uplink anddownlink, refers to people standing between the two ladderplatform to go up or go down the stairs, according to thestructure conf iguration of the building decoration, the authorsuggests that the collinear nosing line downward on the landing,if

Architects copy Architects

The staircase layout, building decoration, landing down nosingline will stagger the 2 decorative layer thickness, the sideboards of the ladder decorative 3 stairs to head, please onlyworkers to structure that I cut, then I put forward the problemof decoration the purpose is to

Convince the structural engineer to practice according to myrequest. The structure of the distribution map, 40mm~ in theupstream starting boards of the ladder 80mm plate canbe solved,no influence on the stair beam.

[disease 2] the height of the stair railing is measured fromthe foot to the middle, which results in a lower height of therailing than the design requirement.

[prevention and control measures] 2. The height of the stairrailings shall be measured upwards from the leading edge of thegeneral rules of civil building design, so as to ensure thedesign height of the railing. If you take it from the centerline,it is a half mark lower than the design requirement. In addition,

the first floor of the stair corner started to do at least 300mmthe high wall, is conducive to the female angle closure,convenient construction and convenient cleaning after thepaint. Please see figure 1.

[disease 3] drawings mark the number of words height is lessthan 2. 5mm, can not see clearly

[prevention and control measures] 3 should comply with thedrafting standards, to ensure the necessary height of thenumber of words, to prevent mistakes, to avoid hidden dangers.[disease4] inthe designnotes, only the final settlement limitis written, and the offset limit is omitted.

[prevention and control measures] 4 should be in accordancewith the Shanghai Municipal Construction Committee ShanghaiConstruction (99) Document No. 037 set out the basis of thefinal settlement limit value and eccentricity limit.

[disease 5] for houses located on a large area of dark Creeksoil, only piling under the wall and column foundation shallbe carried out, and no treatment will be taken, which willresult in the subsidence of the building after completion andthe use of it.

[prevention and control measures] 5when the project is locatedin a large area of dark Creek soil, in addition to the wall underthe column foundation must be dealt with, but also on the "nowall column foundation of the core of the dark soil"reinforcement. I in this dark soil Bang is generally 3.5m~5m,

reinforced concrete short pile with 200mm*200mm reinforcement,and the concrete floor in proper reinforcement, if not a shortpile, and do not take other measures to reinforce the soft layer,even in the concrete floor in the allocation of thebar, becauseof the low soft substratum and the occurrence of problems.[disease 6] disc steel tensile evacuation test, artificiallylead to the test report elongation index poor or unqualified.[prevention and control measures] 6. Sampling the steel barbefore drawing, and using the wooden hammer to send the sampledirectly, so as to avoid the unreal of the elongation index.[disease 7] inaccurate location of embedded foot bolts.[prevention and control measures] 7 a set of anchor bolts (4or 6) with sporadic steel welded into ageometrically invariantbolt system. Put the base band, and then into the bolt system,and other binding foundation steel formwork to be good afterthe bolt system in place, calibration and fixed, exposed wireteeth should call the butter and proper dressing, preventionof pouring concrete pollution thread.

[8] design strength of concrete disease in write only removalrequirements, but not writing outrigger and the cantileverbeams overturning balanced load requirements in place.

[8] prevention measures design should write formwork concretestrength requirements, but also to write the outrigger orcantilever member overturning balanced load requirements inplace. Site construction should pay special attention to,

especially in the Spring Festival approaching, when theupcoming holiday, some types of people gone, and some types ofworkers still. At this time, balcony outrigger or cantilevermember if the upper room brick wall overturning load balanceis not inverted, the balcony of the bottom plate and thevertical support for do not remove. Even if no overturningaccident occurs, it will cause irreversible permanentdeformation of the component because of the premature effectof overturning load.

[disease 9] the designer did not consider the influence of thethickness of the terrace finish on the actual height of therailings,

The height of the balcony finish to the top of the railing isnot up to standard.

[9] prevention measures should be considered the designerterrace facing layer thickness on the railing of the actualheight reduced, if the designer does not consider the influenceof thickness of the railing terrace facing the actual heightof reduction, construction personnel in the drawings should beput forward to design personnel, to prevent the occurrence ofcomplete surface to the handrail bar terrace top surface of theactual height than the standard requirements the low. Pleasesee figure 2.


Harm 10] water heater heat kitchen building professionalreserved hole and water supply and drainage tube drainage riser

professional layout is to make the water heater heat pipebuilding professional reserved hole white open, which was heavyhole plugging hole.

