能为该内存不能为read或written解决方案(The memory cannot be a read or written solution)

该内存不能为written  时间:2021-01-12  阅读:()

该内存不能为read或written解决方案The memory cannot be a read or written solution

The memory cannot be a "read" or "written" solution

When you run certain programs, there are hints of memory errors,and then the program closes.

"0x???" the directive quoted as "0x????" memory. The memory cannot be "read"".

"0x???", the directive quoted as "0x???" memory, and this memory cannot be "written"".

In general, there are some aspects of this phenomenon, one is hardware, that is, memory problems, and the two is software,which there are many problems.fault analysis

Hardware aspects:

Generally speaking, the possibility of memory problems is not large, the main aspects are: bad memory, memory quality problems, and there are 2 not

With the brand of different capacity memory plug, but also more prone to incompatibilities, but also pay attention to heat problems, especially after overclocking. you

You can use the MemTest software to check memory, and it can

thoroughly detect the stability of memory.

If it is dual memory, but also different brands of memory, mixed plug or buy a secondary memory, the problem occurs, then, it is necessary to check is not

The memory is out of order or incompatible with other hardware.Software aspect:

Let' s talk about the principle first: memory has a place where data is stored, called buffer, when the program puts the data in one place because there is not enough space,

Overflow occurs. For example: a bucket of water can only be a pound, two pounds when placed into water into, will overflow.And system

Is displayed on the screen. This problem often occurs on Windows2000 and XP systems, and Windows 2000/XP on hardware Requirements are harsh, and once the resource deadlock,overflow, or illegal operations such as Windows 98 are maintained, the system will remain stable

The present situation. It could also be caused by poor compatibility between hardware devices.

Several examples

Example 1: open the IE browser, or in a few minutes there will

be the "0x00000000" memory referenced by the "0x70dcf39f"directive. This memory is not available

"Read. "". To terminate the program, click OK in the information box, click OK, and then there is an internal error that you are using

The IE browser is closed when the message box is closed when a message window is about to close.

Solution: fix or upgrade the IE browser and patch it up at the same time. See one of the fixes, Win2000 upgrade itself, that is

Win2000 upgrade to Win2000, in fact, this method is to restore the system to the initial state of the system. For example, your IE has been upgraded to 6,

After upgrade, it will be replaced by IE5.0.

Example two: double click the "AutoRun. exe" file inside the CD in Windows XP to display the "0x00000078" referenced by the "0x77f745c c" command

Deposit. The memory cannot be "written". To terminate the program, click OK, while running in Windows 98 is normal.Solution: this may be a system compatibility problem, winXP system, right-click AutoRun. exe file, property, compatibility,use

Compatibility mode, run the program, select the item, and select Windows 98/Me". Win2000 if you hit SP' s patch, just start,

Run, enter: Regsvr32 c:\winnt\apppatch\slayerui.dll. Right,property, compatibility options are also available.

Example three: an error occurred when RealOne Gold was shut down.It used to be normal, but recently it was referenced by the "0xFFFFFFFF" command every time it closes

"0xFFFFFFFF" memory. The memory cannot be prompted by 'read' .Solution: when using the input method for Microsoft Pinyin input method 2003, and hide the language bar (not hidden when no problem) , close the RealOne

This problem will arise,

There is a conflict between software and software- if you have recently installed any new software, try uninstalling Software to use other related software problems - reinstall related software. For example, there is an error playing a file in a format. This is probably the text

There is a problem with the decoder of the piece

Virus problem - antivirus

Antivirus software conflicts with systems or software - as

antivirus software goes into the underlying monitoring system and may conflict with some software and uninstall it

The system itself has problems-sometimes the operating system itself will have BUG, and should pay attention to installing official release upgrades, such as SP patches,

Better hit it. If not, reinstall the system or replace other versions of the system.

Memory error occurred on the Windows system

People who use the Windows operating system sometimes experience this error message: "0X???" instructions referenced by 0x00000000 memory, the

Storage cannot written, and then the application is closed. If you go to ask some "master", the answer is often "Windows" is not so

"Stability"and so on of indignation and disdain. In fact, this error is not necessarily caused by Windows instability. This article simply analyzes this kind of mistake

Common causes of errors.

First, the application failed to check the memory allocation failure

When a program needs a block of memory to store data, it needs to invoke the operating system' s "function" to apply if the

memory is allocated

The function returns the newly developed memory area address to the application, and the application can use this memory through this address. this

The "dynamic memory allocation", the memory address, that is,the pointer in programming".

Memory is not always available, endless, and sometimes memory allocation will fail. When the allocation fails, the system function returns one

A 0 value, when the return value "0" does not represent the newly enabled pointer, but rather anotification issued by the system to the application informing the error.

As an application, after each memory should be checked, the return value is 0, and if so, it means that a fault has occurred Take some measures to save, which enhances the robustness of the program".

If the application does not check the error, it continues to follow the thought inertia that the value is the pointer that is assigned to it

This memory is used after the run. The real 0 address memory area holds the most important "interrupt descriptor table" in the computer system, absolutely not

Allow applications to use. In an operating system without protection mechanisms (such as DOS) , writing data to this address causes immediate crashes, while

In a robust operating system, such as Windows, this operation is immediately captured by the system' s protection mechanism,and as a result, is forced by the operating system

Close an error - free application to prevent its error from expanding. At this point, the above "write memory" error occurs and indicates the memory being referenced

The address is "0x00000000"".

Memory allocation failure, many reasons, memory is insufficient, the version of the system function mismatch, and so may have an impact. As a result, this distribution Failures are common in operating systems, which have been installed over a long period of time and have been installed with a variety of applications, including unintentional "installed" viruses, and a large amount of changes

After the system parameters and system files.

Two, the application referenced an abnormal memory pointer due to its own BUG

In applications that use dynamic allocation, this can sometimes happen: the program attempts to read and write a memory that should be available, but

Somehow, the anticipated pointer failed. There may be "forget"to assign to the operating system, or it may be a program I have written off this memory at some point, without notice,and so on. The cancelled memory is recovered by the system and its access rights are no longer part of it

The application, therefore, reads and writes also triggers the system' s protection mechanism,

The only end of an attempt to "break the law" is the termination of the operation

Run, recycle all resources. The laws of the computer world are still much more effective and harsher than human beings!A situation like this belongs to the BUG of the program itself,and you can often reproduce errors in a particular order of operations. Invalid pointers are not always necessary 0, therefore, the memory address in the error is not necessarily "0x00000000", but other random numbers.

If the system often mentions errors, the following suggestions might help:

1. checkwhether there is a Trojan horse or virus in the system.In order to control the system, such programs often change the system without responsibility, thus causing the operating system

Systematic anomaly. Generally, we should strengthen the awareness of information security and not be curious about the executable programs of unknown sources.

2. update the operating system so that the operating system' s installer re copies the correct version of the system file and changes the system parameters. Sometimes operation

The system itself will also have BUG, and pay attention to installing an official release upgrade program.

3. try out a new version of the application.

1 : in the add / Remove program in the control panel to see if you install the Microsoft NET.Framework, if it is installed,uninstall it can be considered, of course if you need NET.Framework in other applications, can be re installed.Also, if you're using ATI graphics and you're using SP2 patches (some ATI video card drivers need to be in NET.Framework' s normal working environment) . In this case, you can find a ATI graphics driver that does not require NET.Framework support.If the above two methods do not completely solve the problem,you try to use the "IE repair" software, and can check whether there are viruses and the like.

[Microsoft NET.Framework upgrade to version 1. 1 should be OK. ]

2: run, enter CMD, enter, and enter at the command prompt


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