解析高考英语总复习 基础考点聚焦 第一部分 模块7 unit3 the world online知能演练轻松闯关

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Unit 3 The world online

Ⅰ .单项填空

1 (2016 ·南京、盐城调研)Having lived in China for 8 years,Helen has a good________of bothEnglish and Chinese.

A program B guidance

C command D ability

C 解析句意在中国生活了八年海伦能够熟练地运用英语和汉语两门语言。 have a goodc ommand of“对……掌握熟练 精通 掌握”。

2 (2016 ·盐城中学期中)________ acc ording to the study in 6 out of 10 patients,all symptoms________what the researchers had expected.

A To conclude;corresponded to

B In a conclusion; corresponded to

C Having drawn a conclusion; corresponded with

D To be concluded; corresponded with

A 解析 to concludein conclusion“总之” correspond to“相当于 类似于”。

3.Digital teaching has________our way of learning and excited us to focus in class.

A guaranteed B transformed

C evaluated D revealed

B 解析句意数字教学已经改变了我们学习的方式让我们在课堂集中注意力。 guarantee保证 trans form转换 evaluate估算 reveal暴露。 根据题意选B。

4—The accident urges the government to increase the police on the street for safety.

—Yes.They have the duty to________people’s concerns at any time.

A address B discriminate

C compensate D clarify

A 解析 addres s“处理”。答句句意是的。他们有义务在任何时候处理人们关心的问题。

5 (2016 ·无锡辅仁中学检测)It’s so nice to hear from her.________ we last met more than thirtyyears ago.

AWhat’ s more B That is to say

C In other words D Believe it or not

D 解析 believe it or not“信不信由你”。 what’s more“而且” that is to say“也就是说” inother words“换句话说”。 根据语境答案应为D项。

6 Mr.Richard was disappointed that many students who had signed up for his adventurec ourse________at the last moment.

A left out B got out

C passed out D dropped out

D 解析句意Mr.Richard很失望许多报名参加他的冒险课程的学生在最后时刻退出了。drop out“退出”。

7 Guan Lu’ s sacrific es for the c ountry were never officially________until 1982.

A appealed B acknowledged


C recommended D evaluated

B 解析句意关露为国家做出的牺牲直到1982年才得到公开的认可。 appeal“吸引 上诉” acknowledge“承认 认可” rec ommend“推荐 建议” evaluate “评价 评估”。

8 The poor condition of the Acropolis set the Greek government________into consideration thepreservation of it.

A taking B taken

C to take D to be taken

A 解析句意雅典卫城的不良状况促使希腊政府考虑到要保护它。 set sb.doing sth.“使某人做某事”。

9.Watching rugby matches gives me much________after I broke my leg and missed playing thegame for four months.

A convenience B comfort

C adjustment D qualification

B 解析考查名词辨析。 句意在我摔断了腿并且四个月没有玩橄榄球之后 看橄榄球比赛对我来说是一种莫大的安慰。 c omfort“安慰慰藉” 符合句意。 c onvenienc e“便利”adjus tment“调节” qualific ation“资格”。

10 After living in Quanzhou for five years, she has developed quite an________for the city.

A association B affection

C appointment D enc ouragement

B 解析考查名词词义辨析。 句意在泉州生活了五年后 她对这个城市已经很有感情了。根据句意可知应选affec tion“钟爱喜爱”。 ass oc iation“联想联盟” appointment“约会 任命 约定” enc ouragement“鼓舞 鼓励”。

11While taking notes, she often uses colored pens for different topics to catch the eye and makethings________.

A stand out B give out

C drop out D go out

A 解析 句意记笔记时 她经常用彩笔标出不同的话题以引起注目 使之突显。 standout“突出 突显” give out“发出 耗尽” drop out“退学 退出” go out“出去 熄灭”。

12—Shall I lock the lab now before I go home?

—________. I’ll check it myself later.

