约翰逊说自己没有什么赢钱秘诀也没有―出老千‖更没有使用什么高科技手段。 ―没有什么魔法。总会有人打垮赌场的我很高兴那个人是我。如果你能承受大起大落你就能成功。此外你还要精通数学。 ‖
在21点赌局中庄家给每位玩家发两张牌牌面朝上给自己也发两张牌一张牌面朝上明牌 一张朝下暗牌 。牌的花色无关紧要要紧的是数字——10、 J、 Q、K都算作10点 A可算作1点也可算作10点 由玩家自己决定 2至9的点数与牌面数字相同。玩家可根据已发的两张牌的情况要牌尽可能将手中牌的点数之和凑成21点但不能超过21点。如果玩家不再要牌手中牌点数大者赢。
约翰逊在玩21点时或许使用了计牌的方法记下已经打出的牌从而推算出庄家手中的牌 以增加获胜的几率。使用这种方法需要玩家有超凡的记忆力并精通数学。美国很多州把这种方法视为―出老千‖新泽西州除外。但由于计牌使得庄家的优势大减大西洋城的赌场不欢迎这样的玩家。
一位在华尔街工作的前职业赌徒推测约翰逊可能在下注时故意加入一些随机的性质 以避开赌场系统的检测。他说赌场在天花板上装有摄像头全天候监视每一个地方看玩家有没有可疑行为特别是那些赌注变化很大的人。他认为为了不引起赌场的注意约翰逊有时故意出错这或许就是约翰逊表示自己―有时也会输钱‖的原因。
现年50岁的约翰逊是费城人 曾是赛马博彩公司Heritage Development LLC.的行政总裁为网络赛马博彩提供操盘服务对博彩这一行当了如指掌。大约在2001年约翰逊开始玩牌很快练就了高深的技艺。
不急于赢钱反而可以赢钱。正如《大西洋月刊》记者马克?鲍登所说 99%的赌徒走进赌场后都会径直走到赌桌旁开赌这相当于―盲目烧钱‖ 因为每种赌法的规则都对庄家极为有利也就是说如果你按照这些规则来赌基本上是赢不了钱的玩的时间越长输的越多。
老练的赌徒不会按部就班地照着规则来赌他们会跟赌场谈条件 比如要求赌场―打折‖。如果赌场同意打9折那就意味着输10万美元只需付9万美元。对约翰逊这种动辄以10万美元下注的―大鱼‖赌场往往会打8折。此外约翰逊还会说服赌场免费取得数千美元的筹码。
《21点赢钱就走》一书的作者亨利?塔姆布林表示约翰逊曾表示赌场给他办了一张输钱可打8折的贵宾卡这是令人难以置信的事。 ―如果是真的下注10元只是输掉8元你已经有了优势要做的只是保持高额赌注和使用基本战略而已。 ‖他还表示 ―更重要的是玩家必须有足够的资本。 ‖约翰逊在―好世界娱乐场‖一盘下注10万美元没有雄厚的经济实力是不可能实现的。
―40万美元 ‖吉安南托尼奥问。
―不是是400万 ‖
大西洋城原本是新泽西州一个不知名的滨海小镇 1976年获准开设赌场才逐渐发展至如今的奢华和喧闹成为仅次于拉斯韦加斯的美国第二大赌城。整座城市依海而建有一条沿海铺设的木板路一侧是豪华的赌场和酒店另一侧是浩瀚的大西洋。
近几年 由于经济不景气美国东部各州为增加税收纷纷设立赌场各家赌场想尽办法吸引赌客。 比如大西洋城的各家赌场均有免费巴士来往于近邻纽约市接送赌客。到了赌场赌客还可免费领取餐券及10美元筹码。
只是百密终有一疏像约翰逊这样逢赌必赢的人只要有一个就够各家赌场受的。因此 目前约翰逊已被大西洋城和拉斯韦加斯的多家赌场列为―不受欢迎的人‖。
对于这种―待遇‖约翰逊不以为然。 ―我想他们不会再让我进去玩21点了但这改变不了我的生活。不玩21点我就去玩赛马好了。 ‖
唐·约翰逊Don Johnson玩21点一个系列可以赢高达1500万美元
21点,b l ackj ack,赌场,赌博,美高梅
2014年1月21日 彭博社 -美国大豪客唐·约翰逊(Don Johnson)玩二十一点Blackjack赢得数以百万计。他不撒谎、欺骗或偷窃。他只是知道如何玩廿一点游戏。 了解赌徒怎样将自己从平庸的扑克牌玩家转化为从拉斯维加斯最大赌场赢得1500万美元的人。 ―玩家一个拉斯维加斯鲸鱼的秘密‖将在彭博社电视1月21日周二晚上9点ET/PT首播。 资料来源彭博
1、美高梅MGM C EO说赌场内流通赌注的20%将会贡献给赌场所以赌场可以给大豪客最高20%的负赢利回赠。
2、唐·约翰逊(Don Johnson)在大西洋赌场一个单一连胜系列上可以赢1500万美元。
A 20%的输钱回赠
B协商允许最多25000元一手 同时可以玩三手高达75000元而对普通赌客一般都是最多几百元。C他还和赌场协商了一些其它玩家拿不到的规则软17点他可以停牌。任何两张底牌他可以选择分牌。一手牌可以最多分牌到4手牌。
5、赌场会创造各种条件来干扰玩家。 比如使用性感女荷官、烟酒等、在他这边搞得很热闹。终极格斗老板手白大拿21点赢2百万被拉斯维加斯赌场禁止再进入
UFC 终极格斗冠军赛著名老板白大拿(Dana White)被禁止在拉斯维加斯赌场赌博在赢利两百万美元之后
白大拿(Dana White)说他是拉斯维加斯棕榈树赌场 the Palms Casino不受欢迎的赌徒-因为就在几个星期前赢了200万美元狠狠地踢了赌场的屁股。
