牛津、巨石阵、 巴斯、莎士比亚、湖区爱丁堡、约克、剑桥、伦敦
Time: July--August
GZ-- London (Heathrow)
(China Southern Airl ines,Direct Fl ight, 14 hrs)
Day 1 London
Jet lag: strol l ing around in London or enjoying streetviews on a sightseeing bus,getting a general idea of the city:
very clean
not many cars or people
distinctive red booths and red double-decker buses
Bicycle Rental Service
Day 2 London--Oxford Oxford--London
Northwest to London, bout 1 hour by train
Oxford isoneof the most populartouristdestinations in England.There isgoodreason for this popularity, as the city remains relatively smal l, and theattractions of the University and other historic bui ldings are clustered withineasy walking distance around the medieval core of the city.
Buy a ticket of a sightseeing bus with headphones for scenic spotsintroductions;Adult 13.5 pounds per person; the bus wi l l start from therai lway station and drive along the main streets of Oxford and back to thestation; 20 bus stations in the town,you may get on or get off the bus inevery station within 24 hours; 12 different languages including Chinese areavai lable; the bus wi l l stop for a while in every popular scenic spotwhen thetourists could hear the introduction of the scenic spotfrom the headphones Oxford University col leges (the oldest university in the Engl ish-speakingworld,and the world's second-oldest surviving university)
The University is a"city university" in that it does not have a main campus;instead, col leges, departments, accommodation, and other faci l ities arescattered throughout the city centre.
Christ Church (the largest of the Oxford University col leges), its dining hal lis one of the shooting sites of HarryPotter
Bodleian Library, the main research l ibrary of the University of Oxford, isone of the oldest l ibraries in Europe,and in Britain is second in size only tothe British Library with over 11 mi l l ion items.
Blackwel l’s Books, the largest academic bookstore in the world.
University Church of St.Mary the Virgin, It was here that the first l ibrary ofthe university was establ ished,and legend has it that the first gatherings ofMasters and students was held here as early as the 12th century.
Hertford Bridge, popularly known as the Bridge of Sighs, isa skyway joining two parts of Hertford Col lege over New Col lege Lane.Day 3 London--Bath Bath--Stratford-upon-Avon
Bath became a World Heritage Site in 1987, showing its international culturalsignificance. It combines a wealth of Roman remains with elegant Georgianarchitecture to create one of the most historical ly interesting of Britain towns. The Roman Baths were original ly used from about 80-400AD, but theygradual ly fel l into disuse, and were covered up by subsequent bui lding onthe site.Then in 1775 the baths and temple complex were discovered byaccident,and they have been restored to their former glory.This is withouta doubtthe best Roman site in England,and wel l worth seeing.Visitors cansee the Baths and Museum but cannot enter the water.An audio guide isavai lable in several languages.
The Pump Room is a set of elegant chambers bui lt above the old Romanbaths. It was to the Pump Rooms that the upper classes flocked when theycame to Bath to"take the waters".
The Bath Abbey, (Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul) isan Angl ican parish church and a former Benedictine monastery.
Bath International Puppet Festival is held annual ly from 25th March to 2ndApri l,with l ively and extraordinary performances and parades of largepu p pets
Bath International Music Festival takes place annual ly over 12 days in lateMay to early June, and stage a range of events featuring orchestral andclassical virtuosos, jazz,folk, roots and world musicians,with col laborationsand commissioned works.
Bath Fi lm Festival is held in late October every year.
Stratford-u pon-Avon
Shakespeare's Birthplace,a rambl ing half-timbered house on Henley Streetwhere, it is bel ieved,Shakespeare was born and spent his chi ldhood years.A modern visitor centre is attached to the house, and here you wi l l finddetai led exhibits covering Shakespeare's work and his l ife.
King Edward School is a publ ic(i .e.exclusive)school based around a coreof historic buildings where Shakespeare himself once attended school . New Place, Shakespeare’s retirement home from 1610 to 1616 unti l hisdeath.
Wi l l iam Shakespeare is buried in Holy Trinity church,and visitors can viewnot only his grave, but the parish registers that recorded his birth and his
Anne Hathaway's Cottage is a twelve-roomed farmhouse where AnneHathaway, the wife of Wi l l iam Shakespeare, l ived as a chi ld in the vi l lageof Shottery
Day 4 Stratford-upon-Avon--Lake District
The Lake District is a mountainous region in Cumbria, North West England.Apopular hol iday destination, it is famous not only for its lakes, forests andmountains,but also for its associations with the early 19th century poetry andwritings of Wi l liam Wordsworth and the other Lake Poets.
The Lake District National Park includes nearly al l of the Lake District. It isthe largest of England's National Parks provides an exciting mix ofmountain and lake scenery.
Windermere is the largest natural lake in England. It is located in thecounty of Cumbria and entirely within the Lake District National Park. St Martin's Church stands in the centre of the townof Bowness-on-Windermere, south to Windermere. It is anactive Angl ican parish church in the deanery of Windermere
Lakeside is a smal l settlement at the south end of Windermere. Thesteamers cal l ing at Lakeside is now a steam-hauled heritage rai lway
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