visittraval to taiwan

traval  时间:2021-02-21  阅读:()

Day 3

Place&transport The Sun Moon Lake

"Standing on the exclusive balcony early in the morning,you will get alooming blurred view that Sun Moon Lake covered with a thin layer ofclouds and mists in the mountains.When the sun rises from themountains, Sun Moon Lake slowly showing the outline of its surface,reflecting the shadows of the mountains and the trees with the birdssinging around"


Take the boat to visit Sun Moon Lake landscape.Sun Moon Lake isTaiwan's largest fresh water lake and the most beautiful mountain lake.Bounded by the Lula Island, the northern part of the lake shapes like thesun while the southern part shapes like the moon.Walk or bike alongLake Drive to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Sun Moon Lake,fromdifferent angles you’ll get different wonderful landscape.Whenever youcome here, it never loses its appeal,amazing everyone!


Go to Puli wineries in Nantou.Step into the history of winemaking.Youcan taste varieties of wine made by Ireland spring water.Many specialtiessuch as Fung claws, sausage,Shaoxing Mei can be as gifts for friends.


Arrive at Taichung Railway Station by coach and then experience the fun

of riding high-speed rail to return to the hotel,with full and sweetmemories.

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