A Go ahead B No problem

C No hurry D Don’ t bother

D 解析答语句意不用麻烦了。 等会我自己去核实一下。 Go ahead去吧 No problem没问题 No hurry不忙。 A、 B、 C三项与后面的I’ll check it myself later.逻辑上不符合。Don’t bother不用麻烦了 符合题意 故选D项。

13 After________the luggage at the railway station,we left for the exhibition hall in a taxi.

A claiming B demanding

C deserving D obtaining

A 解析考查动词辨析。句意在火车站认领过行李后 我们乘出租车去了展览大厅。此处c laim表示“认领”。 后三项分别表示“要求”“值得”“获得” 都不符合语境。


14 Due to bad weather, the police had to________the search for the missing boy.

A resign B abandon

C conduct D release

B 解析句意由于糟糕的天气 警察不得不放弃对这个失踪男孩的寻找。 resign“辞职”abandon“放弃” conduct“引导 指挥” release“释放 发射”。

15 This was returned bec ause the person________this letter was addres sed had died three yearsag o.

A towhom B towhich

C which D whom

A 解析句意信件被退回来了 因为收件人三年前就去世了。 addres s this letter to sb.“把这封信寄给某人”。



(2016·南通质检)It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas;and as the newestdoctor in our office, I had to work.The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifullydecorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a gift sent to me by a fellow I was dating—adozen long-stemmed red roses.

As I was cleaning my office, I was told a lady urgently needed to speak with me.As I stepped out, Inoticed a young, tired­looking woman with a baby in her arms.Nervously, she explained that herhusband—a prisoner in a nearby prison—was my next patient. She told me she wasn’t allowed tovisit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son.Her request was for me to let the boy’sfather sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible before I called him for his appointment.Since my schedule wasn’t full, I agreed.After all, it was Christmas Eve.

A short time later,her husband arrived—with chains on his feet and hands,and two armed guards asbodyguards.The woman’s tired face lit up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took aseat beside her. I kept glancing out to watch them laugh,cry and share their child.After almost anhour, I called the prisoner back to my office.The patient seemed like a gentle and modest man. Iwondered what he possibly could have done to_be_held_under_such_conditions. I tried to makehim as comfortable as possible.

At the end of the appo intment, I wished him a Merry Christmas—a difficult thing to say to a manheaded back to prison.He smiled and thanked me.He also said he felt saddened by the fact hehadn’t been able to get his wife anything for Christmas.On hearing this, I was inspired with awonderful idea.

I’ ll never forget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long­stemmed roses. I’m not sure who experienced the most joy—the husband in giving, the wife inreceiving,or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment.

【解题导语】 本文讲述了作者目睹一位妻子带着孩子看望服刑丈夫的感人场面。 作者把别人送给自己的礼物送给了那位服刑的丈夫 让他在圣诞前夕能够为妻子送一份礼物。 同时作者自己也感到了一份幸福。


1What can be inferred from the first paragraph?

A The writer was a newcomer to her office.

B A fellow sent her a dozen red roses as Christmas present.

C She was in low spirits because she had to work before Christmas.

D She was at work with a light heart.

C 解析从第一段的句子 . . .I had to work.The only thing that brightened my day was thebeautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a gift sent to me by a fellow I wasdating可知作者情绪不高 因为她在圣诞节前夕还要工作。 故选C。

2 The young woman came to the writer’ s office for the purpose of________

A having her baby examined

B giving her husband a chance to make his escape

C having her husband examined

D getting a chance for her family to get together

D 解析根据第二段“She told me she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison and that hehad never seen his son.Her requestwas for me to let the boy’s father sit in the waiting room with heras long as possible before I called him for his appointment.”可知 她的目的就是一家人能在这里团聚。

3 The underlined part in Paragraph 3 most probably means “________”

A to be sent to hospital

B to be separated from his family

C to be comfortable

D to become a prisoner

D 解析根据第二段“she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison”可知她的丈夫是服刑人员故选D。

4What does the writer learn from the story?

A The wife experienced the mostjoy in receiving.

B An act of kindness can mean a lot.

C The prisoner was treated with mercy.

DWhoever breaks the law should be punished.

B 解析根据最后一段“I’m not sure who experienced the most joy—the husband in giving, thewife in receiving,or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment.”可知我从这件事中也是受益颇多。


(2016·严州中学高三仿真考试)My trip with my sister and my daughter to Manhattan weddinggown(长袍 长外衣)shop,c annot be understood without further focusing on Marina,my 14­year­old daughter I’ ve asked to try on dresses.

This was the girl I took to Kleinfeld, the fancy store featured on the television program“Say Yes tothe Dress”.As the trip approached,I asked Marina if she was excited. “Sure,Mom.” she’ d say,shrugging.Marina was more excited about getting a tattoo(文身)on her ankle to represent my fightwith ALS(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症) than trying on$ 10 000 wedding gowns.

