机顶盒镇海区有线数字电视基本型机顶盒技术规范书(Technical specification for basic set top box of cable digital TV set in Zhenhai District)

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镇海区有线数字电视基本型机顶盒技术规范书Technicalspecification for basic set top box of cable digital TV setin Zhenhai District

Technical specification forbasic set top box of cable digitalTV set in Zhenhai District

1, the standards to be followed

1. 1 set-top boxes should meet the standards

The set-top box should meet the MPEG-2 standard, DVB standardand Chinese broadcasting standards, should comply with theissued by relevant international organizations or China' s homeappliance products for testing and certification standards,and meet the following standards and specifications:

* ISO/IEC, IS 13818-1, motion pictures and decoding of theirassociated sounds - systems"

* ISO/IEC, IS 13818-2, motion pictures and decoding of theirassociated sounds - images"

* ISO/IEC, IS 13818-3, motion pictures and decoding of theirassociated sounds - sounds"

* GY/T 170-2001 code for modulation and modulation of wireddigital television broadcasting channels"

*EST 300429, digital broadcasting system for television, soundand data services; frame structure, channel decoding and

demodulation of wired systems"

* GB 3659-1983 "television video channel test method"

* GB 7401-1987 "subjective evaluation method for colortelevision image quality"

* GB 3174-1995 "PAL-D technical specification for televisionbroadcasting"

* GY/Z 174-2001, digital television broadcasting serviceinformation specification"

* GY/Z 175-2001 specification for conditional access systemsfor digital television broadcasting"

* GY/T 201-2004, data broadcasting specification in digitaltelevision systems"

*GY/T 203-2004 specification for digital televisionbroadcastelectronic programme guide"

* GY/T106-99 technical requirements and measurement methodsfor subscriber terminal receivers for cable digital televisionsystems (Provisional)

* GB/T 16649-1996 smart card interface specification"

* ISO7816 smart card (Smart Card) specification

*EN 300428, the service information (SI) specification (DVB-SI)

in the DVB system"

* ETR 211, DVB service information (SI) guide for use andI mp l eme ntat i on (DVB-S I)"

*transmit text information and specif ications (DVB-TXT) in thebitstream of EN 300472 "DVB""

* EN 301192 "DVB specification for data broadcasting


* interface specification specification for TS102201 DVB IRD(DVB-I RD)

* EN50221 general interface for conditional access and otherDVB decoder applications

Specification (DVB-CI)

* simultaneous encryption (SimulCrypt) technology in

TS101197-1DVB systems

Specification (DVB-SIM)

* ETR289 general scrambling system description (DVB-CSA)

* ETR154MPEG-2 systems, video and audio applications insatellite, cable and terrestrial broadcasting

Impl ementation Guide (DVB-MPEG)

* ITU-TJ. 112 recommends an interactive cable TV servicetransmission system

* GB 2312-1980, the basic set of Chinese coded character setsfor information interchange

* GB/T 14960-94 "infrared remote control transmitters fortelevision broadcast receivers - technical requirements andmeasurements

Quantity method"

* SJ/T 10514-94: technical requirements and measurements ofinfrared remote control for television broadcast receiversMethod"

* GB 8898-2001 "safety requirements for audio, video andsimilar electronic equipment"

* GB/T 9383-1999 "immunity limits for sound and televisionbroadcast receivers and related equipment, and

Measuring method"

* GB 13837-1997 "interference characteristic of sound andtelevision broadcast receivers and related equipment. "Values and methods of measurement"

* general specification for digital TV set top box (Dan Xiang)

* security for GB4943 information technology set-top boxes(including electrical transaction set-top boxes)

* radio interference limit values and measurement methods forGB9254 information technology set top boxes

*GB/T 2421 basic environmental test procedures for electricaland electronic products -- General rules

* ISO/IEC13838 information technology - General encoding ofmoving pictures and their accompanying signals

* IETF RFC 768 - UDP: User Datagram Protocol user datagramprotocol

* IETP RFC 793 - TCP: Transmission Control Protocol transportcontrol protocol

* in line with the provisional technology of digital cabletelevision issued by the science and Technology Department ofthe State Administration of radio, film and television in April1, 2003

* support digital video compression standards (ISO/IEC13838information technology - General encoding of motion picturesand their accompanying sound signals) ;

* support transmission standards (GYT/T170-2001 cable digitaltelevision broadcast channel coding and modulationspecification) ;

* guidelines for the application of conditional access systemsfor cable digital television (Provisional)

* technical requirements and measurement methods forsubscriber terminal receivers for cable digital televisionsystems Part 1: transparent transmission electricalperformance parameters (Provisional)

* guidelines for the application of the cable digitaltelevision broadcasting service (Provisional)

*Guiding Opinions on the electronic digital TV programme guide(Provisional)

* Guiding Opinions on the middleware for cable digitaltelevision (Provisional)

* guidelines for the implementation of the functions of cabledigital TV set top boxes and remote control (Provisional)For there is no reference to the standard product, the suppliershould be specified, and give a written guarantee in the futurefree upgrade to the national standard.

1.2 set-top box access requirements

Set-top boxes must have a network permit from sarft;

Set top box must pass 3C authentication;

The set-top boxes must comply with the technical requirementsspecified in this document;

2 、 hardware configuration and interface requirements

2. 1 configuration requirementsprocessor

More than 100MIPS

Flash memory

More than 4MB


More than 16MB


More than 8KB

Note: video RAM and system RAM can be together or separate fromeach other.

2.2 interface requirements

2.2. 1 RF input interface

RF input frequency


Input resistance

75 ohm

Input level

Minimum <40db Mu V, highest >70db Mu V (64QAM)Channel bandwidth


C/N threshold (C/N, threshold)

= 28 (64QAM, 6.952Mbau d)

Frequency capture range

+ 150kHz

Input reflection loss

More than 8dB

Local oscillator leakage (Intrinsic, Loss)43db V

Demodulation system

16, 32, 64, 128, 256 QA M

Support symbol rate range

1-6.952 Mb a u d (64 QAM)

RF physical interface

British FFeMale

2.2.2 RF loop output interface

Loop frequency


Output resistance

75 ohm

Physical interface

OUT-IEC 169-1FeMale

Note:when the set-top box is cut off the power supply, the levelloss requirement of the RF ring is less than 5dB Mu v.

2.2. 3 video output interface


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