白大拿(Dana White)说棕榈树赌场叫他走人-在他每手2.5万美元玩21点打败赌场之后。白大拿(Dana White)告诉拉斯维加斯评论杂志的诺姆克拉克赌场告诉白大拿(Dana White)他的最大赌注被一路下滑至5000美元每手。
―我赢了他们[近200万美元] 他们叫我不要再玩了 ‖白大拿(Dana White)告诉克拉克。―很多人会觉得我是算牌客类似本·阿弗莱克硬石赌场我根本不是算牌客。 ‖
这是第二次白大拿(Dana White)被赶出赌场-早在2012年他与棕榈树赌场关系破裂 因为
大佬们把他的信用额度砍了一半。 白大拿(Dana White)抵制该赌场22个月并说他回去的唯一原因是因为赌场用一箱昂贵的葡萄酒拉拢他回去。
The Man Who Broke Atlantic City
Don Johnson won nearly$6 milli’on playing blackjack in one night, single-han’dedly decimating themonthly revenue of Atlantic City s Tropican’a casino.Not long before that,he d taken the Borgata for
$5 million and Caesars for$4 million.Here s how he did it.
DON JOHNSON FINDS IT HARDto remember the exact cards.Who could?At the height of his
12-hour blitz of the Tropicana casino in Atlantic City,New Jersey, last April,he was playing ahand o fb lackjack nearly every minute.
Dozens of spectators pressed against the glass of the high-roller pit. Inside,playing at a green-felt table opposite a black-vested dealer,a burly middle-aged man in a red cap and black Oregon
State hoodie was wagering$100,000 a hand.Word spreads when the betting is that big.Johnsonwas on an amazing streak.The towers of chips stacked in front of him formed a colorful
Aminiature skyline.His winning run had been picked up by the casino’s watchful overheadcameras and drawn the close scrutiny ofthe pit bosses. Injust one hand,he remembers,he won$800,000. In a three-hand sequence,he took$1.2 million.
The basics ofblackjack are simple.Almost everyone knows them.You play against the house.Two cards are’placed faceu’p before the player,and two more cards,one down,one up,before thedealer.A card s suit doesn t matter,only its numerical value—each face card is worth 10,and anace canbe either a one or an 11.The goal is to get to 21,or as close to it as possible withoutgoing over.Scanning the cards on the table before’him, the player can either stand or keep takin’gcards in an effort to approach 21.Since the house s hand has one card facedown, the player can tknow exactly what the hand is,which is what makes this a game.
