
黄雅讯  时间:2021-03-08  阅读:()



For one thing.. .For another.. .

To begin with. ..

For example,

For instance,

In addition to that, .. .

What's more,




How ever,

On the c ontrary,

By/In c ontrast,

Otherw is e,

Nevertheles s,

As a matter of fact,

On the other hand,



The reason why. ..is that. ..

That's because.. .

The main reason is that. ..

As a result,


This can be explained by. . .


To sum up. ..

In short,

In conclusion,

In brief,

In aword,

On the whole,


1请考官重复问题Ask the examiner to repeat the questionSorry,could you repeat that,please?

Could you say it again,please?

I'm sorry,would you mind saying that again?

Sorry,I didn't quite catch that.


I'm not sure I'm following you.

I didn't follow what you said.Could you repeat your question?

2)思考、犹豫Hesitating expression

Well, . . .

In fact,. ..

You see, . ..

How can I put it, . ..

I'm not sure,but maybe. ..

What sport is popular in my country?Hmm. . .let me see. ..

That's an interesting question. I guess.. .

That's a difficult question. I've never thought about it.But I suppose.. .It's hard to say,but I guess. ..

3)表达观点Expressing ideas

As far as I'm concerned,. ..

From my point of view,. ..

In my opinion, . ..

In my mind, . ..

Pers onally, . . .

Frankly, . . .

It seems to me that, .. .


4强调观点Emphasizing ideas

What I mean is that. ..

What I'm trying to say is.. .

I'd like to point out that.. .

I'd just like to say that. ..

5陈述喜欢、不喜欢Stating likes and dislikesI love. . .

I enjoy. . .

I'm interesting in. . .

I'm fond of.. .

I'm keen on. ..

I think highly of. . .

I'm crazy about. ..

I prefer to do. ..

I hate.. .

I don'tcare for.. .

I can't stand.. .

I can't bear. ..

I can't put up with.. .

I'm tried of.. .

hI'm fed up with.. .

I'm bored of. ..



I like. . .

I prefer. ..

I go for.. .

I am keen on/about. ..喜爱

I am most interested in. . .

I am crazy about/over. ..热衷

I am addicted to. ..沉溺于

I am really into. . .

I am partial to.. .非常喜欢

I fancy. ..我想



The thing I really dislike is that. ..

I really dis like. . .


I am afraid I just can't stand. ..

I am most disgusted with. ..

The thing I really loathe/abominate/detest . ..我最讨厌的东西是I amsickof. ..厌恶

I am allergic to.. .对. ..很反感

I am fed up with. ..

6解释原因Explaining reasons

The main reason is that. ..

Another reason I can think of is that. ..

This can be explained by. . .

This is caused by. ..

All of these factors are responsible for. ..

. . .And that's why I like it so much.

7进行对比Making c omparison

Aand B are fairly similar in. . .

A and B have a lot in common.

Aand B have little in common.

There are a number of differences between A and B.

A is totally different from B.


8谈论优缺点Talking about advantages and dis advantagesThe best part of. .. is that .. .

The good thing about . .. is . ..

One advantages of. ..is. ..

What makes it wonderful is. ..

Everything has its downside.

The bad thing about . ..is. ..

The disadvantages of.. .is. ..

The drawback of.. . Is. ..


I find. ..(very/extremely/fantastically) relaxing/exciting/beautiful.(rather/awfully)monotonous/boring,etc.

. . .makes me feel (relaxed/calm/happy).

(bored/irritable/on edge).

. . .put me(in a good mood).

. . .gives me(a headache).

10结束谈话Clos ing a conversation

I think that's all.

That's it,I think.

I hope I've made it clear.


Am I making myself clear?

Did I make everything c lear?


1.My full name is. . .

2.My Chinese name is. . .

3. . ..is my Chinese name.

4.My surname is. .. ;my given name is.. .

5.Well,if you like,please call me. . .

6.My English name is. ..

7.Most of my friends often call me. . .

8.My grandpa gave it to me because. ..

9.My name was given to me by.. .,who wishes that I. . .

10.My Chinese name means/represents/stands for.. .

11.I am from. . ./I come from. .. ,a historical city.

12.I live in/dwell in/res ide in. . . ,where it is quite convenient to access the metro system.

13.I live in an apartment,which consists of two bedrooms,one living room,one bathroom and abalc ony.

14.One of the benefits of living at home is the neighborhood protection and community services.

15.I study. ..course in the university of. ..

16.I major in. ..

17.I work as. ..(Software Engineer) in. ..organization.


18.My routine is .. .But sometimes,I work at a bar during weekends as well.

19.I like to. . .when I am free.

20.Nothing will change my habit of reading when I have free time.

21.When I was a kid,I was addicted to.. .

22.Nothing can make me change my hobby,shell collection,because it's really fun and agrees withmy personality.I prefer to think and play individually.

必备词汇Word Power


Apartment/flat公寓 bungalow平房 c astle城堡

Cottage村舍 dormitory宿舍 hotel宾馆

Hous e房子 hut棚屋 villa别墅

2.房间的种类Room Types

Att ic阁楼 bas ement地下室 bathroom浴室

Bedroom卧室 storage贮藏间 dining room餐厅

3.城市建筑物City Buildings

Overpass天桥US parking lot停车场shopping mall商圈

Skyscraper摩天大楼sport stadium运动场 square广场

Temple庙宇 TV tower电视塔

Sparkedhost($8/月)美国迈阿密AMD Ryzen高性能VPS;免费100G高防

sparkedhost怎么样?sparkedhost主机。Sparkedhost于2017年7月注册在美国康涅狄格州,2018年收购了ClynexHost,2019年8月从Taltum Solutions SL收购了The Beast Hosting,同年10月从Reilly Bauer收购了OptNode Hosting。sparkedhost当前的业务主要为:为游戏“我的世界”提供服务器、虚拟...





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