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College students' taobao station consumermarket research report


Taobao is China's popular online retail platform,with nearly 500 million registeredusers,fixed more than 60 million visitors,every day at the same time every day onlinenumber has more than 800 million pieces of goods, sold 48000 items per minute onaverage.By the end of2015, taobao peak daily turnover reached 4.38 billion yuan,create 2.708 million direct and full employment opportunities.With the expansion oftaobao,and the increase of the number of users, taobao was transformed from a singleC2C network market including C2C,group purchase,distribution, sale and otherelectronic commerce mode,comprehensive retail business circle.Has now becomeone o f worldwide e-commerce trading p latform.Taobao as the main c'ontemporaryonline, like college students,not only convenient for college students shopping,pricethan market value, some college students also opened their own taobao shop andyourself as a boss,but more is the consumer in taobao station.


1.Through the survey o f undergraduate's behavior o f taobao,understand and seekcollege students shopping trend and the standard of college students' shopping.

2.Understand the contempo rary co lle ge studen' ts'attitude to ward online shopp ingconsumption,correct guiding college students online shopping satisfaction

The potential for online shopping and expectations.

3.Survey content

1.The personal basic information,college students'name,gender,age,professional,and the consumption levelof each month.

2.The basic situation of college students use taobao to investigate college studentsthrough what way to taobao, the number of monthly average use taobao, taobao iscommonly used in what to buy.

3.The college students' taobao purchase overall satisfaction: investigating the causeof the college students to use taobao,mainly because of the advantages of taobao, fortaobao company satisfied and unsatisfied.

4.College students for taobao company,expectations for the future development ofresearch problems of college students believe that online shopping, think what are the

main standards and want to provide online shopp ing more rights pro tection.


Investigation of time:on March 16,2016-June 16On Marc h 22,March 16-,determine the re searc h top ic

On March 23 -April 5, investigation and research content

OnApril 6-April 12, the design scheme

OnApril 13 -April 30, the first draft of the questionnaire design

On May 1 -May 15,modify the questionnaire

May 16-May 31, the data collection

On June 1 -June 7,data analysis

On June 16,June 8-,write the report analysis

5.The investigation places and objects

Taobao consumer satisfaction ofcollege students,we the location of the survey is partof hunan university of technology institute, the object of the investigation is the hunanuniversity of technology school students of the college.Readiness survey of 10colleges, a total of 300 copies of questionnaires.The corresponding specific locationfor each college classroom and study lounges, 30 of the average college, sophomore,junior, senior year 5 men and women,respectively.

6.Survey methods and survey methods

In order to more comprehensive understanding of student satisfaction to taobaoindustry situa"tion "of hunan university"of technology, we adopted "on-the-spotquestionnaire and on-the-spot interview way of combining the investigation,at thesame time also will collect some secondary data to complete the survey.Usingquestionnaire and on-the-spot interview obtain accurate data, this will be the survey ofmaster data, secondary data collected as a secondary data, to determine the collegestudents' satisfaction to the industry in recent years

Primary sources:

Field survey, the investigators used unified design of the questionnaire to therespondents to the subjective nonrandom investigation method,under the condition ofthe information or consultation to fill out the answer, the site and then recover theque s t io nna ire.

7.Moral requirements

1.To intercep t survey,adhere to the princ ip le o f re spect for nature, the pub lic we lfareprinciple, fair principle, principle of knowledge, understand the principle, thevo luntary p rinc ip le

2.Fully protect individual privacy, this information is used to investigate only,no anypersonal information leakage.

3.To ensure that the vo luntary princ ip le

4.The investigation procedure is advantageous to the voluntary principle

5.The choice of respondents want justice,and let us know the way they selected

6. Investigate and accepted by the investigation object recognition degree should besuitable for investigation

7. Identify and mitigate potential danger (e.g., psychological, social, physical,economic,and legal aspects of hazard)

8.The survey will not do more harm than good

9.To attach the object recommend approval sheet and survey method

10.Survey plan is clear,comply with the requirements for investigation

References:http://news.10j m.c n//c.s htmlhttp://www.s m/do c/-.htmlhttp://we m/view/d4360 cba 1 aa811 da77.html

The attachment (a) questionnaire (questionnaire)

College students taobao market survey

My dear students!

Hello,first of all thank you in s pite of being very busy toglance take time to fillout this questionnaire,I am a college student,now with the need of course,wewant to taobao custo me r satisfactio n investigatio n,the mission this questionnaireis to survey college students use taobao shopping satisfactio n,fo r yourinfo rmatio n strictly co nfidential,please fill in real info rmatio n as far as possible,thank you very much for your participation!

1. Is your gender  

A.Men B.women

2.You are in grade  

A.Freshman B. sophomore C.junior D. senior

3.May I have your monthly cost of living is  

A.800thefollowing B.800-1000 C.1000-2000 D.Morethan2000

4.How much your average monthly spend on taobao  

A.300thefollowing B.300-500 C.500-800 D.Morethan800

5.Where you learn about shopping on taobao  

A.Television advertising B.posters C.Others introduction

6.You use the taobao shopping frequency is about a month  

A.3 times the following B.3-5次 C.5-8次 D.8次以上

7.Which kind ofproducts you often buy in taobao   D. school supplies E.articles for dailyuse F.other__

8.You in online shopping generally choose which kind of payment   treasure treasure silver D.Cash on delivery

9.Do you want in website search goods cost much time  

A.Under 10 minutes B. 10 to 30 minutes C. 30 to 60 minutes D.Morethan 60 minutes

10.What do you think o f taobao pictures are in conformity with physical situation 

A. isconsistent B. thegeneral C. isnotconsistent

11.You will how to deal with problems encountered in the online shopping   customer service B. from recognize unlucky C. from recognizeunlucky time buy,pay attention to the goo E.other____

12.You know about online shopping this aspect of the law

A.know B.Toknowa little C.don'tknowmuchabout it D.don'tknowat all

13.You choose web shopping is the most important standard  

A. the price low B.door-to-door delivery C. the variety is complete D. .the variety is complete E.other_____

14.You want to shopping web site provides more access to tho se aspects  

A. increase the supervision of vendors and suppliers,and improve the threshold

B.provide guarantee for all the stores and goods,problems is responsible for theweb s ite

C.provide more safe and convenient payment

D. increased monitoring of logistics, it is best to store active tracking goods logisticsinformatio n


15.The main factors affecting you buy taobao,what is it  

A. the authenticity of goods description

B. the consistency of the received goods and merchandise online

C.The problem of network security

D. the quality ofthe goods sp eed

F.after-sales service 16.Your favorite online promotions  

A.ho liday discounts

B.po ints for

C. shopp ing return securities

D.a bulk

E. seconds kill

17.What do you think those problems in online shopping  

A. the product quality prob lems

B.The problem of after-sales service

C.payment issues

D.The problem of logistics

18.What you want in the future of taobao to meet consumer demand,hope to getwhat kind of service? (question)



Questionnaire to this end, thank you for your understanding and support ofour work!

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