The importance of Engl ish及两篇满分范文
The importance of English
With the process of globalization in both economy and culture, there is no denying that English is indeed anefficient tool for international communication.So a sound knowledge of English will give you an edge in yourjob-hunting in the foreseeable future.Besides, it opens up a fresh new window to the world around you andafar from you.You may get up-to-date news and technological developments as fast as possible.On the otherhand, if you do not know English,you are in danger of being excluded from what is going on in the worldtoday.Thus I firmly agree that this international language should always be on the curriculum.
Children should never be educated at home by their parents.Give your opinion.
In some countries a small number of parents are choosing to educate their children at home rather thansending them to school.This may be for practical reasons, such as when a family lives a long way from thenearest schooled u cati on.
Educating your children at home does seem to have a number of advantages.First of all,parents may be ableto provide a more practical education for their children than schools can, teaching skills needed in the realworld such as home management or gardening.A childatmosphere for study than that which a school can offer.Furthermore,parents are in a better position to keeptheir children away from bad influences if they can keep watching over them at home.Thirdly,parents areoften said to knowwhat is best for their children.
However, there are many arguments in support of sending children to school rather than educating them athome.Children are isolated at home; at school they are given the opportunity to develop in a social context,and become accustomed to meeting people independently.Moreover, schools can provide professionallytrained teachers and all kinds of educational facilities.Finallychildren to make very good teachers.
In my opinion, education at school is preferable to education at home.There are special cases (for example,for disabled children) in which home education is the only option;however, for the vast majority of childrengreater benefits are gained by goingto school.
It is now possible to perform everyday tasks, such as bank transaction, shopping or even office works,withoutmeeting people face to face.What are the effects it may have on individuals and the society as a whole?Thanks to the development of communication technology, nowadays we can accomplish many of oureveryday tasks without meeting each other in person, such as paying bills and buying books. In my point ofview, it has both positive and negative effects for individuals as well as our society.
It is clear that fulfilling some tasks without seeing people face to face is highly efficient. In the past, if weneeded to buy something,we had to go to the shopping mall;but nowadays all can be done with a click on thekeyboard and the goods will be delivered home, even at a lower price.And if we want to make a transactionfrom one bank account to another,we do not have to go directly to a bank or wait for a desperately longqueue; instead we may comfortably make use of the self-banking service at home provided access to theinternet.Thus, efficiency of work and life has been both highly improved owing to the technologicaladvances.
On the other hand, lack of face-to-face communication also brings some problems.One of the biggestconcerns is the safety.With increasing virus threats and well-trained hackers, online deals such as banktransactions are well exposed to heavy loss as well as to great inconvenience. Identity theft and otherproblems should be well noted by either individuals or various organizations.Another problem may lie in thefact that people might become somewhat indifferent and feel isolated in the long run without meeting othersin person.
Overall, there are both favorable and unfavorable effects on individuals and society if everyday tasks areperformed without people meeting each other.Personally, I am fairly optimistic about its future and I alsofully understand the necessity for both individuals and government to pay adequate attention to the safety ofsuch dealings.
With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that facilitiestoday are not as close as they used to be.
Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago.Now,however,almosthalf of all marriages fail.This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between familymembers in modern society. In this essay, I intend to explore the sources of this problem alongwith some possible solution to it.
Chief among the causes of this problem is the modern lifestyle.Todayharder than those of previous generations to supp ort their families.Traditionally, one parentassumed the role of breadwinner,while the other—typically the mother—acted as the homemaker.Recently, though, double income families have become the norm.Consequently, an increasingnumber of children now grow up in a parentless environment.Little wonder, then, that they feel
精品alienated.Another contributing factor is the passive and solitary nature of many modern forms ofentertainment.Watching TV too much tends to have an unfavorable influence on the familyrelationship,by which I mean if one spends the vast majority of his spare time on television,he willlack sufficient time for communication with the family members,which may possibly result in thealienation in the family.
