日语Traval to Romania

traval  时间:2021-02-21  阅读:()

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Travel to Romania

Situated in the Southeastern part of Central Europe,Romania 罗马尼亚 is the second largest country in the area,after Poland. Its territory features splendid 极好的mountains, beautiful rolling hills, fertile plains andnumerous rivers and lakes. The Carpathian Mountains cross thecenter of the country bordered on both sides by foothills andfinally the great plains of the outer rim. Forests cover onequarter of the country and the fauna is one of the richest inEurope. The legendary Danube River ends its eight-countryjourney through the European countries at the Black Sea formingone of the biggest and most interesting wetlands in the world,the Danube Delta.

One of the regions that attracts thousand of tourists eachyear is the Black Sea: warm climate, miles of sand beaches,ancient monuments, vineyards, modern resorts. Due to the factthat the hotels can be quite crowded it is advisable to booka room in advance so that you don' t have any problems. Besidesgoing to the beach, you can visit traces of ancient Greekculture or can join organized trips from the seaside to anumberof locations in the country, including the Danube Delta, thehttp://www. langfly.com能飞英语 http://word. langf ly.com 能飞背单词

http://kr. langfly. com 能飞韩语 http://jp. langfly.com 能飞日语painted monasteries寺院 of Bucovina, to the nation' s capitalcity, Bucharest, or to nearby Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey.

If you are interested in medieval 中世纪的 cultureRomania' s numerous castles and fortresses illustrate thecountry' s medieval heritage. The castles feature uniquearchitectural elements and styles that reflect localtraditions, customs and purpose.http://www. langfly.com能飞英语 http://word. langf ly.com 能飞背单词

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