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Shear wall definition: the wall of horizontal shear forceproduced by wind load or earthquake.

Subject: water conservancy technology (first class) ;

Engineering mechanics, engineering structures, constructionmaterials (secondary disciplines) ; The contents of the projectstructure (water conservancy) shall be promulgated by thenational committee for the examination and approval of thenational scientific and technical terms

Encyclopedia card

The shear wall of reinforced concrete shear wall (shear wall)is also calledananti-windwall oraseismic wall and structuralwall. A wall of the horizontal load caused by wind load orseismic action in a building or structure. Prevent structuralshear

Classification and function of

Shear wall

The category of the shear wall

The concept and structure of shear wall structure

The type and scope of the system

The structure arrangement

Structural characteristics of

Shear wall fracture cause analysis of shear wall fractureprevention measures

Calculation method

Composition and number

Wall body number: QXX (X row) classification and functionShear wall

The category of the shear wall

The concept and structure of shear wall structure

The type and scope of the system

The structure arrangement

Structural characteristics of

Shear wall fracture cause analysis of shear wall fractureprevention measures

Calculation method

Composition and number

Wall body number: QXX (X row) expand the section classificationand function

Dividing the wall of the shear wall and the cylinder shear wall.The surface shear wall is used in reinforced concrete framestructure, rise slab structure, no girder building system. forThe shearwall increases the stiffness, strength andresistanceof the structure, which can be used in some parts of the wallto be cast or prefabricated reinforced concrete shear wall. Nowthe wall of the shearing force and the surrounding beams andcolumns are also poured together, and the whole is good. Thecylinder shear wall is used in high-rise buildings, high-risestructures and suspension structures

By the staircase, staircase walls, equipment, and auxiliaryintervals [1] , the wall of cast-in-place reinforced concretewall, its high stiffness and strength of a plane shear wall canbear larger horizontal load.

The wall is divided into the wall of the bearing wall and the

shear wall according to the characteristics of the force, theformer is the main of the vertical load, such as the masonrywall ; The latter is mainly subjected to horizontal load. Inearthquake-resistant zone, horizontal load is mainly producedby horizontal seismic action, so the shear wall is sometimescalled aseismatic wall.

The shear wall is divided into reinforced concrete shear wall,steel plate shear wall, section steel concrete shear wall andreinforced concrete wall. It is most commonly used inreinforced concrete shear wall.

The name of the English dictionary is shear wall

A wall of the horizontal load caused by wind load or seismicaction in a building or structure. Prevent structural sheardamage. It is also called the anti-wind wall or anti-seismicwall and structural wall. Dividing the wall of the shear walland the cylinder shear wall. The surface shear wall is used inreinforced concrete frame structure, rise slab structure, nogirder building system. In order to increase the stiffness,strength and resistance of the structure, the concrete shearwall can be cast or prefabricated in some parts. Now the wallof the shearing force and the surrounding beams and columns arealso poured together, and the whole is good. The cylinder shearwall is used in high-rise buildings, high-rise structures andsuspension structures

By the staircase, staircase, equipment, and the interval ofauxiliary walls, wall of cast-in-place reinforced concretewall, its high stiffness and strength of a plane shear wall can

bear larger horizontal load.

Edit the section of the section shear wall

Generally according to the size of the hole of the wall of theshear force, how much and the arrangement method, the shear wallis divided into the following types: the whole wall

There are no doors or Windows or very small holes in the hole.Theshear wall is the overall shear wall, or the whole wall.When window of door of the mouth of the cave area is less thanthe sum of 15% of the shear wall lateral area, and the cleardistance between the hole and the hole to the wall of the netfrom the long edge size is greater than the mouth of the cave,is the whole wall. Small open whole wall

Doors and Windows are larger than the overall wall, and thereis a local moment in the wall of the wall, which is called asmall open wall. Even the limb wall

Shear wall has one or more columns of the cave, and the mouthof the cave of relatively large size, the stress of the shearwall is equivalent to at this time through the hole between thebeam together a series of wall limb, therefore calls the bodywall. Frame a shear wall

When the floor requires large space, the frame structuresupports the top shear wall, forming a wall of shear force. Inthe earthquake zone, it is not allowed to use a pure frame andshear wall structure. Wall frame

In al limb wall, if the hole open again big some, make wall limbrigidity is weak, even the relatively strong beam stiffness,the mechanical characteristics of shear wall is nearingframework. Because the thickness of the shear wall is smallerthan the width of the frame structure, the wall frame is called.Has the hole irregular shear wall Shear wall due to the use ofbuildings, sometimes need to have the larger shear wall to openthe mouth of the cave, and the arrangement of the hole isirregular, that for this type.