In order to resolve this sense of alienation within families, I believe we must first address its rootcauses.Perhaps the most effective methods of doing this would be for governments to offerfinancial incentives to parents who choose to remain at home and take care of their families.Admittedly, such incentives would probably not fully compensate couples for lost income;however, they would at least soften the hardship of living on a single income and provide analternative for parents who would rather remain at home but are unab le to do so because offinancial constraints.One further measure would be to promote more interactive leisure activitiesin the community through public education campaigns.
In conclusion,I believe that this is clearly a problem of such complexity that no solution is likely tobe workable in the short term.However, I believe that the measures outline above wouldconstitute a good first step.
What are the purposes of places such as museums and how should they be funded?
In recent decades,an increasing number of museums and galleries have been built in my country,most of which are equipped with latest technologies and advanced facilities.What is the functionof such places and who should be responsible for financing such places?
It is apparent that these museums firstly serve as places to shed light on the history and culturesthat have been created by our brilliant forefathers over a span of thousands of years.For example,visitors to the Palace Museum can be impressed with the magnificence o f the artistic works createdby the ancient Chinese people and those to China Science and Technology Museum can never losesight of the technical achievements done both historically and currently.All of these experienceswill result in a clearer understanding of how things once were and where society is,which isespecially beneficial to those young minds who will be most likely to be interested and inspired toexplore the unknown world.
From the above discussion,we can see that the main purposes of a museum had never involved aprofit orientation so I find myself in agreement with those claims that such places should befunded by governments.The reasons are highly evident in that they may run out of funds for the
精品daily maintenance and their personnel since they are not profit-making companies and thereforefail to serve the purposes mentioned above.
Of course, some people may argue that a government has a rather finite budget and a lot moreessential tasks to carry out, such as education or healthcare of the general public,especially those inpoor areas. I fully understand such concerns but still firmly believe that government has a majorrole to play in financing museums—at the very least, there should be reasonable governmentalsubsidies.Besides, some other practical approaches should be explored.For example, companiesshould be encouraged to sponsor various museums or some other kinds of donations fromindividuals can also serve an indispensable part.
Today,a range of technology available increases the gap between the rich and poor. Some peoplethink it produces the opposite effects.Discuss these views.
A variety of modern technologies, such as computers,mobiles , are hailed as great inventions tocreate a brand new world,where all the members would have equal opportunities to live happily.With a tendency to hold that the economical advantages are deeply rooted in the privilege ofaccessing information, the advocates of this opinion claim that in this Information Age, everyonehas been granted a better opportunity to have easier access to information than ever before, andthe availability of useful information would then largely guarantee a better prospect for all thepeople. I think this argument is too idealistic and over-simplistic. In fact, those who can benefitmost from this Information Age and make most money out of the so-calledexplosionadvantaged.
On the other hand, those currently impoverished people are correspondingly being put at adisadvantaged by the swelling of modern technologies, because few of them can afford theexpenses of technological equipment.For example, farmers in the remote rural areas,who aremainly concerned about daily necessities, cannot buy mobiles or computers easily.Even thoughthey have some fantasies about a technically modern life, they are more likely to be disadvantagedby their poor education background,for most of the poor,from farmers to city workers,only havehad a basic education.
To conclude, it is possible that the poor may improve their living standard,which I surely do notdeny,but it is also predictable that the disparity between the rich and the poor is doomed toenlarge.No efforts to improve the life quality of the poor should be spared by governments andsome relevant bodies—it is clear that technology has no such more responsibilities.
Statistics show that cities are increasing in size.What do you think are the causes and possibleconsequences?
Most cities are expanding in terms of population and land area.City residents are daily reminded ofthis growth by the erection of new high-rise buildings and the extended bus routes.Generally agood thing,the expansion of a city is not often welcomed.
The influx of immigrant workers is the biggest reason behind city expansion. Lured by theprospect of employment and a better life in big cities,people from poorer regions come in millions.In order to accommodate an increasing number of people,cities are forced to expand. In addition,the expansion is also necessitated and fuelled by rapid economic growth.Most cities are alsocenters for trade and industry,the development of which requires the use of land.Vast stretches ofland has to be used to improve the infrastructure.
