roseA Red ,Red Rose 赏析

red  时间:2021-02-20  阅读:()

Appreciation of A Red,Red Rose

A Red,Red Rose is witten by Robert Burns,one of the greatest poets inscotlandtruly reflect the desire and thought of farmers in scotland,his works have strongemotion and can reveal realistic life with passionate romanticism.A Red,Red Rose isone of his famous representatives.

A Red,Red Rose has been regarded as one of the best love poems.It is ballad andalso a polular love song in reality.All the poem contains about 100 words merely.It isvery short and brief,but it has presented a pure-hearted and impressive love story forus.It is about a couple of lovers,the hero is going to leave his lover for a while,thecontent is the oath he wants to express to his lover.The witter used many precise andsimple words to speak out his ture and unchangable love to his lover.It can makereaders feel the deep and sronge affection.

Firstly,the title is simlpe ,rose can provide a beautiful image for readers,it usedalliteration to make itself attrective.At the beginning of this poem,the writter used 2similies continuously,comparing his lover to“red rose”and“beautiful melody”.As weall knowe red rose is represented for love and it is very attractive especially in Juneand melody is always very beatiful and make people feel pleased.Here the writer usedthe best two to be regarded as his lover.We can infer that how beautiful and howperfect his lover is in his heart.The two simple but eleborate things represent theimage of the heroine for readers.In additio,The“rose” stands for vision andolfaction,it can be appreciated and smelled and“melody”stands for audition.It can beheard.Here the writer use the rhetoric technique of synaethesia to make visionolfaction and audition felt alternatively .On structure ,the “June” is parallelism to“tune”,it make the writing tide and read smoothly.

In the middle of the poem, the writter used two symbolisms,he regarded hislove as“till a’the seas gang dry”and“rocks melt”,as we all know the sea is wide andedgless,the water of it will never dry.And the rock is extremly firm and nothing canmove it and will never melt.we can infer the writer’s love is so firm and great.Herethe “sea” is liqiud while the “rock” is solid.They are another pair of parallelism tomake strengtnen the staunch of love.

In this poem,Burns has just used 4 simple things,rose,melody,sea,rock todecribe his deep and firm love to his lover.

On the strcture of it.Its metre is the iambic foot that is i simply a short(unstressed) syllable with a long (stressed) syllable.Like da-DA da-DA da-DAda-DA.It reads relaxed and smoothly like a happy song and express his gracile lovelike the trend of river.The first two stanza is rhyme of abcb like “rose”, “June”,“melodie”,“tune”,and the last two stanza is rhyme of abab like“dear”,“sun”, “dear”,“run” and “Luve”, “while”, “Luve”, “mile”.This arrangment of rhyme can makereaders feel easy and relaxed to read.And it is also very free ,fresh andnatrual.Meanwhile the form of writing in this poem is used indenting,That is a kind ofwriting arrangment.All the even line lies inward than the last line.It can provides a

vision of beauty in poem writing and attract people to read it.

However,A Red,Red Rose is composed with only 4 stanza in16 lines and lessthan 100 words.It is short and brief,but it’s concise and pure,Burns use simple writingskills and the most common things to express his deep and eternal love to his lovermake we readers feel deep in his emotion.

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