Unit9 Shapes Period 3(E,F,G&H)
Teaching Aims and Learning Objectives
1.Review Part A,B,C&D
2. Get to know the meaning of ‘New Year, grandparents, grandma,grandpa,paper, forget, use only’ and pronounce them clearly.
3.Use the structures l ike Let’ s buy…for…. Whydon’ t we make one?
But I don’ t know howto…. Draw…first. Don’ t forget to….
4.Know the pronunciation of letter ‘O’ in theword.
5.Say and sing Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
6.Train the students’ imagination.
7. Let students learn “Low-carbon l ife” .
Focus of the Lesson:
1.Distinguishing and talking about the shapescorrectly.
2.Role playingthedialoguewith the right pronunciation, intonation andsentence stress.
Difficulties of the Lesson
1.Distinguishing and talking about the shapes correctly.
2.Role playingthedialoguewith the right pronunciation, intonation andsentence stress.
Teaching Aids:
CIA、 paper crayons pictures
Teaching process:
Step 1 Revision
1.Talkabout students’ things
T:what shape isthe…?
2.Talkabout “whatcan we doatan art lesson?.”
T:we can draw pictures,do hand-made,make carve and mould,dosome paper-cutand soon. 让学生了解形式多样的美术课
Step 2 Presentation
T:What do can we do atthisArt lesson?
Ss:We can learn some shapes.
Task 1: lookat the blackboard
(1).I draw you say(教师黑板上画正方形和长方形)
(2).You askandyou answer(看黑板上的图片学生自由问学生答)
(3).Fi l l inthe blankets 类似A部分课文的复述
Task2: thinkand stick
1.T:I can drawa circle,too.Isthis a circle?(出示oval)
PPT出示oval box→an old box→PPT出示sofa →让学生上黑板贴一贴盒子和沙发的位置
2.T:What do you want to say ?(让学生发挥想象看到图片想说些什么)
3.出示语音部分句子Goand open theold boxon thesofa.
教授字母O的发音 1拓展一些以前学过的单词。 2拓展一些没有学过的生词让学生学会拼读。 3给不同发音的单词归类
Task3:show usyour pictures
1. introduce some rules
2. show usyour pictures and talkabout it
Task4:Let’ s draw together
1. T:Draw a moon and some stars use onlysome starsand a circle.
2. Let’ s have a restand enjoya song “Twinkle,twinkle, l ittle star.”
3. say a rhyme(归纳出押韵)
4. sing together
Task5: howto makea card
1. NewYear’ sDayiscoming.Wecan makeacardforourfriendorparents.
2. Let’ s learn how to makea card:watch and fi l l
3. readthedialoguequickly,andfi l l inthe blankets
Step 3 Consol idation
Task6:NewYear’ s Dayiscoming.Christmas Dayiscoming,too.Youcan makea cardforyour friends.
1. makeadialogue
2. send the card to each other
Love every da y, love everyone.
Love isthe bestgift in theworld
Step 5 Homework
1.Usedifferentshapesto drawa house on yourpaper.
2.Write an introduction about your card.
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