分类广告报纸分类广告的现状与展望(Present situation and Prospect of classified advertisements in newspapers)

报纸分类广告  时间:2021-01-26  阅读:()

报纸分类广告的现状与展望Present situation and Prospect ofclassified advertisements in newspapers

The media in the media: status quo and Prospect of classifiedadvertisements in newspapers

Date: 2009-1-12 14:59:20 source: media in the media the author:Under the condition of market economy, advertising revenue isan important economic source, so most of the newspaper, theadvertising business is a very important link for a newspaper.Generally speaking, the newspaper advertisements can bedivided into industrial and commercial advertising andclassified ads, most of the newspaper on the two kinds ofadvertising business adopt different policies, this paperbriefly analyzes the operating characteristics of thenewspaper classified ads inChina as well as the classifiedadsDevelopment Status and prospects of development of China' snewspaper classified ads make outlook.

Classified ads: an important source of newspaper advertisingrevenue

The newspaper classifiedads generally refers to non industrialand commercial advertisements are relatively fixed in position,small size, in most cases the "get together", and by industry,in order to facilitate the readers to find. Classifiedadvertising has the characteristics of short length, low costand convenience, due to the development of classified ads onforeign media earlier, the development is relatively mature.According to the statistics in 1998 the United States media

strength, the newspaper classified advertising area accountsfor more than 50%of the total area of newspaper advertising,newspaper advertising revenue accounts for about 40%of totalrevenue, while the average American newspaper advertisingrevenue for the newspaper all about 75%of revenue, 30%of totalrevenue in the newspaper visible from classified ads on thenewspaper operators and this is a source of funds can not beignored. According to the Newspaper Association of America (NAA)2000 annual report shows that 55%of adults in the United Statesclassified ads readers to browse the newspaper. This shows thatin foreign countries, especially the United States the worldupload media industry is highly developed countries, thenewspaper classified advertising business has been quitemature, and has been accepted most readers.

The classified ads in the United States in such economicdevelopment in developed countries is so mature, although itshighly developed media industry environment, but moreimportant is the foreign media to fully tap the variousfunctions of classified ads. Classified advertising andcommercial advertising is different, the businessadvertisement is generally readers passive reading, andclassified ads are mostly active readers reading, so long asit catches the reader' s reading psychology, provide thecorresponding service match, the development prospects of theclassified ads is huge. The classification of advertisingcontent abroad for sale, lease, leasing, housekeeping,relocation, recruitment and other closely related withpeople' s daily life in the small scale commercial informationto the reader, greater affinity, and thus canbe widely acceptedby readers, and readers are also classified advertisement in

a newspaper can have the important pillar.

The newspaper market of our country since the introduction ofthe market mechanism, the increasingly fierce competition. Inthe fierce competitive environment, some newspapers in orderto long-term development, but also learn the experience offoreign media, and vigorously carry out the classification ofadvertising business, to expand the sources of newspaperadvertisingrevenue. But in general, due to avariety of factors,the development of China' s classified ads in terms of the totalscale and the proportion of advertising in the newspaperadvertising revenue in the proportion of all developedcountries and far apart.

Current status: market development degree is very small.A classified ad is far less than the amount of businessadvertising, but advertising stable than business

The newspaper classified advertising and commercialadvertising revenue than less, but has a very important rolein the advertising business in the newspaper. The newspaperwill separate business advertising and classified advertisingmanagement, advertising is not the same as in the policy andthe mode of operation, the business advertisement is by thenewspaper advertising department management directly,advertisers directlywith the newspaper contacted transactions;and for classified ads, newspaper generally packaged to thestrength of the advertising company, responsible for them andcustomers to negotiate a deal, the newspaper does not appear,but regularly from the advertising company advertising fees

charged. On the industrial and commercial advertisingadvertisers are generally large customers, such as real estate,automobile manufacturers, their advertising campaigns aregreatly influenced by their advertising plan for newspaper,This part of the advertising revenue with many uncertainties;put the classified ads advertisers to small businesses andindividuals, these advertisers individual advertisingalthough uncertain, but for the market, because there are a lotof small advertisers, advertising volume can be maintained ata certain level.

Two, the distribution of industries: real estate leader, lifeservices, recruitment and enrollment as the main vehicleBusiness advertising, real estate is the biggest source ofadvertising revenue, large real estate developers to sellingreal estate, will not hesitate to advertise heavily, stimulateconsumer desire to buy, but also can be used as high pricedcapital. Small real estatebusiness because of limited capital,enlarge the layout of the business would not vote foradvertising, and classified ads became their propaganda stage;classified advertising, real estate advertising, housingintermediaries also occupy a very important position, they aremainly published rental, sale or rent, buy information. Theservice life of motor vehicle, and recruiting advertisementalso occupies a large proportion in classified ads, these adsare mainly to the general public as the demand object, isrelated to people' s daily life information. Catering andtourism, pharmaceutical and other industries classified adsless. Can be seen from the above analysis, the newspaper, the

advertising boom degree and the level of local economicdevelopment is directly proportional to the majority of China' scity newspaper classified ads on the total advertising revenuecontribution to less than 20%, far below the level of developedcountries, but also fully demonstrated the development degreeof China newspaper classified advertising market is also verylimited.

Future prospects: opportunities and challenges

Although the development degree classification in China' sadvertising market is very small, but very broad space fordevelopment. On the one hand, our country newspaper through theyears to the foreign media "learn" the classification ofadvertising content become more abundant, the layout is morereasonable and beautiful, showing a progressive trend; on theother hand, newspapers are still the main resources in theindustrial and commercial advertising business, the degree ofattention to classification advertising is not high, but withthe media industry competition degree is deepened gradually,in the industrial and commercial advertising marketcompetition, the market potential is less under the conditionof the development and major newspapers will snatch classifiedadvertising sights. These factors have provided opportunitiesfor the development of classified advertisements innewspapers.

However, although the wide prospect of newspaper classified ads,but also faces enormous challenges. Especially the rise of theInternet economy in recent years, the classification ofadvertising resources part to the network flow. Now the

American newspaper classified advertising network advertisingmarket by no small impact, although the Internet advertisingin the future can not replace the newspaper advertisingposition, but the newspaper classified advertising impact isa fact. No matter the opportunity or challenge: development ofclassified advertising market will be China' s newspaper anecessary stage in the process of development, a necessarymeasures are in line with international standards. In thisprocess, there are a number of newspapers will be eliminatedin the competition, but will survive is that all aspects of theoperation is quite scientific and standard, make full use ofall kinds of advertising resources, circulation of super largenewspaper is very high, perhaps this newspaper that meansChinese newspaper really mature.

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