滚动条减少xp开机滚动条攻略(Reduce xp startup scroll bar attack)

xp滚动条  时间:2021-02-01  阅读:()

减少xp开机滚动条攻略Reduce xp startup scroll bar attackOne, Windows XP system is the most powerful start accelerationtechnique

First, open the "system properties" (right-clicking on mycomputer-attributes, or open the"system" in the control panel,shortcut key win + pause break) point "advanced" TAB, in theopen"start and fault recovery" zone "Settings", remove the twosquare root in the "system start" zone, if it is a multiplesystem users to keep "show time" list of the operating system) .Click "edit" to determine the additional attribute of the bootitem to/fastdetect instead of nodetect, and do notadd/noguiboot property, as guiboot is used later.

The next step is the key, in the "system properties" open"hardware" TAB, open the "device manager", "IDE ATA/ATAPIcontroller", double-click to open the "secondary IDE channel"attribute, point the advanced Settings TAB, change the transfermode of equipment 1 and 2 to the DMA if available, device typeif you can choose "no" is selected as "no", point to determinethe complete set, set the "main IDE channel" in the same way.Open the registry (start - run - regedit) and click "find" on"my computer" to open the "edit"menu, enter AutoEndTasks, andclick "find next". Double-click to open the found result tomodify the "numeric data" to 1. , then can be found at the bottomof the AutoEndTasks HungAppTimeout WaitToKillAppTimeout, set"value data" to 2000 or less, by the way, here is the menu ofdelay time change, under AutoEndTasks f ind MenuShowDelay,numerical in milliseconds, delay is set to 0 if youwant to cutoff the menu.

Modify the "edit" menu, open "find the next" (F3) , and modifythe found results in one step.

Now that the acceleration of the start and shutdown has beencompleted, restart the computer to feel the sensation of thespeed start, the scroll bar is just a circle or two.

Enjoy the pleasure of the extreme restart after we will havea further speed up the start, open the "system properties" -the "advanced" - "start and fault recovery" Settings, open theeditor of "system start" area, behind the fastdetectplus/noguiboot, this won't show the scroll bar at start-up time.If you like this scroll bar, you don't have to do it.

PS: tested, the computer is not well equipped with the memoryof the 128MBXP system. After optimization, the startup time isobviously accelerated, and the scroll bar can' t wait to openthe system with more than 1 lap.

Second, the second method

1. Speed up the switching machine

InWindows XP, the system sends a message to the running programand the remote server, tells them the system is closed, andwaits to receive a response before the system starts shuttingdown. To speed up the startup, you can set up the automatic endtask first, f irst f ind the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control

Panel/Desktop, and set the key value of AutoEndTasks to 1. Thenthere is a"HungAppTimeout"under the branch, which changes its

value to "4000 (or less) , with a default of 50000;

And then find the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control, alsothe WaitToKillServiceTimeout is set to"4000"; By doing so, theshutdown speed is significantly faster.

2. Optimized hardware

If you don't have any extra USB devices in your home, disableall USB devices in the "device manager, universal serial buscontroller". This method can reduce your XP startup time byabout 15 seconds.

Also, if your house is only a piece of hard disk or drive, canbe in "device manager - IDE ATA/ATAPI controller" in the"primary and secondary IDE channel -advanced Settings" in the"equipment 1 - type" is set to none.

3. Optimize visual effects

As we all know, in Windows XP in menu effects than win9x waitbrother is very beautiful, but for small memory user, toogorgeous, takes up too much memory, (even the 256 MB of memoryis basically met ~ ~ ~ ~ ~) and how to modify? Please followme:

(1) . Please right click on the "my computer" choose

"properties", select "advanced" in the classification view -"performance", "performance options"window will pop up at thistime, select "adjust for best performance" here all the

animation menu can be removed. You should be able to feel a lotfaster, if you don' t feel fast enough, look down.

(2) . Open the registry editor, find the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \branch of the Desktop, double-click on the rightwindow MenuShowDelay key name, this is the scope of a value of0~100000 (milliseconds) , the next will be to change the valueof zero by default.

Optimize your online neighbors

Windows XP online neighbors when use the system will search yourShared directory and can be used as a network share printersand planning tasks associated with network plan tasks, and thendisplayed, this will obviously slow a lot. These functions canbe deleted if we don't have much use for them. Found in theregistry editor

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/sof eware/Microsof t/Windows/CurrentVers ion/Exploer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace, delete the increment(printer) and {c6a D6277990-4-11 cf8d87-00 aa0060f5bf} (task) ,restart your computer, access online neighbors once again, youwill find a lot faster.

