帝国CMS分类信息有效期字段搜索多条件搜索教程The expiration date set
The classification information is usually set to be valid, suchas: this information is left over N days. And so on. And everyoneis looking for ways to make sure that the validity of the periodis based on the actual, the number of days and the expiration.Let me share with you the details. (I' ll try to use the mostdetailed instructions. )
New fields in "management fields" in the "classificationinformation model" :
The field is set to:
Field name: enddate (this is an example, customiable)Field identification: self-determination
Field type: the small character (TEXT) length is emptyEnter the form display element: the date (date) length is alsoe mp t y
* other things are not optional. (the field sequence is filledwith Numbers. Self-determination is the association betweenadding information and submission)
Remember to reorder the "management system model" in theclassif ied information. (" input form template "and"foreground submission form template ")
Hit: input search term contribute a mandatory list templatecontent template can increase can modify such as hook (this canaccording to your requirements. If you want to collect, havethe words, please in acquisition lay a hook) .
Add the following code to the appropriate location in thecontent template page: (the lingo TAB SQL is changed as needed)-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
The period of validity:
[e: ] ecms_info where checked= 1 order by newstime desc, id desclimit 1 ' , 1, 24, 0}
<? P HP
$enddate= explode (" - ", $BQR [enddate] ) ; // enddate is thefield name. If there is any change, please change it all. I'vegot my blue.
$newstime= explode (" - ", $BQR [newstime]) ; // release timeformat: y-m-d H: I: s
$lt =mktime (0, 0, $enddate [1], $enddate [2], $enddate [0] ) ;$st = mktime (0, 0, $newstime [1], $newstime [2] , $newstime
[0]) ;
(1) overtime = $lt - $st;
Days = $overt ime / 86400;
If ($days < 0)
Echo "this information has expired"; / / Suggestions can beexchanged for pictures
The else
"The echo" is left with<b > < font color=red > ". "< /font >< / b > days"; / / CSS customised
? >
[/ e: loop]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Refresh the classified information page.
Click on the field search
Search for classified information (such as custom fields) . Forexample, the classification information page displays:enterprise type: individual enterprise. Then click on theindividual enterprise to search for all information about"individual enterprise" in the classified information table.Write simple: < a href = "/! - news. Url - e/action/ListInfo/?Every [ ! --every-] &ph= 1&f ield name= [ ! -field name]" >[ ! - field name -] < / a >
OK, that' s it. That' s easy.
Three, multiple conditional search:
Example: (take my demo)
< FORM name = "searchform" method = "post" action = "/e/search/index.php" target = "_blank" >
< b > < font color = "# ff6600" > project query: < / font > </ b >
< input type = "hidden" name = "tbname" "value =" info "> <!The info is the table name - >
< input type = "hidden" name = "tempid" value = "2" > <! - 2is the search template ID to note that this template must bea classification information model - >
< input type = "hidden" name = "andor" value = "and" >
< select name = "classid" > <! The "classid" is the followingtext for field values - - >
< option value = "the > industry classification < / option >< option value = "105" > clothing box < / option >
"Option value=" 106 "> environmental saving energy</option>"Option value =" 107 "> meals < / option >
"Option value =" 108 "> decoration materials < / option >"Option value =" 109 "> technology network < / option >< option value = "$110" > healthcare < / option >
"Option value =" 111 "> fitness beauty < / option >
"Option value =" 112 "> home gift < / option >
"Option value =" 113 "> industrial instrument < / option >< option value = "114" > farm production < / option >"Option value =" 115 "> processing agent < / option >< option value = "116" > science and art < / option >< / select >
< input type = "hidden" name = "show []" value = "qylx". "--qylx is the name of the field name for the field value - >The input type = "hidden" name = "hh" "value =" EQ "> <! -- EQis the definitionof a search scope that canbe changed as needed-- >
< SELECT name = "keyboard []" "type =" text ">
< option value = "the > enterprise type < / option >
< option value = "individual single-battalion" > individualc amp < / opt i on >
"Option value =" state enterprise "> state enterprise < /option >
"Option value =" foreign enterprise "> foreign capitalenterprise < / option >
"Option value =" collective enterprise "> collectiveenterprise < / option >
"Option value =" sino-foreign joint venture "> sino-foreignjoint venture < / option >
< / select >
< input type = "hidden" name = "show []" value = "zsqy" >< input type = "hidden" name = "hh" "value =" EQ ">
< SELECT name = "keyboard []" "type =" text ">
< option value = "the > merchants area < / option >"Option value =" national "> national < / option >< option value = "Beijing" > Beijing < / option >< option value = "Shanghai" > Shanghai < / option >"Option value =" tianjin "> tianjin < / option >< option value = "chongqing" > chongqing < / option >"Option value =" hebei "> hebei < / option >
"Opt ion value =" henan "> henan < / opt ion >
< option value = "hubei" > hubei < / option >
"Option value =" shandong "> shandong < / option >< option value = "guangdong" > guangdong < / option >< option value = "guangxi" (>, guangxi) < / option >"Option value =" fujian "> fujian < / option >
"Option value =" jiangsu "> jiangsu < / option >
"Option value =" zhejiang "> zhejiang < / option >
"Opt ion value =" hunan "> hunan < / opt ion >
"Option value =" jiangxi "> jiangxi < / option >
"Option value =" jilin "> jilin < / option >
"Option value=" the heilongjiang ">heilongjiang < / option>< option value = "guizhou" > guizhou < / option >
< option value = "sichuan" > sichuan < / option >
< option value = "qinghai" > qinghai < / option >
"Opt ion value =" anhui "> anhui < / opt ion >
"Option value =" gansu "> gansu < / option >
"Option value =" ningxia "> ningxia < / option >
"Option value =" Inner Mongolia "> Inner Mongolia< / option >"Option value =" liaoning "> liaoning < / option >
"Option value =" shaanxi "> shaanxi < / option >
< option value = "yunnan" (> yunnan) < / option >
"Option value =" shanxi "> shanxi < / option >
< option value = "hainan" > hainan < / option >
< option value = "xinjiang" > xinjiang < / option >
< option value = "Tibet" > Tibet < / option >
< option value = "Hong Kong" > Hong Kong < / option >< option value = "macau" (macau) < / option >
< option value = "Taiwan" (> Taiwan < / option >)
< / select >
< input type = "hidden" name = "show []" value = "jmhy" >< input type = "hidden" name = "hh" "value =" EQ ">
< SELECT name = "keyboard []" "type =" text ">
< option value = "> join fee range < / option >
< option value = "detail discussion" >. < / option >
< option value = "free bonus" > free alliance fee < / option >< option value = "below $10,000" or "> 10000" < / option ><option value="$10,000~30,000" > 10,000~30,000</option>
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