报纸分类广告的现状与展望Present situation and Prospect ofclassified advertisement in newspapers
Media media: the status quo and Prospect of classifiedadvertising in newspapers
Date: 2009-1-12 14:59:20 source: media media author:
Under the condition of market economy, advertising revenue isan important economic source of most newspapers. Therefore,advertising management is a very important link for a newspaper.Generally speaking, the newspaper advertisements can bedivided into industrial and commercial advertising andclassified ads, most of the newspaper on the two kinds ofadvertising business adopt different policies, this paperbriefly analyzes the operating characteristics of thenewspaper classified ads inChina as well as the classified adsDevelopment Status and prospects of development of China' snewspaper classified ads make outlook.
Classified advertising: an important source of newspaperadvertising revenue
Classified advertisements of newspapers usually refer to nonindustrial and commercial advertisements withrelatively fixedlocation and small size. In most cases, "gathering"appears andis divided according to the industry so that readers can findit. Classified advertising has the characteristics of shortspace, low charge, convenient and quick. Because of the earlydevelopment of classified advertising by foreign media, thedevelopment of classification advertising is relativelymature.
According to the statistics in 1998 the United States mediastrength, the newspaper classified advertising area accountsfor more than 50%of the total area of newspaper advertising,newspaper advertising revenue accounts for about 40%of totalrevenue, while the average American newspaper advertisingrevenue for the newspaper all about 75%of revenue, 30%of totalrevenue in the newspaper visible from classified ads on thenewspaper operators and this is a source of funds can not beignored. According to the 2000 annual report of the NorthAmerican Newspaper Association (NAA) , 55%of adult readers inthe United States browse classified ads in newspapers. Thisshows that in foreign countries, especially in the UnitedStates, the world has developed a highly developed mediaindustry, the newspaper classified advertising management hasbeen quite mature, and has been accepted by most readers.The classified ads in the United States in such economicdevelopment in developed countries is so mature, although itshighly developed media industry environment, but moreimportant is the foreign media to fully tap the variousfunctions of classified ads. Classified advertising andcommercial advertising is different, the businessadvertisement is generally readers passive reading, andclassified ads are mostly active readers reading, so long asit catches the reader' s reading psychology, provide thecorresponding service match, the development prospects of theclassified ads is huge. The classification of advertisingcontent abroad for sale, lease, leasing, housekeeping,relocation, recruitment and other closely related withpeople' s daily life in the small scale commercial informationto the reader, greater affinity, and thus canbe widely accepted
by readers, and readers are also classified advertisement ina newspaper can have the important pillar.
Since the introduction of market mechanism, the competition hasbecome more and more intense in China' s newspaper market. Inthe fierce competition environment, some newspapers, for thesake of long-term development, also learn from the experienceof foreign media, vigorously carry out classified advertisingbusiness, in order to expand the source of newspaperadvertising revenue. But generally speaking, due to theconstraints of various factors, the development of classifiedadvertising in China is far away from developed countries interms of the total scale of advertising or the proportion ofadvertising revenue in newspapers.
Current situation: market development is very small
First, the amount of classified advertising is far less thanthat of industrial and commercial advertising, but it is morestable than that of industrial and commercial advertisingThe classified advertising revenue of newspaper is less thanthat of advertising revenue, but it plays an important role inthe advertisement management of newspaper. The newspaper willseparate business advertising and classified advertisingmanagement, advertising is not the same as in the policy andthe mode of operation, the business advertisement is by thenewspaper advertising department management directly,advertisers directlywith the newspaper contacted transactions;and for classified ads, newspaper generally packaged to thestrength of the advertising company, responsible for them and
customers to negotiate a deal, the newspaper does not appear,but regularly from the advertising company advertising feescharged. Advertisers who invest in industrial and commercialadvertising are generally big clients, such as real estatecompanies, auto manufacturers, etc. , and their advertisingactivities are greatly influenced by their advertising plans,for the newspaper,
This part of the advertising revenue with many uncertainties;put the classified ads advertisers to small businesses andindividuals, these advertisers individual advertisingalthough uncertain, but for the market, because there are a lotof small advertisers, advertising volume can be maintained ata certain level.
Two, industry distribution: real estate leader, life services,motor vehicles and recruitment of students as the main forceBusiness advertising, real estate is the biggest source ofadvertising revenue, large real estate developers to sellingreal estate, will not hesitate to advertise heavily, stimulateconsumer desire to buy, but also can be used as high pricedcapital. Small real estatebusiness because of limited capital,enlarge the layout of the business would not vote foradvertising, and classified ads became their propaganda stage;classified advertising, real estate advertising, housingintermediaries also occupy a very important position, they aremainly published rental, sale or rent, buy information. Lifeservice, motor vehicles and recruitment advertisements alsooccupy a large proportion in classified advertisements. Theseadvertisements are mainly aimed at ordinary citizens, and are
related to some information of people' s daily life. There areless classified advertisements in restaurants, tourism,medicine and other industries. Can be seen from the aboveanalysis, the newspaper, the advertising boom degree and thelevel of local economic development is directly proportionalto the majority of China' s city newspaper classified ads on thetotal advertising revenue contribution to less than 20%, farbelow the level of developed countries, but also fullydemonstrated the development degree of China newspaperclassified advertising market is also very limited.
Future prospects: opportunities and challenges coexistAlthough the development of classified advertising market inChina is very small, the development space is very broad. Onthe one hand, our country newspaper through the years to theforeign media "learn" the classification of advertisingcontent become more abundant, the layout is more reasonable andbeautiful, showing a progressive trend; on the other hand,newspapers are still the main resources in the industrial andcommercial advertising business, the degree of attention toclassification advertising is not high, but with the mediaindustry competition degree is deepened gradually, in theindustrial and commercial advertising market competition, themarket potential is less under the condition of the developmentand major newspapers will snatch classified advertising sights.All these factors provide opportunities for the development ofclassified advertisements in newspapers.
However, newspaper classif ied advertising has broad prospects,but it also faces enormous challenges. Especially in recent
years, the rise of the Internet economy, the classification ofadvertising resources to part of the network diversion.Nowadays, American newspaper classif ied advertising market isnot impacted by network advertisement. Although Internetadvertisement can not replace the position of newspaperadvertisement in the future, it is true that the influence ofclassif ied advertisement on newspaper. Whether opportunitiesor challenges: developing classified advertising market willbe a necessary stage in the growth process of China' s newspaperindustry, and also an inevitable measure to be in line withinternational standards. In this process, there are a numberof newspapers will be eliminated in the competition, but willsurvive is that all aspects of the operation is quite scientificand standard, make full use of all kinds of advertisingresources, circulation of super large newspaper is very high,perhaps this newspaper that means Chinese newspaper reallymature.
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