沉降高层建筑施工中沉降观测技术的应用 - powered by bbsxp(The application of subsidence observation technology in high-rise building construction - powered by BBSXP)

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高层建筑施工中沉降观测技术的应用- powered by bbsxp Theapplication of subsidence observation technology in high-risebuilding construction - powered by BBSXP

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With the constant progress of the society, materialcivilization greatly enhance and architectural design andconstruction technology of mature gradually perfect, at thesame time, also because of diminishing land resources and theincreasingly prominent contradiction between populationgrowth, tall and super-tall building, more and more. In orderto ensure the normal service life of buildings/structures andbuilding, safety, and provide reliable data for the followingconstruction survey and design and the correspondingsettlement parameter, construction, the necessity andimportance of settlement observation are becoming ever moreobvious.

The existingnorms also stipulate that the high-risebuildings,high-rise buildings, important ancient buildings and

continuous production facilities, power equipment bases andlandslide monitoring should be observed.

Especially in high-rise buildings settlement observationstrengthening process monitoring in the construction process,and guide the reasonable construction process, to preventappear uneven settlement in the process of construction, timelyfeedback information for survey and design and constructiondepartments to provide detailed information, to avoid the mainstructure of the building damage caused by the subsidence oraffect the use function of crack structure, cause huge economiclosses.

Based on the application of subsidence observation in theconstruction of high-rise buildings, this paper discusses theobservation of settlement observation in the construction ofhigh-rise buildings.

The basic requirements of settlement observation

1. Requirements for equipment and personnel quality

According to the characteristics of the settlement observationaccuracy high, in order to accurately reflect the architecturalstructures under constant load for the settlement of cases, thegeneral provisions of measurement error should be less than thedeformation value of 1/10-1/20, therefore should be used forsettlement observation precision level (S1 or S05 level) , thelevel ruler also should use the environment and the temperaturechanging meat small high precision of indium

The alloy level ruler. Use the first ruler as much as possibleusing the normal ruler without the alloy level of indium.The requirements of personnel quality must be subject toprofessional learning and skill training.

Familiar with instrument operation procedures, familiar withmeasurement theory can according to different engineeringcharacteristics, specific circumstances in differentobservation methods and observation program, in the process ofimplementing the problem to analyze the reasons and accuratelyby using the theory of error adjustment calculation, do, rapidand accurate for each observation tasks on time

2. Requirements for observation time

The settlement observation of buildings/structures has strictrestrictions to the time, especially for the first timeobservation should be carried out on time, otherwise can notget the original data of settlement measurement, but theobservations can not get the full meaning. The other stagesshall be retested at regular intervals according to theprogress of the project and shall not be missed or retested.Only in this way can the accurate settlement condition or rulebe obtained. Adjacent two time interval is called anobservation period, the general settlement observation ofhigh-rise buildings in a certain time period for theobservation period (such as: time / 30 days) or by loadingsituation every layer of the building (or layers) is anobservation period, no matter what way must be observationcycle on time as stipulated in the measuring scheme.

3. Requirements of observation points

In order to be able to reflect the accurate settlement of theconstructed structures, the settlement observation pointsshould be buried in the position that best reflects thesettlement characteristics and facilitates the observation. Itis generally required that the settlement observation pointson the buildings should be symmetrical and the spacing betweenadjacent points should be 15 to 30 meters, evenly distributedaroundthebuilding. Usually, there is a special on the buildingdesign drawing

The settlement of the door to the observation point layout.Also, embedding the settlement observation point to conform tothe requirements of the observation of each construction stage,especially considering the veneer decoration stage because ofthe wall or column construction and destruction or disguisedobservation point, does not lose observation value continuousobservation.

4. The settlement observation should follow the principle of"five definite"

The so-called"five fixed", which is usually referred to as thebase point, basis point of settlement observation, andsettlement observation point on the observed object, should bestable. Use instruments and equipment to be stable; Theobserver should be stable; The environmental conditions ofobservation are basically consistent. The observation route,

mirror position, procedure and method should be fixed. Theabove measures objectively to minimize ambiguity ofobservation error and the measured results have unifiedtendency, ensure that all survey results consistent with theobservation results are comparable for the first time, make theobservation of settlement more real.

5. Test requirements

The operation method and the observation procedure of theinstrument and equipment should be familiar and correct. Theindexes of the instruments used shall be checkedand calibratedbefore the first observation, and the measurement units shallbe certified as necessary. Continuously use 3 -- 6 months tore-check the equipment and equipment.

During the observation, the operators should cooperate witheach other, coordinate their work, carefully and carefully.

6. Requirements for settlement observation accuracy

According to the characteristics of the building and theconstruction of the design unit, the settlement observationprecision is selected. In the absence of any particularrequirement,

In the process of construction of general high-riseconstruction, the observation method of second-class levelmeasurement can meet the requirement of settlement observation.In the construction process of hebei traffic training center,we adopt the second-class water measurement method.

The observations are as follows:

(1) round-trip, echo or loop closure: delta h= sigma a - sigmab is less than or equal to l square root of n-, indicating thenumber of stations. (or delta h equals sigma a minus sigma bis less than or equal to 1.0 square root of L -- and L meansthe distance from the observation path)

(2) front and rear view distance: not equal to 30m

(3) front and back distance: less than 1.0 m

(4) the cumulative difference between front and back is equalto 3.0 m

(5) the height difference of the settlement observation pointrelative to the rear view point is less than 1.0 mm

(6) the accuracy of the level is not lower than the N2 level

7. Settlement observation results and calculationrequirementsThe original data should be true and reliable, and the recordsand calculations should conform to the requirements of theconstruction measurement specifications, according to thecorrect, rigorous and orderly, step by step verification, theresults of the effective principle of the results collationandcalculation.

2. Specific application procedures and procedures

1. Establish leveling control network

Accordingto the characteristics of the engineering layout, thescene of the environmental conditions for measurement formeasuring scheme, the construction units to provide the levelof control point precision traverse points (or city) accordingto the engineering measure for measuring scheme and theprinciples of net demand level control network is established.Requirements:

(1) the general high-rise buildings should be surrounded bythree levels of above, and the spacing of the standard pointsshould be no more than 100 meters.

(2) at least two level points are erected in any place in thepresent area, and close graphics are formed at each level inthe field to close the inspection.

(3) the level points should be located outside the excavationof buildings, ground settlement and vibration zones, and thelevel of depth should meet the requirements of second-classlevel measurement (more than 1. 5 meters) .

According to the characteristics of the project, a reasonablelevel control network is established, and the elevation of eachlevel is calculated with the reference point. 2. Establishfixed observation route

The position of the settlement observationpoint is determinedby the site level control network and the settlement

observation point diagram of the settlement observation point.A fixed observation route is established between the controlpoint and the settlement observation point, and the markingpile is made at the point of erection of the instrument siteand the turning point to ensure that all observations followthe uniform route.

3. Settlement observation

The first observation should be carried out in time after theobservation point is stable, according to the proposed projectand the determined observation period. General high-risebuildings have one or several layers of underground structure,should first observation since foundation, on the basis ofvertical and horizontal axis based bureau (edge) according tothe designed position embedding settlement observation point(temporary) , such as temporary observation point establishedgood, for the first time.

The elevationvalue of the settlement observation point for thefirst observation is the basis for the comparison of thesubsequent observations, and the accuracy requirement is veryhigh, and it is generallyused in the test of N2 or N3 precisionlevel.

It is alsorequired that the first elevation of each observationpoint should be determined after two observations in the sameperiod.

With each additional layer of the structure, the temporaryobservation point is moved to a layer and observed until a

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