This kind of growth may lead to dire consequences.Population growth almost invariably causestraffic congestion.The building of new roads often lags far behind the increase in the number ofcars and city dwellers.As a result,people can be trapped in cars for up to an hour during rushhours.Worse stillnewly arrived immigrant workers live in appalling conditions, sharing a ro om with four or fivepeople.The local people also experience a decline in public service because it was designed only for`a certain number of people.Last but not least,urban sprawl often causes severe environmentaldamage.Trees, fields and even villages have to be sacrificed because of the unrelenting pace ofurban sprawl.The only defensive against it is a balanced development of all regions,both urbanand rural.
These days, it seems that an increasing number of people are leaving rural areas to live in the city.Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation(migration from the country to the city) andsuggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed.
While country towns were once vibrant and growing places, these days many appear to be dying aspeople move to the city in search of work and excitement. In this essay, I intend to discuss theimpact of this problem as well as how more people could be encouraged to live in rural areas.Surprisingly, the most serious consequences of rural depopulation are often felt in urban areas.Asa result of overcrowding,cities throughout the world today are increasingly prone to environmentalproblems like air,water and noise pollution.Beijing is a particularly good example of this.Further,
精品the uncontrolled growth of cities also gives rise to social problems such as high unemployment,crime and, in less affluent countries, the creation of slums.Clearly, there is a limit to how manypeople can live in one area before living standards are negatively influenced.
In order to stem the tide of rural depopulation,I believe that we must first address its root causes.At the heart of the matter is the disparity between services and facilities in the country and those inthe city. I firmly believe that urban and rural dwellers alike would find the idea of country life farmore appealing if high quality shopping centers, cinemas, swimming pools, restaurants, libraries,schools and hospitals were more readily available in the country.One further method of attractingpeople to the country would be for governments to provide financial incentives to businesses andprofessional workers who willingly relocate to rural areas.
In reality, this problem is unlikely to be resolved in the short term.However, it is by no meansinsurmountable,and I am fully convinced that more people will choose the country life as city lifebecomes less comfortable and more expensive.
1 China has experienced great changes in recent decades due to economic and social reforms.
The gap between cities and the countryside has grown accordingly.
2 The brilliant urban life allures human resources from countryside.
3 Urban citizens enjoy a great number of advantages including abundant job opportunities, finepublic facilities,high education level and good living conditions.Educated rural residentsrefuse to stay in their hometowns.
4 Inconvenient traffic system is the vital barrier for rural development.
5 The flow of products and material s at low speed keeps villages from enjoying the same higheconomic growth rate as the cities.
应对措施 to control urban population.To expand or upgrade the traffic system in rural areas.To encourage township enterprises.
To increase investment in rural areas.To improve educational level in the countryside.To buildgood investment environment to attract capitals.To allocate more funds on construction of ruraltransportation projects.To boost the local tourism.
传统与现代之争 范文一篇
When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try tokeep them alive.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
I am always amazed when I hear people saying that traditional skills and ways of life will die out sincetechnology will improve a lot in future years.Ido not believe that keeping them alive is pointless, for they willstill play a very important role in society.
Some traditional skills or ways will never die out, for they tend to be more emotional while the modern ones
精品may be impersonal.For instance,the traditional way of writing letter can be replaced by mobile phones, ICQ,or MSN in functions.But in the case that we live very far from home and miss our families,writing a letter tothe family can ease our loneliness and homesickness.When writing letters,we can recall the good old times wespent with our families and feel that we are at home and are talking to our parents; this can make us feel good.Though the new types of devices may be convenient and economical, it can never give people the same kindof feelings as writing letters.
A major argument raised by those who believe all the old or traditional are bound to disappear is that the oldmeans the valueless.This is indeed simplistic.We may say with abundant evidence that many traditional skillshave enormous potential economical values.And therefore should be preserved. For example, as thetechnology develops,using pesticides and chemicals to grow crops has become prevalent, for it can greatlyimprove the yield.But now in some countries, the public are more willing to buy foods produced in thetraditional wayorganic foodstraditional way of farming, in order to meet the market demand.This is not a special case nowadays andhundreds of more examples can be easily found to illustrate this viewpoint.
