prototypeandInventory- 2015 top ten trends in information technology(库存- 2015年十大信息技术的趋势)

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Inventory:2015 top ten trends ininformation technology

(Research papers Download news)market researchfirm Gartner IT experts predicted the top ten informationtechnology trends in 2015, and these trends areconsidered to have a significant impact on the industryover the next three years,are l isted below:

1,pervasive computing

With the continuous development of smart phonetechnology, Gartner bel ieves that with the past onlyfocused on different devices in different environments tomeet the diverse needs of mobi le users wi l l be thefocus .Gartner noted, smartphones and wearablecomputing devices wi l l become a broader product part,can be connected to the office and publ ic areas of thedisplay. user experience design wi l l become veryimportant.


Things wi l l continue to evolve, driven by userspush .Gartner vision of pervasive computing, networkingin the industry and operating environment wi l l be


repl icated,and wi l l focus on digital business productsandprocesses. Deeper level of embedded technology wi l lubiquitous users to create contact points.would becomethe basis for the creation of digital services.

3,3D Print

3D printing costs next three years wi l l decl ine,prompting industry-related rapid growth of low-costmachines use development .3D printing industry wi l lcontinue .Gartner stressed that this development wi l l beconcentrated in the industrial, biomedical and consumerappl ications, and real .3D print has a viable, cost-effectivemethod,which can be designed to improve the prototypeand short-term production and reduce costs.

4,advanced and ubiquitous, invisibleAnalysis

Since the development of the Internet of Things andembedded devices, analysis wi l l continue to evolve.Various companieswithin and outside the organized andunorganized data wi l l continue to integrate .Gartnernoted that each appl ication wi l l require an analysisappl ications.Analysis wi l l also make a big problem andbig Theanswer is morethanthe importanceof big data.

5,enriched environment system


Embedded intel l igence system, coupled with theubiquitous and analysis wi l l contribute to thedevelopment of related systems, they can make thesurrounding environment agi le response.Gartnerstressedthat environmental awareness is an early appl icationsecurity products of this trend, there wi l l be otherfol low-up related products.

6, intel l igent machines

Understand the technical integration of theenvironmental analysis wi l l lead to the birth of intel l igentmachines.More advanced algorithms make the systemself-learning,and respond.Gartner pointed out that thesemachines including automatic driving a car, moreadvanced robots, virtual personal assistants and smartconsultant. era of intel l igent machines wi l l become verydisruptive period of the IT history.

7, cloud/Cl ient architecture

Mobi lecomputing and cloud computing wi l l continueto gather, guide the development of the centralcol laborative appl ications, this appl ication can betransferred to any one device .Gartner pointed out thatcloud computing is the basis of the size of scalable


self-service computing. Use customer equipmentintel l igence and storage appl ications wi l l benefit fromlower bandwidth, cloud col laboration and managementcosts on the basis of the future, games and businessappl ications wi l l become more and more l ike, usingmultiple screens, the use of wearable products and otherequipment to provide a better experience.

8, software-defined architecture and appl ications

From infrastructure to appl ications, ubiquitousprogramming agi le development methods al low thecompany disposed of according to different situationsflexibly as possible.Software-defined networking, storage,data center, and security has matured. Appl icationProgram Interface can be configured cloud servicesoftware Appl ication has extensive API to access featuresand content .Gartner programmatical ly that in order todeal with the rapidly changing needs of the digitalindustry, computing needs to be converted from static todynamic mode.

9, the network size IT

More and more companies wi l l bui ld simi lar toAmazon, Google and Facebook appl ications and


commercial scale IT hardware platform,making the newmodel, cloud optimization and software-definedapproach into the mainstream. Development andmanipulation of synergy is The first step towards thenetwork scale IT development.

10, risk-based security and self-protection

More recently, analysts said the industry digitizationprocess, security is sti l l an important consideration point,but security should not become resistance development.Many companies also recognize 100%of the securitysolution is impossible. Based security risks andself-protection wi l l become the mainstream and the mainmethods of risk management and risk mitigation.perimeter defense thought would be abandoned,different circumstances of different design wi l l be appl appl ication design, dynamic and staticappl ication securitytesting,and running the appl icationofself-protection , plus proactive and adaptivecontext-aware access control have become necessary(Source:<< Forbes>>, compi le: free download


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