设计The art of modern industrial design factors Interactive Design and Analysis 英语论文×

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The art of modern industrial design factors

Interactive Design and Analysis





[1]高惠.杨君顺.现代工业产品设计中的艺术文化.源源-新浪blog 2007.4.8

[2] (韩)金泽勋.二十一世纪设计教育之展望.装饰 2000 (3)

[3]陈望衡.艺术设计美学.武汉武汉大学出版社 2000

[4]尹定邦.设计学概论.长沙湖南科学技术出版社 2000

[5]张宪荣.现代设计词典.北京:北京理工大学出版社 1998

[6]何可人工业设计史修订本北京北京理工大学出版社 20028

With the Development of machine production, the resulting modern industrial design.Modern Industrial Design companies are often regarded as the soul of Innovation anddevelopment.Early industrial designer's role is played by the artists, the Art of composition isessential .artistic beauty of the requirement is one of the features of modern industrial design. Inmodern Industrial Des ign education, design arts of cultivation and improvement of quality isabsolutely necessary.

First, the art of industrial design in the analysis of factors

Industrial design is an old and young subject.As a continuation of the activities of humandesign and development, it has a long history and cultural heritage,after a long gestation period,until the 20th century, 20 years before starting to build.The industrial design is the function ofindustrial products, materials, construction, technology, shape, color, surface treatment,decoration, from the social, economic, technological and other aspects of comprehensivetreatment, enabling it to meet people on the functional requirements of product substance,butalso to meet the people aesthetic taste. In the design of industrial products,not only to considerthe possibility of manufacturing, operational reliab ility,Economic rationality, and other artisticform of expression, but also consider the social value of the product on the environmentinfluence on the physical and psychological effect. The art of industrial design is acomprehensive concept that includes not only the product shape, color, decoration and othervisual effects associated with treatment,but also the human touch,hearing and psychologicaldemands of the combined effect of the treatment. Industrial design has become a comprehensiveartistic language, as the continuation of human creation and development activities; it is also anarts and culture.

The art of industrial design elements, are different from the general sense of the kind of art orpractices. Industrial design is a unique creative activity, and its distinguished brother, one of themain features of kinds of art is originality.Therefore, it can be considered, the art of industrialdesign elements is a more special "b eauty", that is the beauty of the design.

Design of the United States, the first meaning is "new."Design requires new, difference,change,different,or design will not be called a des ign.This "new"has different levels; it can bemodified in nature, but also can be creative. But in any case, only the new design will bedistinctive in the Ebb Tide in the flashing light, the first step towards success.Designed to sensethe beauty of the second is "reasonable."The reason why a design known as the "design"because it solves the problem.Design is not independent of social and market presence, in linewith the Law of value is the direct cause of present design.

The third design of the essence of beauty is "human."Ultimately, the design is designed forhuman services in people’s lives are to design the ultimate goal.The natural beauty of the designshould follow basic human aesthetic charm.

The essence of these three, so different from the purely industrial designer engineers’ artistsand pure, and their task is to search for in the design of "beauty" of the balance.Aestheticindustrial design of these unique requirements,not accidental, it has an objective basis behindand needs.The beauty of industrial design, relying on the laws of the market, this is brutalmarket competition and survival of the fittest principle of the decision.

Second, the modern relationship between industrial design and art

Between design and art,from the beginning of a bridge of mutual Economic Xiangxian.Withthe development of society, the penetration of the edge of disciplines, scientific knowledge andenhance the scientific level, they are getting closer, any the real creative product design arebound to penetrate,weaving, and the performance of the United States. Design aesthetics,intuition and imagination are all nurtured a strong artistic appeal.Design and art are mutuallypenetrated and complement each other, inspire each other.We observe carefully, you will findany industrial product design and Application process, in fact,are in accordance with the laws ofthe United States to outline to the shape.No profound understanding of art, pure formulationdesign is created will not be a genuine and appeal of the product design. Industrial design createdin the full beauty of art and imagination, and art to create similarly restricted by the industrialdesign and influence.

Art in Industrial Des ign to create the role and impact is not partial, individual, specific,and isa macro,holistic,broad.

From the beginning of industrial civilization, industrial design and artistic creativity wasartificially divided into unrelated areas of professional and independent. Human society totoday's Information age, people began to re-examine the scientific, technical, design, art ofrelationships: the inherent nature is a general, the reason it is split into a separate profession,notdepends on the nature of things, but because of the limitations of human knowledge. In fact,design and art is a not break the chain. in the design of a Computer Zhang drawings,a piece ofthe screen,and a piece of product design three-dimensional space in front of people seem to feelthemselves in some sort of edge,realize that the combination of design Technology and art,art isno longer just an abstract philosophy,but specific experience,not only to reveal a presence,but acreation,which is the design of the new alliance of Technology and art. .

Throughout the history of industrial design,we can see, design and art through the initialintegration, the gradual formation of their different areas of expertise, until today thedevelopment of a new fusion of design and art.Throughout the design process are permeatedwith the arts.Therefore,we can not be isolated stressed functionalism,while ignoring the impactof art on products,but also not too much to ignore the functional p erformance art.Our goal is toachieve the perfect combination of art and design.

