
排序二叉树  时间:2021-09-12  阅读:()


看了百度知道之前有人回答 “二叉排序树的插入 如果遇到 相同的节点 怎么办”,你也可以看一下该问题的答案,个人觉得挺有道理的。

根据这个结论,该二叉树这样排 12 / 5 17 / / 3 5 14 20 9 15 / 8 10 或者 12 / 5 17 / / 3 9 14 20 / 5 8 10 15 都可以,看你的要求,只要中序遍历是递增即可。

上述两个中序遍历都是 3 5 5 8 9 10 12 14 15 17 20


展开全部 堆排序就是相当于一个排序二叉树,只是它是根节点的优先级别大于任何儿子的优先级别,这样可以每次删除根节点,然后调整整个堆。

program heap; var a:array[1..10000] of integer; n,i:integer; procedure down(i:integer); var x,j:integer; begin x:=a[i]; j:=i*2; while j<=n do begin if a[j]>a[j+1] then j:=j+1; if a[j]begin a[i]:=a[j]; i:=j; j:=i*2; end else break; end; a[i]:=x; end; procedure delete(i); begin n:=n-1; if (n=0)or(i=n+1) then exit else begin a[i]:=a[n+1]; down(i); end; end; begin readln(n); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); for i:=n div 2 downto 1 do down(i); for i:=1 to n do begin write(a[1]); delete(1); end; end. 如果对您有帮助,请记得采纳为满意答案,谢谢!祝您生活愉快! vaela


#include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> int counter; /*计数器*/ struct tree /*声明书的结构*/ {struct tree *left; int data; struct tree *right; }; typedef struct tree treenode; /*声明新类型树的结构*/ typedef treenode *b_tree; /*声明二叉树的链表*/ b_tree insert_node(b_tree root,int node) /*插入二叉树的结点*/ {b_tree newnode; b_tree currentnode; b_tree parentnode; newnode=(b_tree)malloc(sizeof(treenode)); /*分配新结点空间*/ newnode->data=node; newnode->right=NULL; newnode->left=NULL; if(root==NULL)return newnode; else{currentnode=root; while(currentnode!=NULL) {parentnode=currentnode; if(currentnode->data>node) currentnode=currentnode->left; else currentnode=currentnode->right; } if(parentnode->data>node) parentnode->left=newnode; else parentnode->right=newnode; } return root; /*返回根结点的指针*/ } b_tree create_btree(int *data, int len) /*建立二叉树*/ { b_tree root=NULL; int i; for(i=0;i<len;i++) root=insert_node(root,data[i]); return root; } void inorder(b_tree point) { /*中序遍历二叉树*/ if(point!=NULL) {inorder(point->left); printf(" %d ",point->data); /*处理结点内容*/ inorder(point->right); } } int tree_search(b_tree root,int key) /*查找二叉树*/ { b_tree pointer; pointer=root; counter=0; while(pointer!=NULL) { counter++; if(pointer->data<key) pointer=pointer->right; else if(pointer->data>key) pointer=pointer->left; else if(pointer->data==key) return 1; } return 0; } void main() { b_tree root=NULL; int m,i,index; /*读入输入值所用的暂存变量*/ float max=0; int nodelist[20]; /*声明存储输入数据之数组*/ int value; printf(" Please input the elements of binary tree(exit for 0): "); index=0; scanf("%d",&value); /*读取输入值放到变量value*/ while(value!=0) {nodelist[index]=value; index=index+1; scanf("%d",&value); } printf("%d",index); root=create_btree(nodelist,index); printf(" the inorder traversal result is :"); inorder(root); printf(" "); for(m=0;m<index;m++) { tree_search(root,nodelist[m]); max+=counter; /*计算查找长度*/ } printf("the average long is: %.2f ",max/index); /*输出average查找长度*/ getch(); }

利用二叉排序树对顺序表进行排序 (1)生成一个顺序表L;(2)对所生成的顺序表L构造二叉排序树(3)利用栈结构

用C或C++语言实现的功能: (1)生成一个顺序表L; (2)对所生成的顺序表L构造二叉排序树 (3)利用栈结构实现中序遍历二叉排序树; (4)中序遍历所构造的二叉排序树将记录由小到大输出。


