精品江苏省苏州市昆山市七年级英语下册 unit 3 welcome to sunshine town易错题2(新版)牛津版

错新网  时间:2021-04-26  阅读:()


7B U3错题


( )1________he isn’tathomeHe______gotoschool

A May;maybe B maybemay CMaybe;may be D May;may

( )2---What’s in the box? ---___________

A Noone B Nothing C No DNot

( )3pleasetakeyourdog_____,you should lookafter itwel l

A tohome Bhome C tohere Dhere

( )4---Do you know_______girl with two big eyes?


A the B a Can D/

( )5The flowers is the two______It’s______

A chi ldren’s;Lucyand Li ly’s Bchi ldren’s;Lucy’sand Li ly’s

C chi ldrens’ ;Lucy’sand Li ly’s D chi ldrens’ ;Lucyand Li ly

( )6 I ’d l iket’o haveone of thos’e__________

Ateachers class B teachers classes C teacher’s class D teachers’ class( )7Thereare manypersons in ourclassroom nowSomeare boys,and__aregirls______are our teachers

Asome;other B others ;some C another ;others D some;the others( )8The busstop is_______theschool by bus

A 40 minutesfar from B 40 minutesaway

C 40 minutesfar awayfrom D 40 minutes awayfrom

( )9---________trysomeShangdong food fordinner today? ----Good ideaA Whydon’t BWhynot C Whynot to DWhynotwe

( )10Can we______cows and______dogs on thefarm?

Araise;grow B keep;raise C raise;keep D keep;grow

( )11Thereare_______presentsto buyin theshopping

A a lot B a lotsof C much D lotsof

( )12It’sonlyfive_______walkfrom ourschool tothefootbal l field

A minute B minutes C minute’s D minutes’

( )13There is______‘U’ and‘S’ intheworld“minute”

Aa; a B an ;an C an; a D a ; an

( )14The town is ten ki lometres_________here Let’s take a busthere

A away Bfar from Cfaraway D from

( )15---Howis Helen inthenewschool?

----She is doing verywel lThere is________to worryabout

Asomething Bsomeone C everyone D nothing

( )16----Who’sthatgirl over there?

----Jul ia Sheisastudentof__________

A my fathers’ B myfather C myfathers D my father’s

( )17---Hi ,Tom Isthatyour bag?

----No, it’s Mary’sAnd thesweater near the bag is________too

Amine B yours C hers Dhis



( )18I ’ l l come backintwo_______’____time

A week Bweeks C weeks Dweeks’

( )19----Are there books____________?

-----No,theyare notmine,theybelongto__________

A your ;her B yours ;her Cyour;hers Dyours;she

( )20---______wi l l you father come backfrom Beij ing? ----In two days

AHowoften BHowlong CHowfar DHowsoon

( )21You can choose______food you l ike in our hotel

Asome B many C a Dany

( )22 Does your father often______?

A takeyou to there B takeyou there C takeyour there D takeyour to there( )23 Mum,what are you cooking?It_______so sweet

A tastes B feels C sounds D smel ls

( )24Youwi l l be lateforschool______you don’tgetup early

Abut B if Cand D or

( )25Mostpeople here l ive_____bui ldings______theones inthecities

A in; in Bin; l ike C at; l ikes D at;as

( )26You can bel ieve it unless 除非 you see with________eyes

Ayouown B ownyou C own D yourown

( )27 If it_______tomorrow,we________go on a classtrip

A doesn’t rain;are B won’t rain;wi l l C doesn’t rain;wi l l Drains;are( )28Whynot_______an Engl ish clubto practice________Engl ish?

A join;tospeak Bjoin;speaking C tojoin;tospeakD tojoin;speaking


Would you l ike some__________(披萨)forsupp’er ,boys?

Mr Li____________(have)a four-bedroom flat Its two floors below ours

1 Betty is a good friend of_________We often help each other

4 I find the___________(明信片) in thesmal l shopTheyarevery pretty

2There’s_____________wrong with your computer Itworkswel l now

3Theplantsg___________wel l inthissoi l (土地)

三、选择适当单词的合适形式填空miss ,own ,wait , walk, China , she,wait,many,west Lucy and Li ly,1HurryupMaybewe__________thetrainto Beij ing now

2Afriend of________wi l l cometovisit Mi l l iethe dayafter tomorrow

3 Mr Liang ownsa sportscarHe isthe___________of thecar

4 I wi l l askthe__________foranothercup of coffee

5 It takes meabout ten minutes______________to myschool

6You can learn about___________historyat the museum

7That is_______________________new bedroom

8 How many___________work in this restaurant?

9__________Americans enjoy moving from place than before

10___________people l ike drinking coffee very much



四、选择所给动词的适当形式填空read, show , borrow, show, jog , grow ,come, own , row, smel l

1 Can you stop her from_________the storytomorrow?

2---Who___________usaround theSummer Palace nextweek?-----MissGao is3---_____________wheat in thefriends is importantworkfor most farmers4Thereare manybooks_______________in the l ibrary

5–Who_______________usaround theSummer Palace nextweek?--Miss Gao is

6Look!Jackwith hisfather________________inthepark

7 Wow,hownicetheduck____________!

8 Look!TheWhite________________boaton the lakeHow happytheyare!

9 I am looking forward to______________my own car

10Thevisitors______________soon Please get ready


1Amyl ikeshelpingtheold peopledosome housework (保持句子基本不变)Amy____________helping theold people____________some housework

2They usual lyenjoyworks of art in the museum(对划线部分提问)

__________________________works of art in the museum

3 It’s onlyten minutesfrom school by bicycle 改为同义句

It____________onlyten minutes_________________to school

4It takes me only5minutesto myschool from my home on foot

__________________does takeyou_______________to school from your home?

5You can’tsee anything interesting in the newspaper (

You can’t see_______________interesting in the newspaper

6Beihai Parkis40 minutesfrom myhotel by bus 对划线部分提问

________________is Beihai Parkfrom__________hotel?

7 He often goes home by bus 改为同义句

He often___________________home

8 It’s two ki lometres from here to the zoo 对划线部分提问

_________________is it from here to the zoo?

9Wecan rowa boaton the lake in Beihai Park 同义句

Wecan_______________________onthelakein Beihai Park

10 I enjoywatching footbal l matches 对划线部分提问

_____________________you enjoy_______________

11There is nothing in the bottle (同义句)

There_________________________in the bottle

12 It takes onlyten minutesto go toschool by bicycle (同义句)

It takes only ten minutes_________________to school








5一些家庭养牛 另一些家庭种植小麦。


Many people now___________their___________houses



七、书面表达15分写一篇题为My Hometown的短文约60-80词提示




4空气新鲜 鸟语花香


6很多社区志愿者友好 乐于助人。人民富裕(rich)、幸福



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