[10] set the total project control measures should be carefullyinspected the construction drawings and design documents ofeach major, to find out the wrong and missed, touch ", theMinistry of construction project must also be found together,civil engineering and hydropower installation personnel fromvarious professional construction drawings to find the wrong,missed touch", to avoid the water heater heat pipe constructionprofessional kitchen reserved hole and water supply anddrainage drainage riser professional layout is to happen.Please see figure 3.

[disease] 11 air conditioning condensed water wall hole withstrong pre Lingering Garden air conditioning socket positionreference. One is on the south wall, one is on the north wall,one is on the top, one is under.

[11] prevention project is located to carefully look at theprofessional construction design, avoid the use of socketposition reference in the condensed water wall with strong airhole pre Lingering Garden. The construction personnel shouldstrengthen mutual look, find the professional construction ofthe "mistakes, missed, touch", so that the condensation waterwall hole with strong pre Lingering Garden air conditioningsocket and take care of each other. Attention should also bepaid to the locationof the outdoor air conditioner, the placingboard and the air conditioning, and the location of thecondensing water discharge pipe of the outdoor air conditioning.

The outdoor air conditioning condensed water drainage riser Yshape three nozzle height and the condensed water wall shouldbe pre hole care of Lingering Garden.

[disease 12] road pavement concrete thickness and reinforcedconcrete slab thickness repeatedly out of control.

[prevention and control measures] 12, to deal with road surfaceconcrete thickness and cast concrete slab thickness out ofcontrol is a way to use home-made "height measuring tool""."Height measuring tool" selects a steel bar with a length of1600mm and a diameter of 16 or 18 of the garden. A rod is weldedat the thickness of the plate to form a cross shape, and thelower end of the height measuring tool shall be flat headed andbent upside down. Test, wear light industrial boots, standingon the measured surface, "the height measuring" walkingvertically, then the foot measuring crosspiece rod, the loweredge of the concrete surface have rung rod, plate thicknessqualified, rod margin can not touch the rungs of the concretesurface, the thickness of unqualified. See figure 4.

[disease 13] control of the bending angle of welded joint byreinforcing bar.

[prevention and control measures] 13. In order to detect andcontrol the bending angle of the welded joint, the author madea simple ruler for measuring the bending angle of the weldedjoint of the steel bar".

In the 4 x 8 feet on the template saw a width of 60 ~ 80mm andplane straight, collapse, in the middle of the side length, V

notch dug a 16 * 16mm, at a distance of the gap at the central1000mm with a 10 x 50 x (130 ~ 150) small in the wood, and drawthe 5mm interval scale, the total length of a small woodenoverhang for 70mm, because the assessment standard ofreinforced bending welding angle not larger than TG4 = 0.0699degrees, and. With this "steel to welding head bending anglemeasuring ruler" to rely on good steel butt joint, so that thebend angle measuring ruler V shaped notch alignment joints, oneside close, and the other side is not more than 70mm, arequalified. On the contrary, it will not be qualified. Pleasesee figure 5.

[disease 14]

A leatherpole isnot standardized, sign isnot clear, resultingin uneven thickness of mortar mortar, poor flatness, wallmasonry "joint", caused by the lack of vertical mortar jointmortar plumpness. Poor of masonry wall protection measures,concrete beam and column branch wood, in the wall they crossedwith 12 bolts, stripping and beat the wall, so that the wallcracks. Two way force, the floor reinforcement is not full, thegarden steel butt joint when the end of the hook is not made.

[14] preventionmeasures to correct use of skinwall pole, polesign should be crossed skin clear, mortar thickness should beuniform or uniform, gray seam flatness to be straight, not thehead seam wall"

Masonry must ensure the fullness of the vertical joint mortar.On the wall to have products effective protection measures,beam and column branch wood, shall not damage the wall in the

wall through the die with 12 bolts, don't knock the wall duringthe removal of the wall to avoid man-made cracks. Biaxialreinforced force floor must be full bar, garden steel buttbinding endmust be 180 degrees of hook, and at least 3 Daozhasibinding.

[15] the disease does not pay attention to the measurement ofmixed concrete and mortar, concrete mixing machine is notrequired to configure scales, do not weighwith the volume ratioof car, instead of weight ratio, resulting in measurementcontrol.

[15] prevention measures on the measurement of mixed concreteand mortar should be highly valued, concrete mixer must be inaccordance with the provisions of the configuration scales, totry to make the car do not weigh with the volume ratio, insteadof weight ratio, resulting in measurement control. The weightof bagged cement should also be checked regularly.

[disease 16] do not pay attention to settlement observation.Failing to set specific level points for settlement observationaccording to regulations.

[prevention and control measures] 16 should pay enoughattention to settlement observation. In particular, there aredark Creek, uneven foundation soil, but should also attachgreat importance to. The special level points for settlementobservation must be set up according to the specifications anddesign requirements.


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