The definition of interaction design:

Short, interaction design is an artificial product, environment and system behavior, andappearance of such acts to convey the design elements and definitions.Unlike traditional formsof design disciplines focused, and most recently the content and content is concerned, andinteraction design,planning and the first to describe the behavior of things,and then describe thec ommunic ation that the most effective form of behavior.

Interact with the emotional needs of the product design

Interaction design was first applied to software interface design, in recent years and graduallydeveloped into product design,as a growing and increasingly sophisticated processing discipline

for product design provides a new perspective and design patterns.Alan Cooper is the mostactive advocates of interaction design, interaction design, he is defined as: "Simply put,interaction design artifact, environment and system behavior, as well as elements to convey theappearance of such behavior in the design and definition.”Interaction design is different from thetraditional product design, the past often focused on form; interaction design focuses more onproduct content and significanc e.

NORMAN pointed out that the level of human emotion betw een the three time difference:the level of instinct and behavior is about "now" see and use products and feelings of the feelings,and reflect the level of the continuation of a long-you can think back through the reflection Thepast and thinking about the future. Interaction design is design a space for people,and this spacemust have the"time flow",must be able to dialogue with people, the"time flow"characteristicsof the design reflects the level of reflection.From that point,we can think that interaction designis to provide people with the emotional experienc e of high-level design.

Interaction design goal - to make life colorful product emotions

Material production in modern society is becoming richer,while the feelings among thepeople but was fast-paced life has become increasingly watered down; people will be moreemotional in the hands of everyday products,and hope to experience the joy and fun.

Interaction design, in essence, is on the development of easy to use, efficient and enjoyableinteractive products.This interactive product to meet the usefulness and ease of use at the sametime, give the user a pleasant emotional experience, to "want" the purpose of making life"colorful.”

People and the emotional resonance between products

Interaction design is not only a design concept; it is design philosophy, system designmethods.When people are the product of complex and difficult to understand explanations forthe technology and features of the pile, the interaction design from another angle to explain thisphenomenon: "loss of humanity is a process for products, not technology. Therefore, theinteraction design around the P(People),A(Action),C(Context),T(Technology) 4 elementdesign, the 4 elements and the finished product (Product) composed of PACT-P system,namelythe interactive system. In the system through Analysis of the various elements designed toexpand the design and evaluation of the design process to understand, simplified.

Designers for the people (people) of the specific target, the use of appropriate technology(Technology), to support the user in a specific scenario (Context) the action took(Action).Onlythe elements of a harmonious system will make the design of the products meet the needs ofpeople,between people and products to achieve the emotional resonance.

Emotional and rational needs analysis-the assessment of emotional communication

Designers too aware of their work,often hard to imagine users will encounter difficulties inthe process, so there can not be aware of products which use difficulties.Most designers arefaced with a huge gap assessment.

The emotional needs of design, designers are more vulnerable to the impact of their ownemotions, and interactive design system for the rational design sensibility analysis platform tohelp product designers to properly assess the drawbacks, a better man and between productsemotional c ommunic ation.

The process of interaction design is essentially composed of interactive systems andcognitive elements of the process of better understanding; this process is an iterative process.

Designers with different level of detail, repeat the design stage. Through rational assessmentmethods,detection of problems and return to the stage of re-analysis of existing problems, thisiterative process to avoid production problems discovered after the case of losses.


In the experience economy,people are expected to promote the product designers of newdesign concepts and methods of traditional deep reflection, interaction design is the field ofproduct design, innovation and challenge,with the aim of the system by seeking a balance in theelements ,Providing people with the availability of the product meet the emotional needs of thepeople,bring people to experience pleasure,man and the emotional exchanges between products,as a designer of the future,we need to grasp the essence of interaction design, interactive designusing Ideas, principles and methods designed to meet high-level experience economic timesemotional interaction products.





工业设计是从现代艺术设计中脱胎而出的,是现代艺术设计的延伸和发展。毕加索、老特累克、德加、杜米尔、波尔等都是艺术家兼设计家。现代艺术运动发起者的前卫艺术家如康定斯基、克利等也从事设计教育工作。 20世纪50年代以后现代工业设计已发展成为一门独立的实用艺术门类依附于现代商业社会的艺术学科。现代艺术运动与现代工业设计的发展关系紧密它们都追求美以及新的艺术观点往往能够形成一种社会思潮波及一切文化领域。工业设计是功能和外观的设计形式有三 1.改进设计。一个产品在

一次创造性开发后往往会经历多次的改进性开发。 2.样式设计。根据不同的消费层次、风俗习惯、审美要求等因素在不改变产品基本技术的前提下进行外观设计。 3.开发设计。根据科学技术的最新成果以及人类潜在的消费需求设计新的产品,此项工作具有开拓性和创造性。这些经过设计的产品最终是要由消费者来评价的在这里工业设计师的工作不仅仅是要产品有使用功能还要符合人们的审美要求。所以艺术素养是工业设计师所必须具备的。

