导出[教程]itunes备份数据(未越狱完美导出iphone短信)([tutorial]itunes backup data (not jailbreak perfect export iPhone SMS))

itunes备份  时间:2021-04-19  阅读:()

[教程] itunes备份数据(未越狱完美导出iphone短信)

 [tutorial]itunes backup data (not jailbreak perfect exportiPhone SMS) 

First, use iTunes to backup the basic functions (know, don'twant to see, skip)

1. When will iTunes be back up?.

ITunes automatically backup each time it connects to iPhone andperforms the first synchronization. In other words, if youriPhone has been repeatedly connected to the computersynchronization, only the first synchronization willautomatically backup.

At the same time, you can manually use iTunes to backup (connectthe device, right after the device)

Either automatically or manually backup, you can cancel thebackup at any time, some students think in synchronous backupspent too much time, as long as the synchronization starts whenthe backup words, right at the top of iTunes progress bar, Xbutton,

2, iTunes backup in the end what backup?

ITunes will back up the following contents in your iPhone:Text messages; MMS pictures; contact; calendar; memo; cameraf ilm; recent calls; personal collection; sound settings; emailsettings, Safari browser settings; the application settings

(such as games, stanza Books) ; the setting of iPhonei nformat ion

Please note that

A) iTunes backup cannot backup the application itself. That isto say, when you reinstall the iPhone and recover from thebackup, your application will not automatically appear and mustbe installed again;

B) iTunes backup, you can' t check it directly, you must passthird party tools;

C) iTunes can only backup the contents of its operation oniPhone, and if you use the program installed by the 91 assistant,their settings will not be backed up.

D) iTuneswill only backup the contents of a specific directory.If you use 91 file management or iFunbox to create a newdirectory in iPhone, and transmit music, video and othercontent, these will not be backed up.

E) your backup can be restored to any iDevice, such as otheriPhone and iPod Touch.

3. What are the features of iTunes backup?

A) iTunes stores the backup files in the following location:Windows XP:\Documents and Settings\ (user name) \ApplicationData\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Windows Vista/7:\Users\ (user name) \AppData\Roaming\AppleComputer\Mobi leSync\Backup\

MAC:/Users/i (user name) /Library/Application


(iVin pro test, backup file (for a long string name folder) canbe cross platform generic, copy to the corresponding folder canbe, but pay attention to iTunes version)

Because this directory is in the system partition, so pleasepay attention to backup these contents before reinstalling thesystem

B) iTunes backup is incremental backup, that is to say, eachbackup only backs up a different place compared with the lastone. Therefore, if you load a lot of applications or musicvideos at once, iTunes needs to search for additional contentone by one, and will backup it as needed, which will cost a lotof backup time. In fact, I don' t recommend canceling backupsat the time of synchronization, so it will take longer.In more detail, please refer to Apple' s official help (it' sreally hard to understand) :

Http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1766? Viewlocale=zh_CN

Two, the use of backup, recovery skills

1, can prohibit iTunes in the synchronous automatic backup?

Many students estimate that they are always troubled by longbackups at the same time. The answer is yes, and this can beachieved through the Back off software. The function of thesoftware is very simple, as follows:

After you've closed, you can use the software to reopen theautomatic backup function. Remember, if you close the automaticbackup, please do manual backup regularly, otherwise, theproblem will be disastrous.

In addition, the iTunes backup time is too long, probably dueto the installation of a software (most of which may be crackedsoftware) problems caused by,

After the uninstall, it will be normal.

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2, iTunes backup appears "iTunes can not backup iPhone, becauseit can not be stored on the computer backup" hint?

If your hard disk partition is still FAT32, there may be sucha problem, because there are tens of thousands of long namefiles in the iTunes backup directory, which is beyond the folderlimit of FAT32.

Another reason may be abnormal backup or other faults causedby iTunes, before deleting the backup, reinstall the iTunes maysolve the problem.

It is possible that the backup folder is corrupted and thatiTunes cannot write the file. At this point, you need to usethe disk repair tool.

3, after brushing iPhone, how to restore?

