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Chinese Department graduation thesis, Chinese direction paper,reference topic

Chinese Department graduation thesis, Chinese direction paper,reference topic 1. , word order in Chinese grammar function

2. , the musical beauty of the condensed sentence

The beauty of music 3. reduplicated words

4. little infix

5. metaphor in "Besieged City"

6. parables in Eileen Chang' s Novels

7. , the vertical rhetoric

8. , the role of context in rhetoricThe origin of 9. common words

10. idioms in "Book of Songs"

11. , "quasi idiom" said slightly

12. Zhao Shuli' s language style

13. , "yes", Jane said

14. , "Adverb + noun" structure theory

15. network terms slightly

16. new words and phrases

Of 17. children.

18. , what' s the grammatical meaning?

19. , "clutch word" questioned

20. try intransitive verbs with objects

21. , several ways to create new words

22. abbreviations in modern Chinese

23. , the rhetoric of mobile phone text messages

24. rhetorical phenomena in advertising language

25. foreign words in modern Chinese

The role of the 26. foreign language rhetoric

In the 27. Parody in advertisements variation

On the 28. Chinese characters stroke effect

29. network language features

Discussion on 30. sentences of belonging

31. language features of Zhao Shuli' s works

32. , the rules and patterns of word meaning extensionA comparative study of word order between 33. ancient Chineseand modern Chinese

34. , word order plays an important role in grammar

35. brief analysis of Chinese word order and rhetoric

36. homophonic rhetoric and Chinese culture

37. "the significance of the study

38. duality and Chinese culture

39. on the musical beauty of language

An analysis of the function of 40. contraction sentences

41. idioms in "Book of Songs"

42. , "modern Chinese Dictionary" refers to the flaw

43. . Reduplication of nouns in Shanxi dialect

44. say, "you!""

45. rhetoric and context

46. he and Han culture

47. rhetorical phenomena in advertising words

The rhetoric of 48. names

49. female language

50. network name view

51. , the homophonic meaning of network language

52. vocabulary development and language variation

53. pairs of "comrade" address

54. , the origin of Separable Words

55. campus catchwords and contemporary college students'Psychology

Analysis of errors in pop songs lyrics 56.

57. , "talk about behavior culture""

58. , a brief discussion on the advantages and disadvantages ofusing metaphor in a dream of Red Mansions

59. , the advantages and disadvantages of homophonicadvertising words

60. on the art of news headlines

The 61. official language and the mountain of the sea"

62. the name of culture and society

63. grammatical phenomena of Degree Adverb + noun

Study on 64. interjections of "Peony Pavilion".

65. discussion on exaggeration classification in modernChinese Textbooks

66. children food brand name research

67. vague language and hazy beauty

Application of 68.X language in the novel

69. , "network language" explore

70. Chinese culture and rhetoric

71. on situation language"

72. advertising language research

73. name culture research

74. on the application of costume culture language

75. , discuss the Chinese morpheme

76. , the relation between word meaning and context

77. the use of sememe analysis in Chinese Teaching

78. the role of semantic field theory in language learning

79. , the theoretical issues of Chinese words

80. , the basic structure of Chinese units

Recognition of the relationship between 81. characters andChinese

82. , the relationship between semantics and grammar

83. context study

84. , ambiguity structure

Doubts and solutions in the analysis of 85. complex sentencesA review of Chinese syntactic analysis in 86.

87. , rhetoric, new case, induction

88. , the artistic way of common words

Comparison of 89. figures of speech

A probe into the causes of 90. figures of speech

91. the style of speech in a writer' s work

92. the linguistic features of a writer' s work

93. summary of rhetorical research

94. the relation between Chinese grammar and rhetoric

95. speak Chinese syllables

96. speak homophones

97. speak synonyms

98. . The division of word class in Chinese

Combined 99. Chinese wordformation (partial formal, verbcomplement type can also choose one)

100. recursion and the syntactic structure of Chinese

101. function words and Chinese grammar form

102. borrowings in Chinese

103. , the standardization of modern Chinese Language Research(a certain aspect of the problem)

104. Mandarin phonetics research (in one respect)

105. x x (or x x writer works) language research

106. network Chinese Research

107. sentence (or sentence pattern) research (select somecharacteristic sentences)

108. modern Chinese function words (select some function words)


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