As Johnson remembers it, the$800,000 hand started with him―bettin‖g$100,000 and being dealttwo eights. Ifa player is dealt two ofa kind,he can choose to split the hand,which means hecan play’each of the cards as a separate hand and ask for two more cards, in effect doubling hisbet.That s what Johnson did.His next two cards, surprisingly,we’re also both eights, so he spliteach again.Getting four cards of the same number in a row doesn t happen often,but it doeshappen.Johnson says he was once dealt six consecutive aces at the Mohegan Sun casino inConnecticut.He was now playing four hands,each consisting of a single eight-card,with$400,000 in the balance.
He was neither nervous nor excited.Johnson plays a’ long game, so the ups and downs ofindividual hands,even big swings like this one,don t ma’tter that much to him.He’is a veteranplayer.Little interferes with his concentration.He doesn t get rattled.With him, it s all about themath,and he knows it cold.Whenever the racily clad cocktail waitress wandered in with a freshwhiskey and Diet Coke,he took it from the tray.
The house’s hand showed an upturned five.Arrayed on the table before him were the four eights.He was allowed to double down—to double his bet—on any hand, so when he was dealt a threeonthe first of his hands,he doubled his bet onthat one, to$200,000.When his second hand wasdealt a two,he doubled down on that, too.When he was dealt a three and a two on the next twohands,he says,he doubled down on those, for a total wager of$800,000.
It was the dealer’s turn.He drew a 10, so the two ca’rds he was showing totaled 15.Johnsoncalled the game—in essence,betting that the dealer s down card was a seven or higher,whichwould push his hand over 21.This was a good bet:since all face cards a’re worth 10, the deckholds more high cards than low.When the dealer turned over the house s down card, it was a 10,busting him.Johnson won all four hands.
Johnson didn’t celebrate.He didn’t even pause.As another skyscraper of chips was pushed intohis skyline,he signaled for the next hand.He was just getting started.
The headline in The Press ofAtlantic City was enough to gladden the heart of anyone who hasever made a wager or rooted for the underdog:
But the story was even’bigger than that. Johnson’ ’s assault on the Tropicana was merely the latestin a series o’fblitzes he d made on Atlantic City s gambling establishments. In the four previousmonths,he d taken$5 million from the Borgata casino and another$4 million from Caesars.Caesars had cut him off,he says,and then effectively banned him from its casinos worldwide.Fifteen million dollars in winnings from three different casinos?Nobody gets that lucky.Howdid he do it?
The first and most obvious suspicion was card counting.Card counters seek to gain a strongadvantage by keeping a mental tally of every card dealt,and then adjusting the wager accordingto the value ofthe cards that remain in the deck. (The tactic requires both great memory andsuperior math skills.)Made famous in books and movies,card counting is considered cheating,at least by casinos. In most states (but not New Jersey),known practitioners are banned.Thewagering o f card counters assumes a clearly recognizable pattern over time,and’ Johnson wasbeing watched very carefully.The verdict:card counting was not Don Johnson s game.He hadbeaten the casinos fair and square.
It hurt.Largely as a result of Johnson’s streak, the Trop’s table-game revenues for April 2011were the second-lowest among the 11 casinos in Atlantic City.Mark Giannantonio, the presidentand CEO of the Trop,who’had authorized the$100,000-a-hand limit for Johnson,was given theboot weeks later.Johnson s winnings had administered a similar jolt to the Borgata and toCaesars.All of these gambling houses were already hurting,what with the spread of legalizedgambling in surrounding states.By April,combined monthly gaming revenue had been decliningon a year-over-year basis for 32 months.
For most people, though, the newspaper headline told a happy story.An ordinary guy in a redcap and black hoodie had struck it rich,had beaten the casinos black-and-blue. It seemed afantasy come true, the very dream that draws suckers to the gaming tables.
But that’s not the whole story either.
DESPITE HIS PEDESTRIAN ATTIRE,Don Johnson is no average Joe.For one thing,he is an’extraordinar―ily skilled blackjack pla‖yer.Tony Rodio,who succeeded Giannantonio as the Trop sCEO, says, He plays perf’ect cards. In every blackj ack scenario,Johnson knows the rightdecision to make.But that s true ofplenty of good players.What gives Johnson his edge is hisknowledge of the gaming industry.As good as he is at playing cards,he turns out to be evenbetter at playing the casino s.
