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在 线翻译  时间:2022-03-03  阅读:()


In this paper, glass fiber reinforced plastic boats on the high-speed taxiing characteristics of the state of ship, glide principle, resistance characteristics, dynamic stability, seakeeping, and so on. From a small glass fiber reinforced plastic yacht hull form characteristics of the principle of the use of the ship to its stability are analyzed to determine the stability criterion parameters, pare the stability parameters of the safety performance of yachts. Yacht found that the radius of the initial stability under load with the width of the waterline can be seen as similar and proportional to the square relationship between the type of yacht for the stability calculation of a more simple criterion method. To ensure vertical stability is the design of small boats an important issue. To maintain the hull floating heart is located near the center of gravity to reduce speed after the dolphins have the phenomenon of effective measures. Speed of the prism transition coefficient ording to slightly less than the general "best prism factor," the principle of selection, so that the performance of their resistance is beneficial. And described the integrated system MAXSURF shipbuilding high-speed fiberglass boats in the design of the function, structure, program design methods puter-aided system of glass fiber reinforced plastic boats and performance-based design, the shorter FRP boat design time.


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