burndownburn down与burn up有何区别

burndown  时间:2021-09-02  阅读:()

林肯公园《burn it down》歌词?求中文,谢谢

The cycle repeated 当它在天空爆裂   As explosions broke in the sky 怒涛翻滚   All that i needed 我所需要的一切   Was the one thing i couldn't find 化作泡影   And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角   Waiting to let me know 让我明白   We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   To break it back down 化为灰烬   We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   To burn it down 焚烧殆尽   We can't wait 我们迫不及待   To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地   The colors conflicted ,As the flames climbed into the clouds 当烈焰吞噬云彩 ,光影凌乱    I wanted to fix this 我想要弥补一切   But couldn't from tearing it down 于事无补   And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角   Caught in the burning glow 被火海湮没   And i was there at the turn而我命运更迭   Waiting to let you know 让你明白   We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   To break it back down 化为灰烬   We're building it up我们血汗所铸   To burn it down 焚烧殆尽   We can't wait 我们迫不及待   To burn it to the ground 就让它夷为平地   you told me yes 你曾肯定我   you held me high 你曾赏识我   and i believe when you told that lie 我却坚信你的谎言   i played soldier you played king 我演士兵,你演国王   and stuck me down when i kiss that ring 当我亲吻指环,你却将我击倒   you lost that right to hold that crown 你无权拥有那个王冠   i built you up but you let me down 我成就你,而你令我失望   so when you fall i'll take my turn 于是当你倒下,我将把握机会   and fan the flames as your blazes burn 煽动烈火将你毁灭   And you were there at the turn 你伫立在命运的拐角   Waiting to let me know 让我明白   We're building it up 我们血汗所铸   To break it back down 化为灰烬

burn it down怎么跳

Burn It Down跳跃是以助跑的形式的, 当你助跑达一定距离,经过缺口时,人会自己跳过去 。


  《Burn It Down》是一款由独立游戏制作人开发的另类闯关冒险小游戏,该作为我们带来了一个由黑白灰组成的风格独特的游戏世界。



burn down与burn up有何区别

burn down意为“烧毁”,通常是指建筑物被完全烧塌。

如: (1)The school building was burned down in that big fire. 在那场大火中,学校大楼被烧毁。

(2)The whole village was burned down by the enemy. 整个村庄都被敌人烧毁了。

【注】burn down作“烧毁”解释时,也可以用作不及物动词。

如: (3)The woodshed burned down in half an hour. 木棚半小时内被烧毁。

【注】burn down还有“火势减弱”之意。

如: (4)The fire has burned down to a spark. 火已减弱,仅剩一点火星。

▲burn up也有“烧毁”“烧掉”之意,但一般不是指建筑物。

如: (5)Let’s burn up all this waste paper. 咱们把这些废纸都烧掉吧。

(6)The fire burned up more than $ 500,000 worth of antiques. 这场火烧掉了价值50多万美元的古董。

(7)All his books were burned up in the fire. 他所有的书都在这场火灾中被焚。

(8)Fires burned up 1,800 acres of timber. 大火烧毁了1800英亩的木料。

【注】burn up还有“烧旺”“烧起来”之意。

如: (9)Please put some wood on the fire and make it burn up. 请在火上加些木料使它烧旺。

【注】burn up亦可作“用光体力”解释。

如: (10)His work burned him up. 他的工作使他精疲力尽。


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