洗衣机滚筒洗衣机好还是波轮洗衣机好(Is the drum washing machine good or the pulsator washing machine good)

滚筒洗衣机和波轮洗衣机哪个好  时间:2021-01-16  阅读:()

滚筒洗衣机好还是波轮洗衣机好Is the drumwashingmachine good or the pulsator washing machine good

- is the washing machine good or the drum good?

How to choose a washing machine

It depends on whether you have a large family or few people.I suggest you look here:

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages, how to choose depends on your habits or you pay attention to the use condition,take the washing machine as an example, a double cylinder impeller, fully automatic washing, the roller, the price is from low to high, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and not the more expensive better, also can say who is better than who, what kind of specific buy, depends on your use conditions and habits, to see what is right for you.Washing machines are generally divided into 2 categories,namely, impeller and barrel, while the impeller is divided into two cylinders and fully automatic single barrel.

Washing machine is composed of Japanese invention, is a typical Japanese machine, Japanese laundry habits with cold water, cold water is used in the premise, the drum washing machine pulsator did not wash clean, also can use electric heating drum washing machine in the use of the function, but it needs longer time Japanese, and emphasizes the efficiency of life, usually very busy, and narrow living space, need not occupy the place and move around, the drum did not move, so to use the washing machine.

Drum washing machines are more popular in Europe, because European families are generally more casual, used to wash clothes with hot water, and most have hot and cold double water supply, can easily use hot water washing. They are all for different reasons, and our sales MM, even including the washing machine manufacturers are keen on manufacturing concept, to say what the drum pulsator is advanced, it is very one-sided, not science.

1. double cylinder washing machine is the earliest, a cylinder for washing, and a cylinder for drying. The price is cheap,about 500, has the advantages of simple structure, water saving,energy saving, light weight, convenient operation, high cleaning rate, low noise, easy to move, a single washing time is saved (about 10 minutes) , but the volume is large, less effort, you have been staring at the clothes, and easy winding,washing does not drift uniform of the clothes wear rate is high,there is one drawback to the dryer capacity is limited, some large clothing may not contain.

2. automatic washing machine, process control, moderate price,convenient worry, about 900, the salesman might say also can be changed into semi automatically, can also be, but certainly difficult, it is better to use double cylinder, can be interrupted at any time, can have a good drying capacity is high,small size, but the absolute cost of water, of course, the clothes are easy to wound, rinse clothes is not uniform, there is also a high rate of the double cylinder washing machine the disadvantages of clothing is worn it, they are twin brothers who let it.

3. drum washing machine, is also the program control, worry convenient, but the price is much higher, about 2500, water to the clothes wear rate is the lowest, but, cleanliness is also low, disadvantage is the complicated structure, the washing time is too long (> 1 hours) , the costs of electricity, noise,unable tomove, the costs of electricitybecause of its lowrate of only wash washingwith hot water to make up for the cold water heating, and can only use electricity, so time consuming electricity. Cannot move because of its great weight (> 150 kg) ,the weight is increased, because of noise and vibration, even if the weight is small, the ground is uneven, try, oh, maybe the washing machine will go dancing.

Several questions:

One, in the end is the impeller or roller good?

Before choosing a washing machine, you need to know your effective demand, the more specific the better. For example,your clothes high-grade or not, degree of dirty washing, change of frequency, how much is the budget, on what is the position of the washing machine, and is much sensitive to noise level,see the above analysis, the control of their own needs, you will make the right judgment for you.

If you are more high-end clothing, and always washed at home,not to the laundry outside, and the budget for the rich, there is sufficient time to do housework, do not care about the noise,it can choose the drum washing machine.

If your budget is not much, high-end clothing is not much, and

are in the dry cleaners, washing at home, washing requirements faster, but not noisy, or some more practical washing machine.Two, stainless steel barrels of good orplastic barrels inside good?

Inside the barrel of the material is not to say that stainless steel will certainly be good, in fact, there are many kinds of plastic, many polymer materials are not cheaper than steel materials, durability is not worse than stainless steel. The salesmanwill sayMM in the introduction of stainless steel than plastic barrels, most people would think so, although not what theoretical basis, ten thousand steps back, stainless steel barrel assumptions than plastic barrels, but most of the other parts of the washing machine is plastic, and other plastics the bad parts, can not use the washing machine,

What' s the use of keeping stainless steel barrels?. And now the stainless steel barrels of washing machines are generally more expensive than plastic barrels, it is really not necessary, not to buy stainless steel barrels of washing machines.

Three, the salesman said "dry weight" can be used as an important basis for choice?

The salesman introduces washing machine in the mall, one hundred percent are referred to the washing machine you want to buy clothes how many kilograms of weight, the result let you pick up, that is dry weight according to choose it, in fact,the washing machine dry weight does not have much practical value, because the clothes number is really too much, and not

simply to dry weight, we should not pay too much attention to this, but should be placed in other ways.

The washing machine, the inner barrel diameter, and the impeller and inner barrel shape is more important, in fact,because of the limitation of patent, the main differences between the various brands is here, and not in what control program and appearance.