#include <iostream.h> //二叉排序树类的前视定义 template<class Type> class BSTree; //二叉排序树结点类的定义 template<class Type> class BSTreeNode {friend class BSTree <Type>; private: Type data; //数据域(在此为关键字) BSTreeNode <Type> *leftChild, *rightChild; public: BSTreeNode():leftChild(NULL),rightChild (NULL){};//构造函数 BSTreeNode(const Type &d) : data (d), leftChild (NULL),rightChild (NULL) {} ; //构造函数 ~BSTreeNode(){}; //析构函数 }; //二叉排序树的类定义 template <class Type> class BSTree { private: BSTreeNode<Type> * root; //二叉排序树的根指针 void Insert ( const Type & x, BSTreeNode<Type> *&p ); //在p为根的二叉排序树上插入数据元素x void Delete ( const Type & k, BSTreeNode<Type> *&p ); //在p为根的二叉排序树上删除关键字为k的结点 BSTreeNode<Type> * Min(BSTreeNode<Type> *p); BSTreeNode<Type> * Find(const Type &k, BSTreeNode<Type> *p ); //在p为根的二叉排序树上查找关键字为k的结点 void InOrder(BSTreeNode<Type> *r); public: BSTree() : root (NULL) {}//构造函数 Type Find ( const Type &k ) {//查找 BSTreeNode<Type>* p=Find ( k, root ); if(p==NULL){ cout<<"There is not a node that equals "<<k<<endl; return NULL; } return p->data; } void Insert(const Type &x) { Insert ( x, root ); } //插入 void Delete(const Type &k) { Delete ( k, root ); } //删除 void SortDisplay(){InOrder(root);cout<<endl;} }; template <class Type> void BSTree<Type>:: Insert(const Type &x, BSTreeNode<Type> * &p) { //在p为根的二叉排序树插入结点的递归算法 if ( p == NULL ) //空二叉树 p = new BSTreeNode<Type>(x); //创建数据元素x的结点 else if (x<p->data ) //在左子树插入 Insert ( x, p->leftChild ); else if ( x > p->data ) //在右子树插入 Insert ( x, p->rightChild ); else //结点x已存在 { cout << "There has node x" << endl; } } template <class Type> BSTreeNode<Type> * BSTree<Type> :: Find (const Type &k, BSTreeNode<Type> *p) { //在p为根的二叉排序树上进行查找的递归算法 if ( p == NULL ) return NULL; //查找失败 else if ( k<p->data ) //在左子树上递归查找 return Find (k,p->leftChild ); else if (k>p->data ) //在右子树上递归查找 return Find ( k, p->rightChild ); else return p; //相等,查找成功 } template <class Type> void BSTree<Type> :: Delete(const Type &k, BSTreeNode<Type> * &p){ //在p为根的二叉排序树上删除关键字为k的结点 if ( p != NULL ){ BSTreeNode<Type> * temp; if ( k < p->data ) Delete ( k, p->leftChild ); else if ( k > p->data ) Delete ( k, p->rightChild ); else if ( p->leftChild != NULL && p->rightChild != NULL ){ BSTreeNode<Type> * tparent=p; temp=p->rightChild; while(temp->leftChild!=NULL){ tparent=temp; temp=temp->leftChild; } p->data = temp->data; if(tparent==p) Delete ( p->data,tparent->rightChild ); else Delete ( p->data,tparent->leftChild ); } else { temp = p; if ( p->leftChild == NULL ) p = p->rightChild; else if ( p->rightChild == NULL ) p = p->leftChild; delete temp; } } } template <class Type> void BSTree<Type>::InOrder(BSTreeNode<Type>* r){ if(r!=NULL){ InOrder(r->leftChild); cout<<r->data<<" "; InOrder(r->rightChild); } } void main (){ BSTree<int> a; int x; cout<<"输入序列:"<<" "; for(int i=0;;i++){ cin>>x; if(x==-1)break; a.Insert(x); } cout<<endl; cout<<"输出中序遍历序列应为:"; a.SortDisplay(); cout<<endl; cout<<"输入需要删除的整数:"<<" "; int y; cin>>y; cout<<endl; cout<<"查找结果是:"<<a.Find(y)<<endl; cout<<endl; a.Delete(y); cout<<"输出删除后的中序遍历序列应为:"<<" "; a.SortDisplay(); }




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