how-to-make-my-clas s-active-and-interactivehow to make my class active and interactive?
Al l the teachers are eager to make their class active and interactive.but how to do it?This is an important question that worth considering.
As the teacher for ten years,in my opinion,The most important is tohave a good preparation for the course design.
Theteacher's role is notonly the tel ler,butalso we haveto try our best to be the student's close friend,to know what the topicthey l ike to talk about,what the things they l ike to do,what kind of songsthey l ike to sing,which film star they l ike best,and then combine these tooptimize the course design.
The second is to give some spaces to the students to growindependently.teaching is not fi l l ing the bucket ,but l ighting the fire.Soduring the class teaching, I never talk too much, I give the enough chanceto the students for practicing,role playing,guessing game,picturedrawing,song singing,and so a word, I'm just the l istener, the friendand the helper.
Otherwise,to have a suitable assessment.
The assessment is very important. it can encourage the students to havemore confidence and also make students know how to do from good tobetter,from better to best.
The last one is to combine the body language with the verballanguage.
In a word, to make the class active and interactive,it depands on ourteachers. if we can give more care about the students,more time forthe class design,that we can do it.
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