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Cheng men li xu:

Old refers to the students deferentially to be taught. Thepresent metaphor respects the teacher. It is a metaphor forlearning and respect for the learned elders. Idiom comes fromthe young on sung history biography: "to be, you then Yang chengin los, when forty years. A greater h, h you accidentally sit,swimwith trample zuo (notes) to stand not to go. H sleep already,is deep the snow outside a foot. "directory

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"Cheng" refers to cheng yi. The word "cheng" snow (idiom) isformal; The predicate. 【 synonym 】 respect teacher to teach,cheng mendu (sound duo 2) snow, stand learn to ask

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Cheng men li xu:

Old refers to the students deferentially to be taught. Thepresent metaphor respects the teacher. It is a metaphor forlearning and respect for the learned elders. Idiom comes fromthe young on sung history biography: "to be, you then Yang cheng

in los, when forty years. A greater h, h you accidentally sit,swimwith trample zuo (notes) to stand not to go. H sleep already,is deep the snow outside a foot. "

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The original

Yang was neutral and the south sword took the musicians. Youngand young, can belong to (2) wen, slightly longer, diveYang' s heart is history. He was the first in nine years. In thetime of henan cheng hao and his brother, meng jeong, the riverand the luo were the teachers of the river. When he did not go,he saw (3) hao yu ying chang. He returned, and the man said,"my way is south. " Four years and the death of hao, the timesmell, set a person to cry to bed door, and the book to informthe same scholar. And then, when he saw cheng yi, he was fortyyears old. Yi yi, yi yi sit (4) , while he (5) does not go to

(6) , yi (7) , the outside of the door is a foot deep. . . . Theday was heavy, and the four of them traveled a thousand miles.Note 1. From song shi Yang. (zh) : writing. See: see you. Sitdown: doze. Stand by respectfully. 6. To: leave. He' s awakealready.

The translation

Yang is called neutral, and he is the man who makes the place.When I was a kid, I was smart and different, and I wrote articles.A bit older is studying the history of Song Xining jinshi nine

years and, at that time, the henan people IQ and brother chengcheng in dare to change, the teaching of Confucius and menciuscandidates. if your years academic essence (BSC) , henan luoyangwhere scholars to worship them, for the teacher Yang weretransferred to him he did not go, prosperous in novelty tostudents' etiquette worship cheng hao finds, the teachers andstudents get along well with each other. Home, when Yang chenghao finds looked after him and said, "my theory will spread tothe south. Cheng hao finds four years passed away, when I heardthat Yang, after crying in the bedroom set up cheng hao findsadditional offerings, and students who use letters obituary.Cheng hao finds after death, to luoyang visit cheng again, atthis timewhenYanghas been forty years old. One day visit cheng,cheng is sitting with closed eyes, swimming with classmatesYang boggy zuo (notes) and stood at the door without leave,cheng has been perceived, the outside has been more than a footdeep snow. One day is more than a high virtue and prestige andfour sides of the personnel of miles with the intersection, thenumber of guishan Sir.

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The "cheng" in this idiom refers to the famous neo-confucianand "phoenix 2" brother cheng yi. Cheng hao (1032-1085) andcheng yi (1033-1107) brothers were all in the northern songdynasty

Cheng yi is a scientist and educator. Hao and yi were studyingin their grandmother' s home in the northwest corner of xiaowudong lake. "Xiaowang county zhi" cloud: "cheng zi read a desk,in the county east five, song qingli years, the second journey

read in this. "Cheng zi read the "fenghuang station", which wasnamed after the emperor of the emperor of the jin dynasty (348) .The 2nd journey is in the filial sense study, the life is 18years long, namely read books on the upstairs of the platform,so also the name cheng tai. "The building, which is called thenight of the night, has a clear view of the Windows, thebeautiful scenery, and the noise of the children and the dogs.Through its orange heart enlightenment, explore the law schoolalso so conceived xiaogan. "cheng after the age of 18, theIrrawaddy, into the business, in zhou dunyi, " YanZi academictheory "and other books, gradually established the northernsong dynasty famous neo-confucianism genre, forming a unique"neo-confucianism", the theories of many YanShuoRu acclaimed.Later, in order to commemorate the second journey, the peopleof the family built a two-part shrine in chengzi harbor anddestroyed the shrine in Ming dynasty. In the eighteenth yearof the qing dynasty (1661) , the emperor xiaolan county zhangwas rebuilt in the eastern yuejin temple, forming a famous"night of the night" in one of the famous eight scenes of filialpiety. Sadly, the building was destroyed in 1968 and is now onlya site.

Cheng refers to cheng yi, a neo-confucian theorist of the songdynasty. "To make snow is to stand in the snow and pray. Themeaning of "cheng Lin snow" is to say: take the snow to standin front of cheng yi' s door. It is used to describe the teacher,the pious and the pious.

This idiom comes from song shi Yang. Yang and he went to visit

the famous neo-confucian scholars cheng yi. Cheng yi wasclosing his eyes, and he stood there respectfully, waiting fora long time. Cheng yi woke up and the snow was deep outside thedoor. Later generations will be the example of "cheng Chenlixue". The "cheng door" can also be said as "vertical snowgate".

Cheng yi, a Chinese character, also called Mr Ichuan. He andhis elder brother cheng hao were famous neo-confucianism andeducationalists in the northern song dynasty. They came froma family of official families. Elder brother cheng hao, longlived in luoyang. Cheng was engaged in lecturing and writingbooks for more than 30 years. Cheng thought each have emphasizeparticularly on, Cheng Haozhu qualitative book, such as"benevolence" knowledge, cheng has "yi", "good He Xue by YanZitheory" handed down from ancient times. Because the two peopleagree on the major issues, the posterity will not subdividetheir thoughts and words, and then they will make the two textsof the two.

Now, cheng village in song county, henan, is the second. A stonetablet is still left in the village, and the book"the decree",the book"two journey home". In the village, there is a two-passtemple, the temple of youdao hall and two lectures, and thestory of "cheng the snow" happens here.

Cheng hao and cheng yi put forward a whole set of philosophicalideas on the basis of their predecessors. They think: theorigins of the world' s "tao", everything is made up of "dao"derived, Kings shall govern country, must be "line to drop in","good for is given priority to, with the rule of law. These

thoughts become a system, a system. Because the main activitiesof the second journey were in luoyang, they were created by thedescendants of the iloc school. Later, through the promotion,research and deepening of zhu xi, finally, the second coursewas developed as "cheng zhu".

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Learn to be persistent. Be respectful to your teachersFurther reading:one

The Chinese folk story integrates the open classification offujian rolls:

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I will improve the relevant entry for the "cheng men snow".The burrows of the burrows of the burrows of the snow canistersthe wall of the canisters of the wall to steal the light of thechicken to dance the wooden police pillow to study the studyof the study of the lake to learn the book peach and the greenThe burrows of the burrows of the burrows of the snow canistersthe wall of the canisters of the wall to steal the light of thechicken to dance the wooden police pillow to study the studyof the study of the lake to learn the book peach and the green

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