beginningdumpofphysicalmemory电脑上出现dumping physical memory to disk是什么意思呀

beginningdumpofphysicalmemory  时间:2021-04-06  阅读:()

电脑蓝屏 beginning dump of physical memory dumping physical memory to disk

好像是虚拟内存小了, 加大些虚拟内存,最好是物理内存的1.5-2倍。


什么是Beginning dump of physical memory?

就是将内存当前的状态存储到硬盘上,一般是在系统发生异常的时候才执行的,主要是用来向微软报告错误用的,对于普通使用者没有什么意义 下面是微软对这个动作的解释 To specify what Windows does if the system s unexpectedly You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group in order plete this procedure. If puter is connected to work,work policy settings might also prevent you pleting this procedure. Open System in Control Panel. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Settings. Under System Failure, select the check boxes that correspond to the actions you want Windows to perform if a error urs: Write an event to the system log specifies that event information will be recorded in the system log. Send an administrative alert specifies that your system administrator will be notified. Automatically reboot specifies that Windows will automatically restart puter. Under Write Debugging Information, choose the type of information you want Windows to record when the system s unexpectedly: Small Memory Dump records the smallest amount of information that will help identify the problem. This option requires a paging file of at least 2 MB on the boot volume of puter and specifies that Windows will create a new file each time the system s unexpectedly. A history of these files is stored in the directory listed under Small Dump Directory. Kernel Memory Dump records only kernel memory, which speeds up the process of recording information in a log when the system s unexpectedly. Depending on the amount of RAM in puter, you must have 50 MB to 800 MB available for the paging file on the boot volume. The file is stored in the directory listed under Dump File. Complete Memory Dump records the entire contents of system memory when the system s unexpectedly. If you choose this option you must have a paging file on the boot volume large enough to hold all of the physical RAM plus one megabyte (MB). The file is stored in the directory listed under Dump File.

我电脑突然蓝屏:Beginning dump of Physical memory

蓝屏这个问题很多用户都遇到过,不过因为蓝屏出现的情况十分不确定,有一定偶然性,所以很多人都不知道如何修复它,下面进行分析和解决 最常见、也是最可能的原因——内存条接触不良 电脑用得久了,机箱当中难免积很多灰尘,而这些灰尘就很可能导致内存条接触不良。




最容易判断的情况——软件兼容性问题引起 有时候我们的电脑用了很久都没有出现过蓝屏现象,可是不知什么原因,突然就蓝屏了,这时你可以回顾一下自己近期是否安装了什么软件,并且在蓝屏的时候该软件是处于运行状态的,如果是这样就非常容易判断了——就是因为这款软件引起的蓝屏。



因为回答内容过多,如何避免蓝屏及蓝屏代码查询部分请移步: /a/caozuoxitong/Windows_7/20101023/24330.html 最后特别建议查查蓝屏代码。

电脑上出现dumping physical memory to disk是什么意思呀


然后把下面的“写入调试信息”改成“无” 重启 OK 原因是你无意中更改了关机模式




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