Hard times do not favor the house.The signs of a five-year slump are evident a’ll over AtlanticCity, in rundown façades,empty parking lots,and the faded glitz of its casinos garish interiors.Pennsylvania is likely to supplant New Jersey this year as the second-largest gaming state in thenation.The new Parx racetrack and casino in Bensalem,Pennsylvania,a gigantic gambling
Acomp’ lex, is less than 80 miles away from the Atlantic City boardwalk.Revenue from AtlanticCity s 11 casinos fell from a high of$5.2 billion in 2006 to just$3.3 billion last year.The localgaming industry hopes th’e opening ofa 12th casino,Revel, this spring may finally reverse thatdownward trend,but that s unlike ly.
―It doesn’t matter how many casinos there are,‖Israel Posner,a gaming-industry expert atnearby Stockton College, told me.When you add gaming tables or slots at a fancy new venuelike Revel,or like the Borgata,which opened in 2003, the novelty may initially draw crowds,butadding gaming supp ly without enlarging the number o f custo mers ultimately hurts everyone.When revenues slump,casinos must rely more heavily on their most prized customers, the highrollers who wager huge amounts—t―ens of tho‖usands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars ahand.Hooking and reeling in these whales, as they are known in the industry,canbecomeessential.High rollers are lured w’ith free meals and drinks, free luxury suites, free rides onprivate jets,and…more. (There s a reason most casino ads feature beautiful, scantily cladyoung women.)The marketers present casinos as glamorous playgrounds where w’orkadayworries and things’ like morality, sobriety,and prudence are on ho liday.When you re rich,normal rules don t apply!The’ idea, like t’he oldest of pickpocket tricks, is to distract the markwith such frolic that he doesn t notice he s losing far more than his free amenities actually cost.For what doth it p―rofit a man t‖o gain a$20,000 ride on a private jet if he drops$2’00,000 playingpoker?The right elite player can lose enough in a weekend to balance a casino s books for amo nth.
Of course,high rollers―are not all created equally,‖says Rodio, the Tropicana’s C―EO. (He wasthe only Atlantic City casino executive who agreed to talk to me about Johnson.)Whensomeone makes all the right decisions, the house advantage is relatively small;maybe we willwin,on average,one or two hands more than’him for every hundred decisions.There are otherblackjack players,or craps players,who don t use perfect strategy,and with them there is a bigswin’g in the hou‖se advantage.So there is more competition among casinos for players whoaren t as skilled.
For the casino, the art is in telling the skilled whales from the unskilled ones, then discouragingthe former and seducing the latter.The industry pays close attention to high-level players;once aplayer earns a reputation for winning, the courtship ends.The last thing a skilled player wants isa big reputation.Some wear disguises when theyplay.
But even though he has been around the gambling industry for all of his 49 years,Johnson snuckup on Atlantic City.To look at him,over six feet tall and’ thickly built,you would never guessthat he was once a jockey.He grew up tending his uncle s racehorses in Salem,Oregon,andbegan riding them competitively at age 15. In his best years as a professionaljockey,he waspractically skeletal.He stood 6 foot 1 and weighed only 108 pounds.He worked with a physicianto keep weight o ff,fighting his natural growth rate with thyroid medication that amp ed up hismetabolism and subsisting on vitamin supplements.The regimen was so demanding that heeventually had to give it up.His body quickly assumed more normal proportions,and he went towork helping manage racetracks,a career that brought him to Philadelphia when he was about 30.He was hired to manage Philadelphia Park, the track that evolved into the Parx casino, in
EdgeNat 商家在之前也有分享过几次活动,主要提供香港和韩国的VPS主机,分别在沙田和首尔LG机房,服务器均为自营硬件,电信CN2线路,移动联通BGP直连,其中VPS主机基于KVM架构,宿主机采用四路E5处理器、raid10+BBU固态硬盘!最高可以提供500Gbps DDoS防御。这次开年活动中有提供七折优惠的韩国独立服务器,原生IP地址CN2线路。第一、优惠券活动EdgeNat优惠码(限月...