迅雷提高迅雷下载速度的办法(How to improve the download speed of thunderbolt)

迅雷下载速度  时间:2021-04-23  阅读:()

提高迅雷下载速度的办法How to improve the download speed ofthunderbolt

Method for improving download speed of thunderbolt

Core tip: thunder after a period of time to feel the speed moreandmore unstable, based in 60KB/S, this is quite different fromthe 1M broadband, and to seek solutions, then find 10 tips toimprove download speed, very useful, according to therequirements set after the download speed of the stable in130KB/S, to ensure the basic material.

The thunder after a period of time feel speed more and moreunstable, based in 60KB/S, this is quite different from the 1Mbroadband, and to seek solutions, then find 10 tips to improvedownload speed, very useful, according to the requirements setafter the download speed is basically stable at 130KB /S, toensure the basic material. There is thunder P2P software, youcan also download the data upload data, the old version isunable to set the upload speed, so sometimes the upload speedis relatively large, takes up a lot of broadband, the effectof browsing the web, it is not that I am not the spirit of BT,affect the normal Internet upload is unacceptable, and now thelatest version of news you can set the upload limit of thunder.Although the thunder in the use of grid technology, comparedto other download tools, there is a big boost in the downloadspeed. But we always pursue higher quality network life, we hopethe thunder can be a little faster". Is there some wayparticularly good, on the basis of the original, we will makethe speed press Thunder download speed to a higher level?Facts

have proved that as long as the details of all aspects of thegood, you can break through the speed limit, to enhance thespeed of thunder download, so as to save you valuable time andmoney!

Trick 1 : don' t use the firewall Windows XP SP2

After the Windows XP SP2 is installed, the firewall is enabledbythe default system. Althoughthis isrelatively safe, itwillallowthe system to use a certain amount of resources to filternetwork packets, it will slow down the speed. Moreover, afterthe English version of Windows XP SP2 was installed, thefirewall was opened by default, and Foxmail could not send andreceive mail. The gateway router or our LAN has a good firewallfunction, so we can put the chicken ribs to remove: open thecontrol panel, double-click the "network connection" icon,click"local connection" intheright to openthewindow, select"properties" in the open window, click the "advanced" the label,and then click "Settings" button. In the open window, selectthe close (not recommended) check. At this point, when youreturn to the network connection window of Windows, you can seethat the small lock icon on the local connection is no longeravailable, which proves that the firewall function has beenb ann ed.

Tricks two: let DNS directly, faster, faster

When we share the Internet through the intranet server, oftenwill be the IP address of the proxy server as DNS server address,but this time must first open the web page through the proxyserver for DNS resolution, will naturally reduce the surfing

speed, but if the proxy server is set to the wrong time willlead to"cannot open fault. To do this, we can bypass the proxyserver in the intranet and specify the local DNS server addressdirectly to increase the download speed.

In control panel, double-click the network connection icon, andclick for connection to the Internet card in the right window,select "properties", double-click the Internet protocol in theopen window (TCP/IP) , open the window, select the "DNS server"use the following one, enter the local ISP service provider theDNS server IP address in DNS, while the input current networkrouter IP or DNS address of the IP server in the auxiliary DNS.In this way, we will use the default local city card DNS serverto the direct analysis of theDNS, if the local city DNS failure,it will automatically parse address through the network routeror internal DNS server, the overall network speed willincrease.

Thunderbolt download, of course, will be "gone with the wind".Tips:

The following are some of the main city. The DNS server address:Beijing 202.96.0. 133, Shanghai 202.96. 199. 132, Guangzhou

202.96. 128. 143, Shenzhen 202.96. 134. 133, you can also take themain city address of the DNS server as a keyword from theInternet to find.

* in the window can also be no need to delete all protocol(TCP/IP protocol for us, only general installation is enough) ,so you can make the card "traveling light", will be good for

some natural. Moreover, the abolition of the "client" and"Microsoft network file and printer sharing Microsoftnetworks" checkbox in the hook, but also to prevent anyone tocheck the file sharing in the computer, make your computer moresecure.

Tip three: use high-speed network connection without proxyThere is no doubt that the use of a high-speed connection isnecessary, the current rate of broadband is already very good,so in the choice of broadband, but also to do"goods than three",select a relatively stable and fast providers. At present, ADSLis a good choice, community broadband is also very good, butthe power of the Internet is not worth advocating. Because alot of people reflect their technology is not stable, oftenbroken line, and the speed is also fast and slow.

In the thunderbolt, although you can choose Tools > set proxy,open the window, click the Add button to add the agent. But theseskills are often used in the company to block the networkmanagement we download. Just make sure you have a high speednetwork connection, and we must not select the "use agent"command under the tools menu, so you wonto download. So that the thunder gallop galloping on ourhigh-speed connection!

Four tricks: to the thunder "kaixiaozao" does not set the upperand lower limit

Today' s broadband is in full swing, so that people from theInternet to browse articles, Download all the required

information, documents, watching movies, it will be morerelaxed and convenient. But most of the time, some people tendto use their speed limit when they feel that network programsare open too much. Then we can give the thunder "kaixiaozao",do not let the speed limit. But the speed of other networkprograms is limited, so that we can let the thunder in our"special care" more fun download.

