浙江交通职业技术学院——精品课程Zhejiang Institute of
Communications -- top-quality course
Home exercises teaching resources introduction outline planfor electronic teaching courseware teaching experiment andtraining practice video sample papers study
Electronic lesson plan
Unit 1 how does the engine work?
Second unit crank link mechanism
Third unit valve train
Fourth unit cooling system
Fifth unit Lubrication System
Sixth unit carburetor supply system
Seventh unit gasoline injection system
Eighth unit diesel engine supply line
Ninth unit engine assembly commissioning
Tenth unit engine integrated fault diagnosis
Sixth unit carburetor supply system
First, a brief overview of carburetor, simple carburetor andcombustible mixture
Second modern carburetor (1)
Modern carburetor (two)
Fourth, the carburetor supply system is another deviceFifth talk about the maintenance of the carburetor supplysystem
Sixth describe the trouble diagnosis of the carburetor supplysystem
Practice a, carburetor disassembly and adjustment
Practice two, gasoline pump assembly and disassembly
First, a brief overview of carburetor, simple carburetor andcombustible mixture
Teaching contents overview of carburetor, simple carburetorand combustible gas mixture plan
Class 2
Teaching target
1. Mastering the composition and function of the carburetorsupply system.
2. Master the basic structure and working principle of thesimple carburetor.
3. Grasp the influence of the mixture concentration on theperformance of the gasoline engine.
4. Master the requirements of the engine for differentconditions.
Project content solution
The influence of fuel mixture concentration on the performanceof gasoline engine, the requirements of engine fuel mixtureunder different conditions, and the heuristic and researchoriented teaching methods are illustrated with examplesThe teaching difficulties, the requirements of engine fuelmixture under different conditions, the heuristic anddiscussion teaching methods are illustrated with examplesThe choice of instructional media, the number of knowledgepoints, the type of media, the content of the media, the purposeof teaching, and the time spent in Teaching
1 multimedia courseware simple carburetor composition andworking principle carburetor supply system basic knowledge 25m2 multimedia courseware, the formation of combustible gasmixture, gasoline engine fuel supply system knowledge 15m
3 multimedia courseware effects of combustible mixtureconcentration on gasoline engine performance basic knowledgeof gasoline engine fuel supply system 15m
4 multimedia courseware, engine fuel requirements underdifferent conditions, gasoline engine fuel supply systemknowledge 20mplatebookset upmeter
The first section is an overview
First, the carburetor supply system functions
Two, carburetor supply system composition
Second simple carburetor and combustible mixture
I. the formation of simple carburetor and combustible mixtureTwo, the relationship between the concentration of combustiblegas mixture and the performance of gasoline engine
The quality of the air in the mixture (Kg)
Air fuel ratio (A / F) = =
The fuel quality (Kg) in the mixture gas
The burning of 1Kg fuel, the actual supply of air qualityExcess air factor (=) - - -, -, -, -, , , , and, exactly,theoretically, the air needed for the complete combustion of1Kg fuel
1. The influence of different concentration mixture on engineperformance
2. Requirements of combustible gas mixture under variousconditions of automobile engineteachl earntoo
Chengjunctionstructureset upmeter
Knowledge exercise
What are the requirements for mixed gas concentration underdifferent engine conditions?
Formative assessment
This lesson most of the basic concepts, such as the impact ofthe concentration of the mixed gas, combustible on performanceof gasoline engine engine of different conditions on therequirements of the combustible mixture, lay the foundation forthe future requires students to master learning.
Second modern carburetor (1)
Modern carburetor project
Class 2
Teaching target
Master the functions, basic structure and working principle ofmodern carburetor main oil supply device, idle speed device andconcentration device
Project content solution
The teaching focuses on the functions of mainoil supply device,
idle speed device, concentration device, the basic structureand working principle, and the combination of multimediacourseware and physical object
The basic structure and working principle of teachingdifficulty, oil supply device, idle speed device,concentration device, multimedia courseware and physicalobject are combined
The choice of instructional media, the number of knowledgepoints, the type of media, the content of the media, the purposeof teaching, and the time spent in Teaching
1 multimedia courseware and physical main fuel supply devicestructure and working principle, the main structure of moderncarburetor 20m
2 multimedia courseware and physical idle device basicstructure and working principle, the main structure of moderncarburetor 20m
3 multimedia courseware and physical enrichment device of thebasic structure and working principle of the main structure ofmodern carburetor 20platebookset up
First, the basic structure of modern carburetor
1 、 main oil supply device
(1) function: when working in the small and medium load range,the mixed gas is gradually thinned with the opening of thethrottle valve. (alpha =0.9 to 1. 1) . In addition to idleconditions, all work.
(2) basic structure (3) working principle;
2, idle device
(1) function: to ensure that the idle and small load conditions,to provide the cylinder with less dense mixture (alpha = 0.6to 0.8) , to maintain the lowest steady speed of the engine
(2) basic structure (3) working principle;
3. Thickening device
(1) function: additional oil supply for large load and full load,to meet the requirements of engine power, also known as fueleconomizer".
(2) basic structure
(3) working principle;
teachl earntoo
Chengjunctionstructureset upmeter
Knowledge exercise
Explain the basic function and working principle of main oilsupply device, idle speed device and acceleration device.Formative assessment
The application of carburetor in automobile engines is verylittle, so it only requires students to master the basicstructure and working principle and so on, and the students canbasically meet the requirements.
Modern carburetor (two)
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