Tobe sure, the shearwall above classification is not strictly,strict dividing shear wall type also need to consider themechanical characteristics of shear wall itself. According tothe force performance difference, can be divided into thefollowing:

The wall of the shear wall of the whole section of the wholesection of the open shear wall of the individual wall of theindividual wall

Edit the structure of the shear wall

Conceptual and structural efficiency

1. The vertical bearing component of the building is mainlyborne by the wall, this wall bear the horizontal component ofbothvertical load, aswell as bear thewind, or seismic action,horizontal seismic action. This is the name of the shear wall.

The shear wall is the dividing wall of the building and theenclosure wall, so the layout of the wall must meet therequirements of the layout and structure of the building.3, the shear wall structure system, has a goodbearing capacity,and has good integrity and space effect, than the framestructure has a better ability to resist lateral force,therefore, high buildings can be built on.

The advantage of the shear wall structure is that the lateralstiffness is large, and the disadvantage is that it is smallunder the action of horizontal load

Spacing of shear wall has certain limitation, constructionlayout is not flexible, not suitable for large space publicbuildings, weight also is bigger, flexibility is poor. It iscommonly used for houses, apartments and hotels.

The building structure of the shear wall structure is generallyadopted by the slab, so the space is better and can be saved. .The type and scope of the system

Frame - shear wall structure. Is made from a mix of frame andshear wall structure system, is suitable for the need to havelocal large space buildings, then in a local large space partadopts frame structure, shear wall at the same time be used toimprove the seismic resistance of buildings, so as to meet therequirements of high-rise building.

Common shear wall structure. The structure of the shear wall.

Frame a shear wall structure. When the bottom of the shear wallstructure needs to have a large space, the shear wall can notfall all to the ground, the wall of the frame of the wall ofthe wall of the wall of the wall of the wall of the wall of thewall of the wall of the wall of the frame that need to be used.The structure arrangement

1. The layout in the shear wall structure, vertical load andhorizontal force of reinforced concrete wall, so should bealong the plane of the main axis of shear wall arrangement.

1) rectangle, L, and T plane, the shear wall is arranged alongtwo orthogonal axes. 2) the triangle and the Y plane can bearranged in three directions.

3) the normal polygonal, circular, and curved surfaces can bearranged in radial and circular direction.The length of asingle shear wall should not be too big:

1) the length of the shear wall, the stiffness will make theperiod of the structure short, and the earthquake force willnot be economical.

2) when the flexural performance of shear walls with, to haveenough ductility, high shear wall should be fine, if the shearwall is too long, will form a low shear wall wide, will by shearfailure, shear wall is brittle, go against earthquake. When thecontinuous shear wall of the same axis is too long, the highwidth ratio of each wall segment should not be less than 2. Each

a joint. The width of each wall should not be greater than 8.0m, to ensure that the wall arm is controlled by the bendingbearing capacity and the function of the vertical distributingreinforcement. In the calculation of internal forces, the flooror weak link between the wall is not considered, and each wallis calculated as an independent shear wall.

Edit the feature of this section

Short shear wall structure refers to the length of the walllimbs for 5-8 times the thickness of the shear wall structure,and commonly used with"T" type, "L" type, "ten"word, "Z"word,bent,.

This kind of structure features are: (1) combined witharchitectural plane, using interval wall position to decoratea vertical component, basically do not occur with the buildinguse function;

(2) the wall may be less than the number of segments can be longor short, mainly depending on the need to resist lateral force,but also through the different size and layout to adjust thestiffness center location; It can be flexible, optional planis more, the floor plan is simple;

The beam that connects each wall, with the position of the wall,is set in the vertical plane of the interval, but can beconcealed. According to the need of the lateral stiffness ofthe building plane, the central shear wall is used to form themain anti-lateral force component, which can satisfy the


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