My sister, Stephanie, had arranged for a car with a wheelchair lift to drive us from the hotel toKleinfeld.The car driver wheeled me i


At Kleinfeld with flower arrangements ten feet high, I felt like rolling into a dream.“Wow ”I said.I was wearing a new black outfit.Marina wore jean shorts,a sleeveless(无袖的) shirt,and sneakers.She_stood_with_her_hands_cros s ed_over_her_chest,_like_this_was_the_last_plac e_on_the_plan et_she_wanted_to_be.The kind Kleinfeld ladies pointed out rooms like tour guides, naming thedesigners one by one on display:Alita Grham,Pnina Tornai. . .With Marina walking beside me,Stephanie pushed my chair up and downrows androws of dresses that made Princess Diana’ s dresslook modest.

Marina didn’ t say a word.We turned a corner into the storage room,where hundreds of dresseshung in plastic protector sleeves.Marina and I were overwhelmed.

“Want to try one on  ”I said, touching Marina’ s hand.

“OK ” Marina said in her sharp,unsure voice.

“Tell them the style you’ d like.”

Marina stood silent. I felt bad for bringing her, for forcing such an adult experience on a child.Marina picked an A­ line dress.Or,more precisely, the ladies of Kleinfeld picked it for her.Marinawas too shocked to do more than nod. As she took the gown into the dressing room,I_tried_not_to_think_of_my_litt le_g ir l_on_her_w edding_day_or_of_her_as_a_baby_in_my_arms.I tried not to think of her with her own baby in her arms one day.

I tried not to think of Marina right now,embarrassed by her mother’ s plans,by things she could notand should not yet understand.

I am leaving money in my will for Marina’ s wedding dress.Stephanie has promised to bring herback to Kleinfeld to purchase it.

“No pure white ”I said to Stephanie. “Ivory.Not too much tulle(薄纱).Think lace.”“Think royalty when picking a dress ” I advised Stephanie as we waited outside the dressingroom. “Think Princess Kate.Elegant.Think long sleeves.They make dresses more formal.”Marina came out, sleeveless, flared(下摆宽大的).She looked like a 14-year-old girl in the middleof a giant cupcake.

“I don’ t like the loose gown.” she said.

That’ s my girl!

“How about trying on one with long sleeves ”I asked her.

The ladies brought out a dress with long lace sleeves,an Empire collar,a ruched(有褶饰的)fittedwaist,and a long, smooth silk skirt.

Marina disappeared into the dressing room.When the door opened, she looked a foot taller and adecade older. I could clearly see the beautiful woman she will be one day. I simply stared.What do you do when you glimpse a moment youwill not live to see?

I dipped my head.Breathe, I told myself. I looked up. I smiled.Marina smiled back.


I worked my tongue into position to speak. “I like it ” I said.

In that dress,Marina stood straight, shining brightly,and tall.

“You are beautiful ” I whispered,my tongue barely cooperating. I don’ t know if she heard me.We took some photos.And moved on.A memory made.

【解题导语】 本文写了一个美丽的故事 作者让自己14岁的女儿穿上了美丽的婚纱 实现了自己以后可能看不到女儿穿婚纱的梦。

5Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A The mother made the payment for the wedding gown for her daughter on the spot.

B The mother was disabled and unable to move around without a wheelchair.

C The daughter well understood why she was asked to try on wedding gowns.

D The mother thought pure white is more suitable for her daughter on the wedding.

B 解析推理判断题。 根据第二段中的Marina was more excited about getting a tattoo(文身)on her ankle to repres ent my fight with ALS(肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症) than trying on$10 000wedding gowns.及第三段内容可知母亲是有病的 坐轮椅。 故选B。

6 According to the story,we can conclude that Marina________

A finally picked out her favorite wedding gown herself after careful selection

B amazingly grew taller and older after wearing her new wedding gown

C was a different girl who liked marking pictures on skin to show her uniqueness

D was more concerned about her mother than trying on new wedding gowns

D 解析推理判断题。 由第二段可知女儿更在乎妈妈 故选D。

7 The underlined sentence in Para.4 means________

A she was more satisfied with her own clothes thanwedding gowns

B she was too excited to say anything seeing so many wedding gowns

C she was quite nervous and uneasy in a place intended for adults

D she was amazed to see so many wedding gowns on display

C 解 析  句 意 理 解 题 。She_stood_with_her_hands_cros s ed_over_her_chest,_like_this_was_the_last_plac e_on_the_plan et_she_wanted_to_be.The kind Kleinfeld ladies pointed out rooms like tour guides可知她很紧张故选C。

8 By saying “I tried not to think of my little girl on her wedding day or of her as a baby in myarms” the author probably felt________

A heartbroken B disappointed

C embarrassed D ashamed

A 解析推理判断题。 由文章总体可知 得病的母亲可能看不到女儿嫁人 作为一个母亲可能是心痛的 故选A。

9What is the main purpose for mother taking her 14­year­old daughter to the wedding dres s shop?