The drum washing machine, the inner barrel diameter must be so big, can onlyreduce depth, which is determined by the principle of washing drum washing machine, washing machine if the clothes put too much, there is no way of washing, because it is on the three convex tub up the clothes carried aloft, then free fall to washing, if full of clothes, do not wash.

To buy a washing machine, we must first understand the types of washing machines. At present, the washing machine on the market mainly has three categories: drum type, impeller type and agitation type. They all wash clothes by chemical action,mechanical action, time and temperature. Among them, the mixing washing machine currently occupies a small share in the market.In terms of drum washing machines and washing machines, the two are very different in terms of cleanliness, power consumption and time spent in laundry.

Degree of washing and clothing loss:

The drum washing machine is composed of a cylinder is rotated reversely, clothes by rib lift, gravity free fall, analog hand rub, wash evenly, the low rate of damage clothing, clothing is

not easywinding, with silkandwool andotherhigh-end clothing can be washed. The drum washing machine can also be heated, and can activate the biological enzyme in the washing powder, and further improve the washing effect.

Washing machine is the impact of clothing running on high-speed impeller eddy current generated by the effect of detergent washing clothes, although the degree of its cleaning roller is higher than that, but due to mechanical force, easy to be wrapped clothing knot, a large degree of wear.

Use of water and electricity:

Drum washing machine washing power of 200 Watts in general,while the speed is proportional to dehydration and, if added to the water temperature of 60 degrees, the general should be washed once in 100 minutes, power consumption at 1. 5 degrees,if the drying time and the texture of the clothing, at least 40 minutes. This requires the user to not trip the meter until it uses the drying function only when equipped with a 10 ampere meter".

In contrast, the washing machine power generally about 400watts, washing clothes at most as long as 40 minutes, so the electricity consumption is much smaller. On the water consumption, the drum washingmachine is about 40 of the washing machine.

Area covered:

The top roller washing machine occupies the smallest area,

about 0. 24 square meters, and the other drum type and impeller washing machine covers an area of almost the same. Recently,the market has introduced ultra-thin products have also saved a lot of space accordingly.

Capacity and price:

The impeller type washing machine has a capacity of 2-6 kg and a roller type of 3-5 kg, usually 5 kg. As far as the price is concerned, the drum type is more expensive than the impeller type, and the 2500 yuan is the boundary between the impeller and the roller.

After fully understanding the above situation, you can choose the right model according to your actual needs. In addition,as each family' s living conditions, health habits, economic conditions, lifestyle, and so on, choose and buy, but also according to their actual situation to decide. The time of purchase, should pay attention to listen to the sound when washing the size, whether there is abnormal sound, vibration amplitude is too large when dehydration or accompanied by abnormal sound; observe the visible part of the beautiful appearance and internal structure is smooth, with no damage.One side, we should try to choose brand-name products,brand-name products stable performance, production and sales volume, good sales, after-sales service outlets and high level of service.

My home is using Panasonic impeller, and at that time can not buy 2000, seems to be 5 points, 5 kilograms. It' s ok.

clothes in it is enough to turn away. Besides, there are too many clothes. I don' t think it' s clean. So, basically, 3 pairs of pants are the largest. Wash two times more.

I used a double cylinder wash, but also serve in the next, and later changed the impeller is not clean

Finally, I changed my SIEMENS 9000 rpm automatic drying with stainless steel barrels. Very good, wash clean, rinse well and quickly due to the speed of sound water. Also, the main is to put the machine to the level of electricity. I don' t count,sometimes I wash at night, get up early cool, but the summer is not without drying. (because the son often bedwetting so the election) , is a waste of water. Now for nearly 10 years, is still very goodnever repaired, the machine is some surface rust, (the next time I have to choose the stainless steel surface, then thought it was too expensive to be practical. ) this is my personal experience, I buy research on comparison of various functions of the machine, although buy more expensive, but the time and the effect of use, or cheap. Because the washing machine before a few years on the bad, Tandao using annual cost is higher, and with the not satisfied. So now I buy Home appliances are buyingnew technology, cost-effective. Discount,cheap, obsolete goods, I will not buy. This is a lesson bought with money

Buy household appliances in fact nothing what skills, I have been for the brand to buy, buy a brand of washing machine now,good brand Haier Haier, Little Swan, SIEMENS, Matsushita, SANYO,LG, the washing machine brand still can choose. Suggestions for

the landlord to buy before you can buy on the 10 brand portal query washing machine of the latest brand rankings.

I now find that the drum is very water efficient, and it seems to wear little. .

Buy household appliances in fact nothing what skills, I have been for the brand to buy, buy a brand of washing machine now,good brand Haier Haier, Little Swan, SIEMENS, Matsushita, SANYO,LG, the washing machine brand still can choose. Suggestions for the landlord to buy before you can buy on the 10 brand portal query washing machine of the latest brand rankings.

My family is a SIEMENS cylinder. It' s strong and of great quality. . . But I still have a little regret, because I'm impatient, too slow. And squat down and pull out the clothes.If I choose the ultra fast wash, I will find the cleaning is very dirty. Now I' ll rinse it. It' s been a long time. . .Impellerbar, there are one or twopieces of clothes canbe added to forget

I also repair personal electrical appliances, I think the washing machine maintenance is much easier than the drum,maintenance costs do not have much, and personally feel that the washing machine is still good!




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