修复隐藏文件无法显示Fixed hidden file cannot be displayedTwo, show hidden system files
Start "run" - regedit
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Sof tware\Microsof t\windows\CurrentVers ion\explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL
Delete the CheckedValue keys, right click the "Dword" - a newvalue named CheckedValue, and then modify its value is 1, soyou can choose "show all hidden files and file display system".While still a computer company to work a few days ago, founda considerable number of customers in general in addition tohard disk C, double-click the drive for personal users can notopen, this simple question naturally to find someone! Click theright mouse button to find the first is not open, but is a whatthings like AUTO. Needless to say is a natural move, generalcomputer company is used to install the system trouble, simple,do in the computer company Laisanwu one can. However, after ourtechnical trainees and clients responded, reinstall the system(universal cloning in just a few minutes) and couldn' t solvethe problem, I had to do it manually!
Kill horses, of course, depends on the process and shows hiddenfiles and extensions, but the virus has moved hands and feethere. In the folder options "hidden files and folders" does notdisplay hidden files and folders, displays all the files andfolders where the "show all files and folders" cannot bedisplayed, click on the application to determine the remainsthe same, re open the automatic back again. Fortunately, I've
seen super hide and stuff like that before, and I've saved theregistry file that shows hidden files and folders!
Windows Registry Editor Version 5
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACH INE\SOFTWARE\Mi cro soft\Windows\CurrentVer s ion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL]
"CheckedValue" =dword:00000001
Open the registry and find the above registry key. Thecheckvalue was found to be 0. Look at the normal computer for1, naturally changed to 1. Set folder options again to displayall folders and return to normal. There are several found hiddenfiles for each partition, no wonder reinstall the system, butRising antivirus software can not be installed! The end ofprocess, all relevant documents deleted, right back to normal!It is a virus file out of the ghost, and set up the system, userscan not display hidden files naturally don't see it myself, itis deleted after install antivirus software to get in by everyopening! Everything is normal and no other problems! Althoughthe problem is quite simple, but the few days there are quitea few customers bring repairs are exactly the same, do not knowwhat is not new! Although people engage in computer is the mostthe entry-level stuff, but for ordinary users is not a simpleproblem!
After a little research, recently nothing, think BLOG alsonothing to write, posted here for novice inquiry, master don'tlaugh!
1在注册表[ hkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \currentversion \资源\高级\文件夹\隐藏]
下有两项 nohidden与为有人说是三项98吧不过我自己的电脑只有此两项。 nohidden自然是不显示隐藏文件为是显示所有文件在两项下都有checkedvalue值默认值
上例即是更改了相关的注册表键值[ hkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \ currentversion \资源\高级\文件夹\隐藏\为]的” checkedvalue”
系统默认” checkedvalue” = DWORD值 0000000 1 “默认值” =DWORD值 0000000 2 0如果将checkedvalue设置为就会造成无法更改显示所有隐藏文件正常情况可以将文件夹及文件属性设成隐藏但具有初级知识的用户都知道去更改以显示隐藏文件通过手工修改注册表将为下的checkdvalue设置为0防止普通用户查看对于老鸟自然无任何用处
2将显示所有隐藏文件设为文件夹选项的默认值至于默认值值自然是默认值我没有在微软查到此处具体每个值的含义不过可以设置肯定会有1,2或者也有0。如果将[ hkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \ currentversion \资源\高级\文件夹隐藏为“默认值”设为]的1应该是使其成为默认你会发现在查看中选项恢复默认值的时候两项都被选中了。如果想将显示所有隐藏文件设为默认值可以将nohidden的默认值为默认值1而将设为的也设为1 这样默认就是显示所有的隐藏文件大家可以自己更改一下看一下具体效果。
4网上看到的更绝的是利用注册表编辑器我们可以将”查看”选项卡中的”隐藏文件”项下的三个单选按钮都隐藏掉。我们只需将上述“隐藏”下” nohidden” 、 ” nohidorsys” 、 ”为“三个分支中的“文本”字符串键注 Windows XP中该键的键值不同的健值清除掉。这样退出注册表编辑器后再进入”查看”选项卡你就会发现”隐藏文件和文件夹”下面空空如也任何人想要查看我们的个人文件就都是两个字--没门。 因为这个地方根本没法选择 将隐藏与nohidden两项删除就什么都没有了哈哈
附文件夹选项默认值 XP系统可以将以下文本保存为注册表文件导入注册表 以修复相关问题
[ hkey_local_machine \软件\微软\的Windows \ currentversion \资源\高级\文件夹\隐藏]
“文本” = “@ shell32. dll 30499”
“类型” = “组”
“位图” =六2 25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d00,52,00,6f 00,6f 00,74 \
00,25,00,5c 00, 73,00, 79,00, 73,00, 74,00,65,00,6d
00,33,00,32,00,5c 00, 53,00 \
48,00,45,00,4c 00,4c 00,33,00,32,00,2e 00,64,00,6c 00,6c00,2c 00, 34,00,00 \
LOCVPS发来了针对元旦新年的促销活动,除了全场VPS主机8折优惠外,针对德国/荷兰KVM #1/美国KVM#2 VPS提供终身7折优惠码(限量50名,先到先得)。LOCVPS是一家成立于2012年的国人VPS服务商,提供中国香港、韩国、美国、日本、新加坡、德国、荷兰、俄罗斯等地区VPS服务器,基于KVM或XEN架构(推荐优先选择KVM),均选择直连或者优化线路,国内延迟低,适合建站或远程办公使...