帝国帝国cms分类信息 有效期字段搜索多条件搜索 教程(Empire CMS classification information validity field search multi conditional search tutorial)

帝国cms教程  时间:2021-03-20  阅读:()

帝国cms分类信息有效期字段搜索多条件搜索教程Empire CMSclassification information validity field search multiconditional search tutorial

First, the validity of the set

Classification information, usually set the validity period,such as: this information remains N days. Wait。 And everyoneis looking for ways to make sure the expiration date dependson the actual number of days and expired. Now I' ll share thedetails (I' ll try my best to explain them in detail)

1, add new fields in the management field in the classifiedinformation model:

Field set to:

Field name: enddate (this is an example and can be customized)Field ID: Custom

Field type: small character length (TEXT) can be left blankThe input form of display elements: date (date) length can beleft blank

* other do not choose not to fill. Field order numbers. Yes,it is the association between adding information and submittingthe document before and after the show

2. Remember to re modify the "management system model" in the

classified information. (tick the "enter form template" and"front submission form template")

A: entry search item submission required item list templatecontent template can increase the hook (this can be modifiedaccording to their own requirements. If you want to collect thisitem, please tick it.

3, add the following code in the appropriate section of thecontent information content template page: (smart tag SQL canbe changed as required)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Term of validity

[e:loop={' select * from [ [db.pre, ]ecms_info, where, checked=1,order, by, newstime, DESC, ID, DESC, limit, 1' , 1,24,0} ])"PHP?

$enddate= explode ("-", "$bqr[enddate]") ; "//enddate" is thefield name. If there is any change, please change all. I'vepainted the blue.

$newstime = explode ("$bqr[newstime]") ; / / release time,format: Y-m-d H: i:s

$lt =mktime (0,0,0, $enddate[1], $enddate[2], $enddate[0] ) ;$st = mktime (0,0,0, $newstime[1], $newstime[2],

$newstime[0]) ;

$overtime=$lt - $st;

$days=$overtime /86400;

If ($days<0)


Echo "this information has expired"; / / suggestions can bechanged to the form of pictures




Echo "this information with <b><font color=red>". $days."</font></b> day"; / / CSS custom



[/e: loop]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -end - - --

4, refresh the classified information page.

Two, click field search

Search for classified information (such as custom fields) . Forexample, the classified information page shows that theenterprise type is: individual enterprise. Then click on theindividual enterprise to search all the information aboutpersonal enterprise in the classified information table.Is simple: <a href= "" --news.url--]e/action/ListInfo/!Classid=[?! --classid--]&ph=1&field name n! - field name * *">[ ! - field name --]</a>

OK, is that easy?.

Three, multiple conditional search:

Example: (take my demo)

<FORM name=,,

"/e/search/index.php", "target=", "_blank", action=

<b><font color= "#ff6600" > item query: </font></b>

<input type= "hidden" name= "TBNAME" value= "info" > < -- >--info is the name of the table!

<input type="hidden"name="tempid"value= "2" > <! --2 is thesearch template ID note that the template must be classifiedinformation model -- >

<input type=><select name= "CLassID" > <! --classid is the following textfor column field value -- >

<option value= "" > industry category </option>

<option value= "105" > clothing bags </option>

<option value= "106" > environmental protection and energysaving </option>

<option value= "107" > Food & Beverage </option>

<option value="108" >decorative building materials </option><option value= "109" > technology network </option>

<option value= "110" health care </option>

<option value= "111" fitness beauty </option>

<option value= "112" > Home Gift </option>

<option value=, "113" > industrial equipment </option><option, value=, "114" > farming, breeding, </option><option value= "115" > processing agent </option>

<option value=, "116" > Science, art and literature, </option>


<input type=, "hidden", "name=", "show[]", "value=", "qylx" <!--qylx is a field name for the following text field value -- ><input type= "hidden" name= "hh[]" value= "EQ" > <! -- EQ isthe definitionof the scope of the search, according to the needto change the life

<SELECT name=, "keyboard[]", "type=", "text" >

<option value= ' ' > enterprise type '</option>'

<option value= "independent individual" > individual sole</option>

<option value= "state-owned enterprise" > State-ownedEnterprise </option>

<option value= "foreign enterprise" > foreign enterprise</option>

<option value= collective enterprise > collective enterprise</option>

<option value=, Sino foreign joint venture >Sino foreign jointventure </option>


<input type=,><input type=, "hidden", "name=", "hh[]", "value=", "EQ" ><SELECT name=, "keyboard[]", "type=", "text" >

<option value= "" > Investment Zone </option>

<option value= "national" > National </option>

<option value=, "Beijing" > Beijing </option>

<option value=, "Shanghai" > Shanghai </option>

<option value=, "Tianjin" > Tianjin </option>

<option value=, "Chongqing" > Chongqing </option>

<option value=, "Hebei" > Hebei </option>

<opt ion value=, "Henan" > Henan </option>

<option value=, "Hubei" > Hubei </option>

<option value=, "Shandong" > Shandong </option>

<opt ion value=, "Guangdong" > Guangdong </opt ion>

<option value=, "Guangxi" > Guangxi </option>

<option value=, "Fujian" > Fujian </option>

<option value=, "Jiangsu" > Jiangsu </option>

<option value=, "Zhejiang" > Zhejiang </option>

<opt ion value=, "Hunan" > Hunan </option>

<option value=, "Jiangxi" > Jiangxi </option>

<option value=, "Jilin" > Jilin </option>

<option value=, "Heilongjiang" > Heilongjiang </option><option value=, "Guizhou" > Guizhou </option>

<option value=, "Sichuan" > Sichuan </option>

<option value=, "Qinghai" > Qinghai </option>

<option value=, "Anhui" > Anhui </option>

<option value=, "Gansu" > Gansu </option>

<option value=, "Ningxia" > Ningxia </option>

<option value=, "Inner Mongolia" > Inner Mongolia </option><option value=, "Liaoning" > Liaoning </option>

<option value=, "Shaanxi" > Shaanxi </option>

<option value=, "Yunnan" > Yunnan </option>

<option value=, "Shanxi" > Shanxi </option>

<option value=, "Hainan" > Hainan </option>

<option value=, "Xinjiang" > Xinjiang </option>

<option value=, "Tibet" > Tibet </option>

<option value=, "Hongkong" > Hongkong </option>

<option value=, "Macao" > Macao </option>

<option value=, "Taiwan" > Taiwan </option>


<input type=, "hidden", "name=", "show[]", "value=", "jmhy" ><input type=, "hidden", "name=", "hh[]", "value=", "EQ" ><SELECT name=, "keyboard[]", "type=", "text" >

<option value= "> join fee range </option>

<option value= "go into details" > discuss </option> in detail<option value= "free entry fee" > free entry fee </option>




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