5. Speed up the startup

Speed up the startup of Windows XP. Modify the registry toachieve a goal, in the registry editor, find the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentContro lSet/Control/Se ssi onManager/Management/PrefetchParameters Memory, f ind

EnablePrefetcher primary key on the right, it' s the defaultvalue is 3 to 1, this scroll bar rolling time wouldbe reduced;

6. Automatically close the stop response program

On some occasions, XP will prompt you to so-and-so programstopped responding, very vexed, by modifying the registry wecan let its own closed, in the heart of the

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop character keys isAutoEndTasks numerical data changes to 1, cancelled or startagain.

7. Speed up the menu display

In order to speed up the menu display, we can be set accordingto the following way: we can be found under the

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop "MenuShowDelay"primary keys, put it to change the value of "0" can reach theeffect of speed up the menu display.

8. Remove DLL files that are not used in memory

In the registry

HKKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Mi cro soft/Windows/CurrentVer s ion, increase AlwaysUnloadDLL with an item in the Explorer, thedefault value is set to 1. Note: if the default value is setto 0, this function is disabled.

9. Speed up the reading ability to improve the startup speedWindows XP prereading setting can speed up the system and speedup the boot. Modified in accordance with the following methodscan make the best use of the CPU efficiency further:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentContro lSet/Control/Se ssi onManager/Management/PrefetchParameters Memory on the rightside of the window, change the EnablePrefetcher numerical datais as follows, such as the use of more than 800 MHZ CPU PIIIsuggestion will numerical data changes for 4 or 5, or suggestkeep numerical data for the default value is 3.

10. Reduce load items at startup

S tart - > run - open

Enter msconfig and then find the "start" TAB, find the boot inthe list, and remove the edge check. Except for "ctfmon".The last point - make sure - reset the computer.

Many applications in the installation will be added to thesystem startup group without permission, each system willautomatically start running, this not only extended the startuptime, and start after the completion of the system resource hasbeen consumed!

Start "system configuration utility", in the "start" in theitem lists the system startup loading project and source, takea closer look at whether you need it automatically loaded, orclean up before the project check box, the less loaded project,launched in natural healing fast. This needs to be rebooted totake effect.

11. Run the input gpedit.msc into the group strategy, removethe launch welcome screen, and remove the boot detection


After the above Settings, basically can enter WINDOWS within6 laps.

Reduce xp startup scroll bar attack (2)

1. Disable the zip folder function

The H W C ~ q"

If you open the zip files with winzip or winrar software, theoptimization is quite a good optimization, Windows XP built-into the zip file, we can put the zip file as a folder browsing.However, the system USES some of the resources to do this, sodisabling this feature improves system performance. Theimplementation method is very simple, just cancel theregistration of the zipfl.dll. N < ("/B

1've hIR

Run: regsvr32 / u zipfldr.

Jzd7KL9 u

2. Reduce boot disk scan waiting time. You will see the effectimmediately after restart. Kn! 9 z ks

Gd T01z:

S tar t - run: CHKNTFS/t: 0 & F, m 'b [G

L = ^

3. Delete the system backup files, and after all the hardwareand software is installed,

XP needs to update the files very rarely. Luc * J B

M: Z fe2C:

Run: SFC. Exe/purgecache. XEnlxTKl

H k > tex-mex

Then enter the car, can save 100 trillion. 3 h DJ % sq $? \ KnB Ja&HP

If you're worried, don't do it. It' ll save space, not speed.BYZ; $< - *

RBg] u [z}

4. Start to run: services. MSC to enter XP with the servicemodification list

I = Lp_9. =; H.

Optional "close", "manual", "automatic" in the attributes ofeach service in the list. 4 'YFHaTl >

Z J jR, m

Alert - error alarm. (closed) O Ptf! E

- 'V @ & | c `

Application layer gateway service - services for third-partynetwork sharing/firewall support, some firewall/networksharing software needs. Take 1. 5 MB of memory. (closed) &. 1wip\}

3 M $E, p, F

Application management-for setting, publishing, and deletingsoftware services. N wr pTcm

F! Gv | H I

Automatic updates-Windows updates automatically. (closed) @&U _e c

Z] > "e gCj

Background intelligent transfer service- this service is usedto realize the information transmission between http1. 1 server.Microsoft says that it supports the breaking point of Windowsupdate when it is renewed. Tu! o

2 > Dki9n ~ / e

Clipbook - USES a LAN computer to share the content of





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