A To take memorable photos of her daughter who wears the wedding gown.

B To buy her daughter the most beautiful wedding gown for her wedding day.

C To fulfill her desire to see what her daughter will be like in her wedding gow


D To choose the most suitable wedding gown as the last gift for her daughter.

C 解析作者意图题。 由文章总体可知 作者让14岁女儿穿婚纱就是为了看看女儿在婚礼上是什么样子 故选C。

10What would be the best title for the passage?

AMother’ s F inal Wish

B AParticular Wedding Dress Shop

C An Embarrassing Plan

D Daughter’ s Wedding

A 解析标题归纳题。 根据文章总体可知 母亲为了实现自己的希望 带女儿试婚纱所以选A。

Unit 3 The world online(B卷)

Ⅰ .完形填空

Remembering My Father’s Vest

People get into trouble because they don’t know enough to keep cool.As a child, I had a lot of__1__that had been held back and not released.Worse still, I was not good at__2__constructively.Once,as I was getting ready for school,my mother__3__handed me my father’ s vest instead ofmine.This was around the time when I was getting to be larger in__4__than my father, so as I puton the vest, I felt like I was being choked in it! I__5__that it was a small oversight (疏忽)on mymother’s part,but__6__the feeling of being choked overwhelmed me and I got very angry.I took out my anger on my mother__7__thinking much. I was so upset when she had handed me thewrong vest, and I__8__by violently tearing it apart from my chest!

Later,my mother shared her own__9__with my father “See what your son has done.”Instead of scolding or abusing me,my father__10__responded by asking my mother to__11__thevest.He then wore it to work the next day.

When my mother told me about my father’ s response much later,when I had__12__from my fit(冲动), I immediately felt a great sense of__13__for my violent behavior, just__14__that he wasspending the entire day wearing a(n)__15__vest.At the same time, I was filled with great__16__for my father,whose gentle kindness taught me a life lesson I would treasure forever.

On that day, I made a__17__never to let anger get the better of me. I learn to__18__others when Ithink that they behave in an unfair, cruel,or unacc eptable way,__19__forgivenes s is a tool to turnanger off.And whenever I have difficulty__20__my strong emotion, I try to remember my father’svest.

【解题导语】 人们由于不知道如何保持冷静而会陷入麻烦之中。 本文的作者通过一种特殊的方式学会了控制自己的情绪。

1 A.pressure B anger

C stories D tears


B 解析下文多处谈及作者小时候发怒的事。 根据语境可知 空格处应用anger。

2 A.listening B debating

C communicating D working

C 解析从下文可知 作者不擅长与父母交流、沟通。 c ommunic ate意为“交流” 符合语境。

3 A.casually B accidentally

C obviously D abruptly

B 解析 由下文中的“a small oversight(疏忽)on my mother’s part”可知 作者的母亲不经意间将作者父亲的背心给了作者。 acc identally意为“意外地 偶然地” 符合语境。

4 A.size B weight

C height Dmind

A 解析 由下文中的“I felt like I was being choked in it”可知 作者衣服的尺寸(size)要比父亲的大。

5 A.expected B refused

C suspected D realized

D 解析 由上下文可知 作者知道母亲是一时疏忽拿错了背心。 realize“知道 意识到”。

6 A.somewhat B anyway

C somehow D anyhow

C 解析但是不知怎么地(somehow)窒息的感觉淹没了作者。

7 A.without B beyond

C besides D despite

A 解析作者不假思索就对母亲发怒。 w ithout“没有 无”。

8 A.performed B agreed

C reacted D declined

C 解析由后面的“by violently tearing it apart from my chest”可知 作者的母亲拿错了背心而作者的反应是粗暴地把背心从身上扯下来。

