
xp滚动条  时间:2021-02-01  阅读:()


XP starts a scroll-running solution in many circles

First of all, if your computer is a new one, and you're goingto have a lot of loops for any system, that' s because of theoptical drive.

The solution:

One. Set the optical drive line.

Two. If it' s a DVD, it' s recommended to use the ATA100 line.Third, as the case is not solved, it is the compatibilityproblem, need to change the optical drive.

If your computer doesn't have this problembefore, it' s a recentproblem, and that' s the wrong setting.

The solution:

One. In my computer, right click, properties, hardware,hardware manager - IDE control ler -major (minor) IDE channel- advanced, the automatic detection of port is set to "no"Second, modify the registry.

To save to the following content in a text document, and thenchange the extension of a text document to. Reg, double-clickthe file, or import the registry, restart the computer, can bedone.

The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop]

"AutoEndTasks" = "1"

"HungAppTi meout" = "100"

"Wai tToKil lAppTimeout" = "500"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControl Set \ Contro l]"WaitToKillServiceTimeout" = "500"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentContro lSet \ Control \Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000005

The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentContro lSet \ Control \Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000001

The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentContro lSet \ Control \Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]

"VideoInitTime" = dword: 0000042 f

"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000001

"AppLaunchMaxNumPages =" dword: 00000 f a0

"AppLaunchMaxNumSec t ions" = dword: 000000 aa

"AppLaunchTimerPeriod" = hex: 80,69,67, ff, f f, ff, ff, f f"BootMaxNumPages =" dword: 0001 f400

"BootMaxNumSecti ons =" dword: 00000 ff0

"BootTimerPeriod" = hex: 00, f2, d8, f8, ff, ff, ff, ff"MaxNumAct i veTraces =" dword: 00000008

"MaxNumSav edTrac e s =" dwo rd: 00000008

"RootDirPath" = "Prefetch"

"HostingAppLi st" = "dl lhost. exe, mmc.exe, rundll 32. exe"The Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentContro lSet \ Control \Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters]"EnablePrefetcher =" dword: 00000001

Reduce startup scrolling time

Every time you start Windows XP, the blue scrollbars go a lotlonger, but we can also reduce the scrolling time to speed upthe startup. Open the registry editor, find the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ \SYSTEM\ \CurrentControl Set \ \Control\ \ Session Manager \ \ the Memory Management \ \

PrefetchParameters, find EnablePrefetcher primary key on theright, the default value of 3 to 1, it can decrease this scrollbar rolling time.

Speed up

In XP, the overspending: the system will send a message to runthe program and the remote server, tell their system to shutdown, and wait for received a response system to power off. Tospeed up the boot, you can set up automatic end tasks,First, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \Control Panel \Desktop,setting the key value of AutoEndTasks to 1 ; Then there is a"HungAppTimeout" under the branch, put it to change the valueof "4000 (or less) , the default value is 50000, and then findthe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ System \ \ CurrentControlSet \ \Control \ \, also the WaitToKillServiceTimeout is set to" 4000"; by this set off significantly fast.

My computer - property - hardware - device manager - IDEcontroller - the main () to IDE channel (two) - property -advanced Settings - equipment 1 device type set as no

Folder options - look for the hooks removed from the automaticsearch network folder and printer

Remove menu delay

In order to achieve visual sense, the menu in Windows XP willhave a sliding effect when it opens, but it will also slow theopening. We can f ind the "MenuShowDelay" primary key under theHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \Control Panel \ \Desktop and change itsvalue to "0" to remove the menu delay effect.

Speed up broadband

The professional version of Windows XP holds 20% of thebandwidth by default, which doesn' t work for our individualusers. In particular, it is better to make the most of it.Enter gpedit.msc in "start to run" and open the group policyeditor. Find "computer conf igurat ion - > management template- > network- >QoS packet scheduler", choose the right of the"restrictions may retain bandwidth", choose "properties" openthe restrictions may retain bandwidth properties dialog box,select the "disable". This frees up the reserved bandwidth.Start running msconfig back, start, check out anti-virussoftware, firewall, input method. Other hooks are removed,Determine, close, and exit from the computer.

Note: the antivirus software is the beginning of the game, thegolden hill is the beginning of kav, and the jiangmin may also

be the beginning of kv, the McCafe

It' s the beginning of shstat. NORTON' s is SNDMon and vptray.Firewalls, RFW, which starts with the ruistar f irewall, KFW maybe kingsoft, the input method 98 / me / 2000 input method isinternat, XP / 2003 input method is ctfmon.

Reduce startup scrolling time

Every time you start Windows XP, the blue scrollbars go a lotlonger, but we can also reduce the scrolling time to speed upthe startup. Open the registry editor, find the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ \SYSTEM\ \CurrentControl Set \ \Control\ \ Session Manager \ \ the Memory Management \ \

PrefetchParameters, find EnablePrefetcher primary key on theright, the default value of 3 to 1, it can decrease this scrollbar rolling time.

Speed up

In XP, the overspending: the system will send a message to runthe program and the remote server, tell their system to shutdown, and wait for received a response system to power off. Tospeed up the boot, you can set up the automatic end task first,f irst find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \Control Panel \ \Desktopand set the key value of AutoEndTasks to 1 ; Then there is a"HungAppTimeout" under the branch, put it to change the valueof "4000 (or less) , the default value is 50000, and then findthe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ System \ \ CurrentControlSet \ \Control \ \, also the WaitToKillServiceTimeout is set to" 4000

"; by this set off significantly fast.

My computer - property - hardware - device manager - IDEcontroller - the main () to IDE channel (two) - property -advanced Settings - equipment 1 device type set as noFolder options - look for the hooks removed from the automaticsearch network folder and printer

Remove menu delay

In order to achieve visual sense, the menu in Windows XP willhave a sliding effect when it opens, but it will also slow theopening. We can f ind the "MenuShowDelay" primary key under theHKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \Control Panel \ \Desktop and change itsvalue to "0" to remove the menu delay effect.

Speed up broadband

The professional version of Windows XP holds 20% of thebandwidth by default, which doesn' t work for our individualusers. In particular, it is better to make the most of it.Enter gpedit.msc in "start to run" and open the group policyeditor. Find "computer conf igurat ion - > management template- > network- >QoS packet scheduler", choose the right of the"restrictions may retain bandwidth", choose "properties" openthe restrictions may retain bandwidth properties dialog box,select the "disable". This frees up the reserved bandwidth.Start running msconfig back, start, check out anti-virus

software, firewall, input method. Other hooks are removed,Determine, close, and exit from the computer.

Note: the antivirus software is the beginning of the game, thegolden hill is the beginning of kav, and the jiangmin may alsobe the beginning of kv, the McCafe

It' s the beginning of shstat. NORTON' s is SNDMon and vptray.Firewalls, RFW, which starts with the ruistar f irewall, KFW maybe kingsoft, the input method 98 / me / 2000 input method isinternat, XP / 2003 input method is ctfmon.

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