1. let the thunder enjoy special treatment"

In the thunder, select "tools"and"configuration", in the openwindow, click "connect", then the abolition of restrictionsunder the "speed limit" checkbox, and then set the speed limitcan be appropriate in which. Of course, you can also set thenumber of tasks that are at the same time more, and the defaultis 5, so that it will take up more bandwidth. (the new versionhas upload restrictions, and it is recommended that broadbandusers below 4M limit it. )

2. limit other upload and download programs

Then, in BitComet, select Options >Options, then click networkconnections, and then set the maximum download and upload ratesto the right. In FlashFXP, select "options" > parametersettings ". In the open window, click send" speed ", " speedlimit ", then select" Upload "and" download ", then set thespeed limit. In CuteFTP, select Tools > global settings, thenclick the transfer item in the open window, then enter thecorresponding limiting speed after the global bandwidth limit.While in FTPRush, select "tools" and "options", then click"transmission" in the openwindow, and then in the"speed limit"

select "maximum download speed" and "limit the maximum uploadspeed check box, and then set the corresponding speed limit.

3. , browse the page shoulds not be too much

For multi tabbed browsers such as Maxthon, GreenBrowser, TT,you can limit the number of pages open at the same time torestrict bandwidth: in Maxthon, select Options > Maxthonoptions, and then click tab,

Then on the right side of the window set the maximum number ofopen tabs "; click in the GreenBrowser options, GreenBrowseroptions, click the"window", " set a maximum number of open"toa smaller value; click Tools > Options command in TT, in thedialog box, click Browse Settings tab check the" other "under"restrictions to open the page, and then set the numbercorresponding to the number of.

With the above setup, we can allow network resources to beslightly biased on the premise of "on-demand distribution",thus ensuring that all programs can work smoothly".

Trick five: break the Windows XP SP2 burst TCP/IP limitMicrosoft released the Windows XP SP2 TCP also increasedconnection attempts to limit and set to a very small value of10, the TCP system connection attempt to exceed this value whenthe systemfor security reasons and refused the connection. Theidea is to prevent worm like viruses such as blaster, but thisway, some download software can cause all network connectionsto be impossible when the connection is busy. Will also affect

the thunder download speed, however, the thunder has theproblem of "self solve": select "tools", "XP systemoptimization tool", and set the corresponding number ofconnections in the open window, and then click "modifyconnections" (recommended to set 128, 256 is more appropriate)button, set a larger value, and then restart the computer tolet the thunder together, a hurricane.

Trick six: keep pace with the times, always use the latestversion of thunder

Timely updates, thunder can correct the software Bug, improvethe stability of software operation. Similarly, with the latestversion of the thunder, will also be used on the thunder' s owndownload technology. Anyway, the thunder is a free lunch, andwe can keep pace with the times in the thunder in select "tools"to"configure" command, click the Advanced tab, and then select"when a new version of that check box, so you can update thethunder in the first time.

Tip seven: modify the default download location and thread

1. , to download a more spacious "three bedrooms one bedroom. ""By default, the thunder after installation will create aTDDownload directory in C, and all of the downloaded files arestored here. But because the Windows is installed by defaultin the above, will produce a temporary file and page file inthe above, the influence of the speed of the C. In addition,most of the software will be installed in the default CrogramFiles folder, fora longtime, the spacewill bec. At this time,

often download also because no space to suspend C. In the harddisk and massive "when Steamed Buns sell" the era of cheap, candownload location changes, pointing it better and larger harddisk, it can also increase the download speed: click the thunderin the main window of "common settings" to "store directory"command in the open, as shown in Figure 11 set the default folderwindow. After press the OK button, a confirmation dialog boxwill pop up to the corresponding suggestions for the thunder,select the directory attribute "and" the same modified subcategories of mobile local files ", this software will also be

C:TDDownload created by default" software ", " games ", " music"and" movie "sub folders are mobile, and will move thedownloaded file.

2. make download threads more

For stability reasons, thunder in the conservative defaultsettings, and our machines and the network environment isrelatively good, then can set up their own, so that the "fullspeed": in the thunder main window, select "tools" to"configure" command, click task default properties tab, andthen to set the number of threads to download the originaladdress and each download available most thread "button,recommended values were 8/45.

Trick eight: register minefields service

Some friends who use the thunder to download will be morecareful,

At the bottom left of the main user interface is a text message

that prompts you to log in. After clicking "you have notregistered or logged in", a login dialogbox like "QQ"will popup. In order to register and login to friends of mine, throughlong time online, download files and other ways to get points,and different points corresponding to the thunder grade,different grades (rank) corresponding to different downloadresources, with the level of increase, the correspondingincrease level of resources, such as thunder download up to amaximum of 40 resources, when a thunder member is at level 8,the corresponding level of resources is 8, every download mostwill be able to return to the 48 resource. There is no doubtthat the more resources we have, the faster it will download.Trick nine: finding resources manually (this seems to bemissing in the new version)

When we download a task, it' s very slow, just a few KB. Thecurrent link to download resources connection and some havebeen failure, can try to use the right click on the file, ifthe query more resources "option is optional, click programwill re search and download resources effectively. If theoption is grayed out, no more download resources are available.Ten tricks: timely use HTTP skills

If you use the thunder to download data, and found thatdownloaded to 90% or even 99%when it can not be downloaded,the original link server is no longer available for download.At this point, we don' t have to find another link to startdownloading again. It' s a waste of time. In fact, we can use"HTTP" to resume completely.

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