产区Red wine knowledge 1txt

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Red wine knowledge 1txt

Wine region label marked content is not the same, but basicallyorigin, grape variety, year, bottling, grading and other items.The origin of the marker is more accurate, the better thequality of some countries, the wine will be even more markedvineyards, villages, regions, in order to ensure the qualityof Wine. Sometimes grape varieties and origin names appear onthe label at the same time, so grape varieties can be used toinfer the quality of wine.

In addition, Wine year is also very important, it not onlyrepresents a bottle of Wine age, but also the quality of thebasis for good and bad, because the year refers to the grapeharvest year, maturity of grapes in different years aredifferent and the harvest year may also affect the life of Wine.Bottling is divided into producing and bottling wine bottlingbottling origin, Wine usually have better quality assurance,because the wine farm of their own wine special care and care.However, this does not mean that the wine manufacturers areinferior in bottling products. As long as they are reputablewine makers, they will also have goodproducts. As for the levelof law, even countries in different areas have differentgrading systems, such as A.O.C. in France, V.D.Q.S. , Germany

Q.b. , Italy Q.m.P. , D.O.C. and D.O.G.G, the classificationsystem is very complex and professional.

In addition to the basic knowledge, usually with alcohol, wineand wine sweetness check numbers, chapter, trademarks,excellent commodity certificates information.

From the start the label:

The "label"

How do you recognize wine?Read the label on the bottle first.Wine label is also known as "etiquette" (French for license) ,the same as people' s curriculum vitae. As in the Wine knowpeople spread"as long as the label read, know the taste of it",indeed revealed a label on the Wine taste (characteristic)message. General is usually marked on the label: Wine grapeharvest years, wine (inplace of origin or name Winery (Chateau)named) , producer or production, the manor names names,producers (brewing) , capacity, alcohol concentration. . . Etc. .According to the designer label design, a variety of styles,so the data written in a different location.

Close to the adult years of weather will affect the quality ofthe grape harvest, the geological conditions of producing areas,a bottle of Wine depends on the origin of A.O.C, designated

A.O.C. producing excellent legal name, castle wine, MisEnBoteille Au Chateau, a winemaker, wine quality has asignature guarantee layer

The certif icate of management of the APPELLATION CONTROLEEregion of origin is usually added to the two words, namely theplace of origin (often designated as the geographical name ofthe place where the AOC wine is produced) . Example: APPELLATION,BORDEAUX, CONTROLEE, or APPELLATION MARGAUX CONTROLEE i s theAOC wine that represents the place of Bordeaux and the placeof colombia.

MIS EN BOUTEILLE solution "bottling" this meaning, BOUTEILLE

original, wine kiln and other words. The best quality wine inthe Chateau is known as "vintage wine"".

NEGOCIANT Wine brokers, which means "wine". The chamber ofCommerce and Wine who planted wine contracts to buy Wine, thenthe original or a separate deployment of bottled wine for sale.In English, it is called "SHIPPER GRAND CRU CLASSE". Bordeauxlocal Greif Murdoch area and the area, Saint Emilion area,Sauternes area, produced an increase in the name of Chateau Wine,and excellent Wine identified will be marked GRAND CRU CLASSE.AOC the smaller the scope of production, the higher the grade.French wines, in addition to Alsace, place their names as winenames. And the smaller the scope of the place name, the higherthe grade. For example, wines of the same rank, AOC, indicateregional names, such as those of plum, which are more advancedthan those designated in Bordeaux. If there is a village namewine is higher level; if it is Bordeaux, plus Chateau name,Even more advanced. In addition to the Chateau name, plus theGRAND CRU grading system, it is the highest quality wine.French wines are divided into the following categoriesaccording to the wine law and its quality

A.O.C. Wine is a generic term for wines designated as wines ofgood quality. The wines are well defined for origin (areas,villages, vineyards, etc. ) , with approximately four hundreddesignated regions. Its name is APPELLATION, ROMANEE, CONTI,CONTROLEE, and ROMANEE CONT I be twe en APPELLAT ION and CONTROLEE

is the name of the wine garden.

Vin De Pays (regional meal wine) is the designated wine brewedin the designated place, and will not be upgraded to AOC liquorfor the time being. The restriction is less than that stipulatedby A.O.C. , and the price is reasonable. Look for it. Maybe youcan find a wine with very good quality!

Vin De Table (daily wine, and is divided into three levels, 1) ,Vin de Table Francais (advanced, mixed French grapes) 2,Melange de Vins de differentsPays de Communaute Europeenne(intermediate, mixed states produced 3 Champions League Wine) ,Vin otenu en France aPartir deRaisins Reolten (low, not limitedto grape varieties, brewing in France) delicious and not byproducers hands, no grades.

How to preserve wine?

The most taboo of preserving wine is the intense change oftemperature. If you are under the normal temperature when youbuy it, you can keep it at room temperature as long as you keepit. If you want to drink iced wine, freeze it before drinking.If you store wine in the refrigerator, it is only suitable forstoring in a room with less temperature changes. The ideal andlong-term storage environment is a temperature of about 12~14degrees Celsius to maintain constant temperature and humidityin the 65%~80%, remain dark, usually are placed in the basementof wine. Keep it clean so that other odors won' t seep into thewine.

Sober up

Since red wine is known as a living liquid, it is due to thepresence of tannins (Tannic, Acid) in the red wine, and thechanges in tannin resulting from contact with the air are veryrich. To distinguish a bottle of wine, the best way is to openthe bottle after the first poured 2 cups, while the first drinka cup, and the other is placed to the final drink, you can feelvery clear. Every bottle of wine varies from time to time. Maybein 10 minutes, maybe half an hour, maybe two hours later. Howto discover the vitality of wine depends on your own feelingand experience.


The way to pass wine is to pour the wine into the Decenter. Theaction is called "over wine". But what is the purpose of thewine?

In fact, there are two, and the first is to remove the sedimentdeposited by Chen for many years. Although drinking thesedeposits has nothing to do with it, it is detrimental to theflavour of the wine and must therefore be removed.

The other is a vintage wine that awakens its original flavorfrom its slumber. Because the wine will have the opportunityto contact the air because of the wine, at this time, thesleeping wine will immediately fragrant, and the taste hasbecome mellow.

Tasting steps

1. of its color-- the wine road in the goblet, holding the cupfeet, look at the color.

2. smell the fragrance - shake the cup to release the aroma,smell the smell of.

3. taste - sip a sip, let the wine dissolve on the tongue, feelits taste and sour sweetness.

Bordeaux red wine

Among the many wines, the sole reason for the French red wineis that France does not only produce the most wines from allover the world

The country, which also produces countless famous premium wines,has a variety of flavors,

Therefore, its reputation as "grape kingdom", the productionof red wine in France, there are six major production include:Bordeaux (Bordea

UX) Burgundy and Champagne and Alsace (Alsace) and the RhoneValley




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布里翁Chateau Haut位于格拉夫产区





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圣达士蒂ST ESTéPhe 2875英亩

宝雅克波亚克 2667英亩

圣朱利安圣朱利安 2084英亩

利斯塔克葡萄 1531英亩

慕里斯Moulis 1185英亩

玛歌Marg aux 3067英亩




三家但一直未有完整法定分级制度将它列出其中PéT RUS酒庄一直被视为第一


圣达美莉安St Emilion






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