一、 工业设计中的艺术因素的分析

工业设计是一门古老而又年轻的学科。作为人类设计活动的延续和发展它有着悠久的历史渊源和文化底蕴经历了长期的酝酿阶段直到20世纪20年代才开始确立。工业设计就是对工业产品的功能、材料、构造、工艺、形态、色彩、表面处理、装饰等从社会、经济、技术等方面进行综合处理使之既符合人们对产品物质功能的要求又要满足人们的审美情趣。在对工业产品进行外观设计时不仅要考虑产品制造的可能性、操作的可靠性、经济上的合理性、形态表现的艺术性等 同时还要考虑产品的社会价值对环境的影响对人的生理和心理的作用。工业设计的艺术性是一种综合性的概念它不仅包括产品的造型、色彩、纹饰等与视觉效果相关的处理还包括对人的触觉、听觉以及心理诉求的综合效果的处理。工业设计已经成为一种综合性的艺术语言作为人类造物活动的延续和发展它同样是一种艺术文化。

工业设计中的艺术因素不同于一般意义上的艺术种类或手法。工业设计是一种独特的创造性的活动其区别于兄弟艺术门类的主要特征之一便是独创性。因此可以这样认为工业设计中的艺术因素是一种比较特别的“美”  即设计之美。

设计之美的第一要义就是“新” 。设计要求新、求异、求变、求不同否则设计将不能称之为设计。这个“新”有不同的层次它可以是改良性的也可以是创造性的。但无论如何只有新颖的设计才会在大浪淘沙中闪烁出与众不同的光芒迈出走向成功的第一步。设计之美的第二要义是“合理” 。一个设计之所以被称为“设计” 是因为它解决了问题。设计不可能独立于社会和市场而存在符合价值规律是设计存在的直接原因。

设计之美的第三要义是“人性” 。归根结底设计是为人而设计的服务于人们的生活需要是设计的最终目的。设计之美自然也应遵循人类基本的审美意趣。


二、 现代工业设计与艺术的关系



从工业文明开始工业设计与艺术创作被人为地分割成为互不相干的独立专业和领域。人类社会发展到今天的信息时代人们开始重新审视科学、技术、设计、艺术的关系其内在本质是一个总体它之所以被分割成单独的专业不是取决于事物的本质而是由于人类认识的局限。实际上设计与艺术是一个不能打断的链条。在用计算机设计出的一张张图纸、一幅幅画面 以及一件件三维空间的产品设计面前人们似乎感到自己处于某种边缘地带觉悟到设计技术与艺术的结合艺术不再仅是抽象的哲理而是具体的感受不再仅揭示一种存在而是一种创造这是设计中技术与艺术的新联盟。

纵观工业设计的发展历史我们不难看出设计与艺术经历了最初的一体化逐渐形成各自不同的专业领域直至发展为当今设计和艺术的新融合。设计过程中自始至终都渗透着艺术。所以我们不能孤立地强调功能主义而忽略艺术对产品的影响 同时也不能过分为表现艺术而忽略功能性。我们的目标是实现艺术与设计的完美结合。


简单的说交互设计是人工制品、环境和系统的行为 以及传达这种行为的外形元素的设计与定义。不像传统的设计学科主要关注形式最近则是关注内容和内涵而交互设计首先旨在规划和描述事物的行为方式然后描述传达这种行为的最有效形式。


交互设计最先应用于软件界面设计中近些年逐步发展到产品设计领域作为一门正在成长且日益成熟的处理学科为产品设计提供了全新的视角和设计模式。 Alan Cooper是交互设计最为积极的倡导者他对交互设计下的定义是 “简单地说交互设计是人工制品、环境和系统的行为以及传达这种行为的外观元素的设计和定义。”交互设计不同于传统的产品设计过去往往专注于形式而交互设计更侧重于产品的内容和意义。







交互设计不仅是一种设计理念更是设计哲学、系统的设计方法。当人们将产品的复杂和难于理解的解释为技术的应用和功能的堆砌时交互设计从另一角度解释了这个现象“是过程让产品失去人性而不是技术。因此交互设计围绕P people、 AAction、

CContext、TTechnology4个元素进行设计这4个元素和最终完成的产品Produc t组成PACT-P系统即交互系统。在系统中通过对各元素进行分析来展开设计设计与评估使设计过程明了化、简单化。

设计师针对人peop le这一特定目标采用合适的技术Technology支持用户在特定场景Context中采取的行为Action。只有系统中各元素和谐才会使设计的产品符合人的需要达到人与产品之间的情感共鸣。


设计师太了解自己的作品通常难以想象用户使用过程中会遇到的困难 因此无法意识到产品哪方面存在使用上的困难。大多数设计师人员面临着一个巨大的评估鸿沟。

在感性需求的设计中设计师更容易受自身情感的影响而交互式设计系统为感性设计提供理性的分析平台 以帮助设计师正确评估产品存在的弊端实现人与产品之间更好的情感交流。

交互设计的过程实质上是对交互系统组成元素的进一步理解和认知的过程这个过程也是一个迭代过程。设计师以不同的细致程度重复各个设计阶段。通过理性的评估方法发现存在的问题 回到存在问题的阶段重新分析这样的迭代过程避免了产品生产之后发现问题而造成损失的情况。




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