解决方法XP启动滚动条跑很多圈的解决方法(XP starts the solution to running many circles around the scroll bar)

xp滚动条  时间:2021-02-01  阅读:()

XP启动滚动条跑很多圈的解决方法XP starts the solution torunning many circles around the scroll bar

XP starts the solution to running many circles around the scrollb ar

First of all, if your computer is a new one, and you're goingto have a lot of loops for any system, that' s because of theoptical drive.

The solution:

1. Set the optical drive line to the main disk.

Two. If it' s a DVD, it' s recommended to use the ATA100 line.Third, as the reason is not solved, is the compatibility issue,need to change the optical drive.

If your computer doesn't have this problem before, it' s thelatest problem, which is the wrong setting.

The solution:

One. In my computer-right-click- the hardware -the hardwaremanager-the IDE controller-the main (secondary) IDE channel- advanced, set the automatic detection port to "no"

Two. Modify the registry.

Save the following as a text document, then change the extension

of the text document to.reg, double-click the file, import theregistry, restart the computer, and you can fix it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop]

"AutoEndTasks" = "1"

"HungAppTi meout" = "100"

"Wai tToKil lAppTimeout" = "500"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Contro l]"WaitToKillServiceTimeout" = "500"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Contro l,Sess ion Manager, the Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000005

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Contro l,Sess ion Manager, the Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000001

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Contro l,Sess ion Manager, the Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]"VideoInitTime" = dword: 0000042 f

"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000001

"AppLaunchMaxNumPages =" dword: 00000 f a0

"AppLaunchMaxNumSec t ions" = dword: 000000 aa

"AppLaunchTimerPeriod =" hex: 80,69,67, ff, f f, ff, ff, f f"BootMaxNumPages =" dword: 0001 f400

"BootMaxNumSecti ons =" dword: 00000 ff0

"BootTimerPeriod =" hex: 00, f2, d8, f8, ff, ff, ff, ff"MaxNumAct i veTraces =" dword: 00000008

"MaxNumSav edTrac e s =" dwo rd: 00000008

"RootDirPath" = "Prefetch"

"Hos t ingAppLi st" = "DLLHOST. EXE, MMC. EXE, RUNDLL32. EXE"Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Contro l,Sess ion Manager, the Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]

"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000001

Reduce startup scrolling time

Every time Windows XP is started, the blue scrollbar will gomany times, but here we can also reduce the scrolling time tospeed up the startup. Open the registry editor, find theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SYSTEM \ \ CurrentControl Set \ \ \ \Sess ion Manager\ \ \Memory Management \ \PrefetchParameters,f ind the EnablePrefetcher primary key on the right, and changeits default value to 1, so that the scrolling time will bereduced.

Speed up

When the machine is shut down in XP, the system sends a messageto the running program and the remote server, tells them thesystem is tobe shut down, andwaits toreceive a responsebeforethe system starts shutting down. To speed up the startup, youcan set up the automatic end task first, first find theHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \ Control Panel \ \ Desktop, and set thekey value of AutoEndTasks to 1. Then there is a"HungAppTimeout"under the branch, put it to change the value of"4000 (or less) ,the default value is 50000, and then find the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ \Sys tem\ \CurrentControl Set \ \Control\ \, also the WaitToKillServiceTimeout is set to" 4000 "; bythis set off significantly fast.

My computer - attributes - hardware - device manager - IDEcontrol ler-master (time) wants IDE channel (two) -attributes

- advanced Settings - device 1 device type is set to noneFolder options - look for the hooks removed from the automaticsearch network folders and printers

Remove menu delay

In order to achieve visual sense, the menu in Windows XP willhave a sliding effect when opened, but it will also slow downthe opening. We can find the "MenuShowDelay" primary key underthe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ \Control Panel \ \Desktop, and changeits value to "0" to remove the effect of the menu delay.Increase broadband speed

The professional version of Windows XP keeps 20% of thebandwidth by default, which doesn' t really work for ourindividual users. In particular, it is better to make good useof it.

Enter gpedit.msc in "start - run" and open the group policyeditor. Find "computer conf igurat ion - > management template- > network- >QoS packet scheduler", choose the right of the"restrictions may retain bandwidth", choose "properties" openthe restrictions may retain bandwidth properties dialog box,select the "disable". This frees up the reserved bandwidth.Start running msconfig enter, start up, check anti-virussoftware, firewall, input method. Other hooks are removed,Confirm, close, quit not restart the computer.

Attention: anti-virus software ruixing is the beginning of thefire, jinshan is kav beginning, jiangmin may also be kvbeginning, McCoffee

It starts with shstat, and NORTON' s is SNDMon and vptray. Exe,kavsvce. Exe is kaspersky.

Firewall, RFWbegins with a ruixing firewall, KFWmay be jinshan,input method 98 /me / 2000 input method is internat, XP/ 2003input method is ctfmon.

Reduce startup scrolling time

Every time Windows XP is started, the blue scrollbar will gomany times, but here we can also reduce the scrolling time tospeed up the startup. Open the registry editor, find theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SYSTEM \ \ CurrentControl Set \ \ \ \Sess ion Manager\ \ \Memory Management \ \PrefetchParameters,f ind the EnablePrefetcher primary key on the right, and changeits default value to 1, so that the scrolling time will bereduced.

Speed up

When the machine is shut down in XP, the system sends a messageto the running program and the remote server, tells them thesystem is tobe shut down, andwaits toreceive a responsebeforethe system starts shutting down. To speed up the startup, youcan set up the automatic end task first, first find theHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \ Control Panel \ \ Desktop, and set the

key value of AutoEndTasks to 1. Then there is a"HungAppTimeout"under the branch, put it to change the value of"4000 (or less) ,the default value is 50000, and then find the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ \Sys tem\ \CurrentControl Set \ \Control\ \, also the WaitToKillServiceTimeout is set to" 4000 "; bythis set off significantly fast.

My computer - attributes - hardware - device manager - IDEcontrol ler-master (time) wants IDE channel (two) -attributes- advanced Settings - device 1 device type is set to noneFolder options - look for the hooks removed from the automaticsearch network folders and printers

Remove menu delay

In order to achieve visual sense, the menu in Windows XP willhave a sliding effect when opened, but it will also slow downthe opening. We can find the "MenuShowDelay" primary key underthe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ \Control Panel \ \Desktop, and changeits value to "0" to remove the effect of the menu delay.Increase broadband speed

The professional version of Windows XP keeps 20% of thebandwidth by default, which doesn' t really work for ourindividual users. In particular, it is better to make good useof it.

Enter gpedit.msc in "start - run" and open the group policyeditor. Find "computer conf igurat ion - > management template

- > network- >QoS packet scheduler", choose the right of the"restrictions may retain bandwidth", choose "properties" openthe restrictions may retain bandwidth properties dialog box,select the "disable". This frees up the reserved bandwidth.Start running msconfig enter, start up, check anti-virussoftware, firewall, input method. Other hooks are removed,Confirm, close, quit not restart the computer.

Attention: anti-virus software ruixing is the beginning of thefire, jinshan is kav beginning, jiangmin may also be kvbeginning, McCoffee

It starts with shstat, and NORTON' s is SNDMon and vptray. Exe,kavsvce. Exe is kaspersky.

Firewall, RFWbegins with a ruixing firewall, KFWmay be jinshan,input method 98 /me / 2000 input method is internat, XP/ 2003input method is ctfmon.

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