Many students are wondering, after brushing the iPhone, how torestore it to the state before re brushing. One of theprerequisites will be explained in the later article, which isthat the database must be consistent with the original. Anotherimportant point is to make reasonable use of existing backups.Please make it clear that iTunes will only reserve a backupgenerated for each device at the time of synchronization. Ifyou don't do it properly, therewill be a problemwithrecovery.Now let' s take a look at the process of recovery.

After brushing iPhone, iTunes will automatically connect toiPhone, and then there will be two recovery options: set to newiPhone and restore from backup.

When a is set up as a new iPhone, the new backup file will beset up for the device when it is first synchronized.

B) if you choose to restore from backup, please note that iPhonewill be the first to recover, then synchronize, whichmeans thata recovery only restore the basic iPhone settings (such as SMS,camera film, Safari set, etc. ) because the user' s ownapplicationmay have not been synchronized to iPhone go, so thisis not a complete recovery. The correct operation is waitingfor iPhone automatically when synchronization is complete, do

not unplug the USB cable, and then synchronizes all the contentof the resources you need in the library to iPhone, then rightclick on iPhone and select from the backup and recovery.IVin added: after jailbreak iPhone loaded with XX software, notoperating so when the recovery options in the previous step,only the first jailbreak iPhone IPA installed sync patch, thenselect the B) operation, otherwise, the XX software can not beinstalled.

4, howto delete the existingbackup?I want touse iTunes backupon another computer, okay?

ITunes may retain more backup, you can iTunes the menu "Edit/preferences/ equipment" to see and do not need to delete thebackup, the same, you can also manually delete the backup tothe backup storage, only need to enter the directory, directoryname note shows the last backup the time,

Can this be the backup transfer to other PC iTunes on it, theanswer is yes, you can also keep the manual backup, if you onlyneed to reinstall the system, the backup copy to thecorresponding directory. It' s important to note that theversion of iTunes is no lower than the backup version.IVin pro test: PC/MAC in iTunes 10. 1.2 under iPhone4, 4.21backup file general purpose.

Three. Use third party tools to process backup

A lot of people are asking, is there any way to extract contacts

directly from the backup? Some people want to check the recordof SMS in PC, but iTunes is all database file, you can't checkit directly.

Here I will recommend two tools for you, iTwin and iBackupBot.1, first of all, say iTwin. (farewell 91 SMS Backup)

This is simple, and the processing speed is pretty fast. Thesoftware might be German for the first time, but don't panic.It supports Chinese, huh?. Back out of the message is iPhoneinterface HTML format, quite awesome. Save as TXT, see the otherFY posts below.

IVin affinity test and supplement:

Official address: http://www. i-twin.de/en/ (downloadiTwin3. 1final here)

Details of the use of instructions see this paste

Http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-htm-t id-483809.html (downloadiTwin2. 2 here)

Because that time is old, the attached iTwin2.2 tools for thenew iTunes10. 1.2 or iOS4. 21 backup file is not compatible,unable to complete the work to read. And the latest 3. 1finalfree version can view all, but can not import. It is acoincidence that the main program iTwin3. 1final, iTwin.exewith iTwin2.2 of the same name in the file replacement, thenrun (win7 compatible mode) , you can make iTwin2. 2 correct

recognition of the latest iTunes and iOS4.21 backup file. Butits function is the same as iTwin2.2, can only see the first3 messages, but can export all.


Don' t see it. Look below:

Free version of V2. 2 function: access to the nearestcommunication of 3 contacts SMS, you can export all contact sms.No support for iOS4 or iTunes10. 1. 2 (brother' s not normalfunction, the biggest reason should be the two)

The free version of V3. 1 : access to all contacts SMS, but cannot export any 1 people sms. Perfect support for iOS4.21 andi Tunes 10. 1.2.

Hybridization: using V2.2 main program, iTwin.exe replaces themain program of the same name of V3. 1, and runs.

Results: you can consult the nearest communication of 3contacts SMS, you can export all contact sms. Support iOS4. 21and iTunes10. 1.2. Pro test has successfully exported sms.This tool has beautiful interface and fast processing speed,so it is recommended to use. However, it does not handle allbackup information.

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