9 A.excitement B frustration

C enthusiasm D failure

B 解析后来 作者的母亲将自己的沮丧告诉了作者的父亲。 fru str ation意为“沮丧” 符合语境。

10 A.calmly B politely

C tentatively D anxiously

A 解析作者的父亲并没有责备作者 而是冷静地让作者的母亲缝补背心。 c alm ly“冷静地 平静地”。

11 A.saveup B giveaway

C holdback D sewup

D 解析参见上题解析。 sew up意为“缝补” 符合语境。

12 A.recovered B changed

C developed D benefited

A 解析作者从自己的冲动中恢复过来后 对自己的暴躁行为感到很羞愧。 recover意为“恢复(正常状态)” 符合语境。

13 A.disappointment B sympathy


C panic D shame

D 解析参见上题解析。 shame意为“羞愧”。

14 A.hoping B joking

C imagining D supposing

C 解析作者想象父亲一整天穿着被撕破的背心工作的情形。 imagine意为“想象” 符合语境。

15 A.old B broken

C torn D shabby

C 解析参见上题解析。 上文中的“by violently tearing it apart”是提示。

16 A.curiosity B pride

C envy D admiration

D 解析作者的父亲给了他人生的启迪 作者内心对父亲充满了钦佩。 admiration意为“钦佩” 符合语境。

17 A.choice B decision

C requirement D compromise

B 解析作者决定从那天起绝不让愤怒控制自己。 make a decision“作决定”。

18 A.forgive B assist

C appreciate D respect

A 解析 由下文的“forgiveness is a tool to turn anger off”可知答案。

19 A.and B but

C for D so

C 解析当有人的行为让作者生气时 他会原谅他们 因为谅解能化解怒气。 由语境可知 后一分句表原因 故用for。

20 A.expressing B controlling

C treasuring Dmonitoring

B 解析每当作者无法控制(c ontrolling)自己的情感时 他会想起父亲的背心。




Fuel Cell Technology for Cars

Fill her up with hydrogen?That’s what some California motorists may be saying soon as carmakers try to speed up production of zero emission(零排放)cars to meet state requirements in thenear future.

Beneath the skin of this ordinary looking Hondas FCX Concept Vehic le sits an electro­chemicalreactor a hand-built astronomically expens ive power_plant known as a fuel cell.It’ s expected tobe running ordinary family cars on California’s roads within three years.

So what exactly is a fuel cell anyway?Why are governments private businesses and academicinstitutions cooperating to develop and produce them?Afuel cellvery simply described is a powergeneratormaking electricity through the combination of hydrogen and oxyge

两款半月湾 HMBcloud 春节88折日本和美国CN2 VPS主机套餐

春节期间我们很多朋友都在忙着吃好喝好,当然有时候也会偶然的上网看看。对于我们站长用户来说,基本上需要等到初八之后才会开工,现在有空就看看是否有商家的促销。这里看到来自HMBcloud半月湾服务商有提供两款春节机房方案的VPS主机88折促销活动,分别是来自洛杉矶CN2 GIA和日本CN2的方案。八八折优惠码:CNY-GIA第一、洛杉矶CN2 GIA美国原生IP地址、72小时退款保障、三网回程CN2 ...

酷番云-618云上秒杀,香港1核2M 29/月,高防服务器20M 147/月 50M 450/月,续费同价!

官方网站:点击访问酷番云官网活动方案:优惠方案一(限时秒杀专场)有需要海外的可以看看,比较划算29月,建议年付划算,月付续费不同价,这个专区。国内节点可以看看,性能高IO为主, 比较少见。平常一般就100IO 左右。优惠方案二(高防专场)高防专区主要以高防为主,节点有宿迁,绍兴,成都,宁波等,节点挺多,都支持防火墙自助控制。续费同价以下专场。 优惠方案三(精选物理机)西南地区节点比较划算,赠送5...

vdsina:俄罗斯VPS(datapro),6卢布/天,1G内存/1核(AMD EPYC 7742)/5gNVMe/10T流量

今天获得消息,vdsina上了AMD EPYC系列的VDS,性价比比较高,站长弄了一个,盲猜CPU是AMD EPYC 7B12(经过咨询,详细CPU型号是“EPYC 7742”)。vdsina,俄罗斯公司,2014年开始运作至今,在售卖多类型VPS和独立服务器,可供选择的有俄罗斯莫斯科datapro和荷兰Serverius数据中心。付款比较麻烦:信用卡、webmoney、比特币,不支持PayPal...

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