Overall,the traditional skills and ways of life are not dying out, regardless of how the technology develops.Weshould keep them alive so that they will in some ways still benefit us. (325 words)
Somepeoplesaythatgivingaidtopoorcountrieshasmorenegativeeffects thanpositiveeffects.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?
Though many people today in the rich West live comfortable lives, enjoying the bene fits broughtby advanced hi-techin poverty,or even extremely poverty,according to statistics of a UN report.So it is quite commonfor rich countries to give international aid to those impoverished ones.
The advantages of this practice are easiest to note.For example,with foreign investment, localpeople have finally found employment to earn a living and to support their families,which alsopartly contributes to greater so cial stability, thus forming a virtuous rather than vicious circle.Moredirect benefit can be seen in the field of medical care and education.As a result of medicinedonation from individuals, corporations and governments from the richer world, and somededicated medical teams in particular,one of the prevailing diseases—malaria has been controlledor eradicated in several African countries.Thus, I believe the international aid will be a must infighting against AIDS.Without the financial and technological support from internationalcommunities, these achievements would be rather impossible.
Those who claim giving aids is more a curse than a blessing may argue that the poorest nations aretypically badly governed,where corruption,official incompetenc e,and the failure to protect basic
精品rights are capable of rendering the aids not just useless but harmful.This is indeed a problem.Consequently, in these countries, a more efficient way of providing aids should be explored, forexample,giving aids directly to those in need rather than local government is a good attemptindeed.Thus, the point here is not that international aid itself should be doubted but that how togive should be improved.
In conclusion, I am firmly of the opinion that richer countrie s have moral responsibilities to helpthe poor ones and this endeavor has more benefits than drawbacks and should be encouraged.Ofcourse,different and more efficient approaches can be well explored.
Some people believe that individuals can not improve environment,but only governments and big companiescan make a difference.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
These days,no one would deny the importance of protecting the environment.But there is no consensus onhow to achieve this end.
Some people believe that this responsibility is too heavy for individuals to shoulder or to make a difference. Ifind it really difficult to justify this argument from any perspective.The fact is that without individual efforts,and large proj ect designed to improve our surrounding will fail in the end without doubt.For example, theChinese government introduced legislation banning use of plastic bags in supermarkets to tackle the problemofbags are given at the request of customers. If we individual customers demand fewer products or servicescontaminating the environment,the production will definitely be less.
Of course, reaching the conclusion that individuals play a vital role in the environmental protection does notmean governments and big corporations are less capable or responsible.They have their own role to play.Forexample,governments should keep on doing related surveys and bringin some practical laws or regulations toensure that both individuals and companies do take the environment into consideration when buying orproducing something and Chinacompanies, especially the manufacturing factories, should obey the related environmental regulations and giveserious thought to the severe consequence of contamination,not only in terms of economy but also in termsof the future generations.
To concludcooperation and coordination of individuals, enterprises and governments and even at international level(forexample, in the case of dealing with global warming).Yet one thing is certain that all efforts would be lesseffective without i ndividu als.
Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children.Do you agree ordisagree?
I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer everyday.This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and thephysical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.
However, the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children.These are oftenelectronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent.The player is usually thegame and too much exposure can encourage children to be s elf-centered and insensitive to others.Even whenchildren use a computer for other purposes, such as gettinginformation or emailing friends, it is no substitutefor human interaction.Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is an importantpart of a child.
In spite of this,the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied.Their adult worldwill be changing constantly in terms of technology and the Internet is the key to knowledge and informationavailable in the world today.Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipmententhusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.I think the main point is to make sure that young children do not overuse computers.Parents must ensurethat their children learn to enjoy other kinds of activity and not simply sit at home, learning to live in a virtualworld.
As computers are being used more and more in education.There will soon be no role for teachersin the classroom.Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
There is no doubt that the learning process has changed tremendously since the introduction ofcomputers.For example, the search for information has become not only easier but also moreamusing.Nonetheless, computers have not yet become an utter substitute for human teachers ine duc ation.
Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is made much easier than ever before withcomputers.Thisgrasping of new knowledge at a faster speed.At a higher educational level, the availability of digitalbookswith an ever-accessible source of information.
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