提高迅雷下载速度Speed up the download speedIn everyday computer usage, xunlei is one of the populardownloading tools, can the download speed be improved? Can itcreate a speed like bolt? The zhengzhou computer maintenancenetwork tells you that as long as you master the correspondingtechnique, xunlei can also be faster than bolt!
Part one: strong body: the system optimizes the human body torun from 100 meters to 6 seconds and the muscles tear apart?Bolt' s strong body created conditions for himto create speed.Therefore, we need to make the thunderbolt download faster, andwe should also pay attention to the system optimization whenthe thunderbolt is downloaded. Xunlei must have a better systemenvironment before downloading, so that it can ensure its highspeed and safe download!
1. Note that tcpip. sys' s modified Windows XP SP2 and WindowsVista are limited to the maximum number of tcpip connections,which are intended to prevent the spread of some worms. However,this will not be good for the P2P transmission, and also badfor our download speed. Therefore, it is necessary for us tomodify. Windows XP SP2 / SP3 / Vista starts xunlei, selects"tools" to "system optimization tool" commands, and thenchanges in the open figure 1 window, rebooting the system totake effect. 2. The tcpip. sys of Windows Vista SP1, WindowsVista SP1, is more special, and the following methods are usedto solve the problem: download and double-click on theinstall.bat, and then select A for automatic installation, andthen restart the computer after completion.
Second, pay attention to use Vista automatic adjustment
function under the Vista, be especially careful when usingthunderbolt: because in Vista, Microsoft for TCP/IP introducedcalled "Auto Tuning" of the new features, in theory, the "AutoTuning" can be adjusted according to the network application,optimize, thus improve the network transmission rate. However,in many cases, it does not have the desired effect, especiallywhen the network card is used by a third-party driver, and evensignificantly reduces the network connection rate. But we cando it by hand. First of all, to the Administrator login system(Administrator) , then press "Win+R"key combination, type CMDto start the command window, and then on the command line input:the netsh int TCP set global autotuninglevel = normal whenrunning after completion of return "ok" to restart system.
3. Payattentiontothe safetyof the systemonce it ispoisoned,it will become very troublesome, and the light data will bedamaged. It will need to be downloaded again, and the systemwill collapse and time consuming. Therefore, we should ensurethat the thunderbolt is fast and fast to download, and we stillneed to do: (1) install anti-virus software, and let it updatethe virus library "in real time". (2) install anti-blacksoftware and ensure its automatic upgrade engine library; (3)save the download file on the NTFS partition; (4) not usingother versions except the official version; (5) there must be"real time" vulnerability patch, especially security patches.Do these work, have a very good body! It provides a very goodfoundation for our accelerated download! So these techniquesare what we call basic skills, and often "rise to the ground".Basic skills are what we need most.
The second part: the running shoes: network optimizationdecides bolt can profit from the "flying man" and also has amerit minister -- the TheseusII shoes provided by puma, whichare known as "gold shoes"! Of course, the running shoes are noless important to boleter than the weapon of chivalry! In thesame way, we also have to optimize the network for fast speed.One, open the router UPnP function a lot of users in the companyUSES LAN net, in the home use is the home router, sometimes cancomplain the speed is slow. The causes of this phenomenon isthat the LAN users and users of broadband router is NAT thetransformation of the way the Intranet (namely the insideaddress, the address is routing, not directly with externaldata exchange) IP into external routable IP access to theInternet. It can't accept active connections from outsideclients, so the number of seeds is much less. Andwe can't uploaddata, and it' s much slower. To solve this problem is to let thesystem support the UPnP protocol, and we will set thecorresponding Settings in the router. In DD WRT, select"appl icati on& game", "UPnP", then se lect "enabl e" after"UPnP service", and click "apply" and "save Settings" buttonbelow to take effect. Zhengzhou computer maintenance tips:truly UPnP technology need a router or gateway equipmentsupport, however, the majority of the router and gatewayequipment support, and support UPnP is a trend, so you may restassured.
2. The SSDP service to open the system will enable downloadingsoftware to support UPnP, and it also needs the support of thesystem. Windows XP right click on the "my computer", choose"management", and then click under"services and applications"
in the "Service", double-click the SSDP Discovery Service,click on the "normal" TAB "startup type" drop-down list box,select "automatic", click "ok" button to confirm. If theprevious service is closed, click the start button to start theservice. Right click on the "computer", choose "management",and then click under "services and applications" in the"service", double-click the SSDP Discovery, click on the"normal" TAB "startup type" drop-down list box, select"automatic", click "ok" button to confirm. If the previousservice is closed, click the start button to start the service.The third part: low wind resistance clothing: thunderboltoptimized bolt to break the world record, and someone wrote"doubting" his clothes. It' s also understandable that a gooddress is critical for athletes. Also, when the thunderboltdownload, there are a lot of also need us to pay attention todetails, just like our athletes wear clothes, the so-calleddetail decides success or failure, have mastered these, alsocan make the download speed to a higher level ! The <
A, open the thunderbolt thunderbolt open, select "tools" - >"configure" command, then choose "BT/port Settings", thenselect the"allow connectivity DHT network"and"allows the useof UPnP port mapping function automatically" check box. Afterthat,
We can see that the icon of "network" in the lower left cornerof thunder 5 is already green, and it is normal to see UPnP whenyou click.
2, open the new thunderbolt thunderbolt KAD network
comprehensive support KAD network (KAD is short for Kademlia,it is overlapping P2P network transport protocol. In the KADnetwork, each node is responsible for only a small part of thesearch and search for the source work) , that means thethunderbolt download emule exchanges sources in resources cango "wider" KAD network, can find in the network of other usersto download the same file. More resources and connections,combined with the rapid intelligence calculation, will alsoincrease the speed. It is especially effectivewhen downloadinglarge files such as mules. Therefore, we must confirm theselection of "tools", "conf igure", and then click "EMule/portSettings" in the open window to confirm "connect the KADconnection network".
Three networks get more new version thunderbolt to fullysupport, support, DHT DHT network (DHT full name is called thedistributed hashtable, is a kind of distributed storage method.In the case of don' t need the server and each client isresponsible for a small range of routing, and is responsiblefor storing a small part of the data, so as to realize the wholeDHT network addressing and storage. ) This means that xunlei canuse the "broader" DHT network when downloading BT resources,or find more peers in DHT networks. In traditional principleof BT, the tracker server (tracking server, the function of itis when a client for BT download, to achieve the communicationbetween the client and other clients) is the center. If thetracker server shuts down, BT will not be able to proceed. ButDHT is a non-server network, and even if the tracker serverfails, we can guarantee that we can still connect to more peersand do not affect the download. Select "tool", "configure",then click "BT/port Settings" on the left, and select "allow
to connect DHT network" check box on the right. Zhengzhoucomputer repair net tip: DHT is amethodof distributed storage,each client besides is responsible for storing data, is alsoresponsible for a small range of routing, so it can realize thenetwork addressing. After entering the DHT network, our clientwill have an ID, but this ID is a program generated, virtual,completely random ID that has nothing to do with your actualpersonal information. So it' s extremely safe. Through thesesteps, I believe youwill alsobe able to speedup the lightningspeed to create a human speed beyond bolt.
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