Chloramphenicol drops - baidu. com
Chloramphenicol Eye Drops encyclopedia card ChloramphenicolEye Drops Chloramphenicol Eye Drops for the treatment ofescherichia coli, haemophilus influenzae, klebsiella species,staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, and other Eyeinfections caused by sensitive bacteria, such as trachoma,conjunctivitis, keratitis, eyelid margin inflammation, etc.This product is colorless or almost colorless clear liquid.Common name Chloramphenicol Eye Drops embellish shu Englishname former name 】 【 Chloramphenicol Eye Drops pinyin nameLumeisu Diyanye main ingredients contain ingredients
Chloramphenicol 20 mg, accessories for boric acid, boron thesand, sodium chloride, preservative (thimerosal) , its chemicalcalled D - su shi - (-) - N - [alpha (hydroxy methyl) - betahydroxy-to nitrobenzene ethyl] -2, 2 -dichloro ethyl amide.Molecular formula: (see photo) , a formula is: C11H12CL2N2O5molecular weight: 323. 13 drug category this product is asurgery class over-the-counter drugs chloramphenicol eye drops,for the broad spectrumantibiotics, alsobelong toprescriptiondrugs. Indications for the treatment of escherichia coli,haemophilus influenzae, klebsiella species, staphylococcusaureus, hemolytic streptococcus, and other eye infectionscaused by sensitive bacteria, such as trachoma, conjunctivitis,keratitis, eyelid margin inflammation, etc. The character isa light yellow or almost colorless clear liquid.
Pharmacological toxicology is a chloramphenicol antibiotic. Invitro, there is a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity,including the anaerobic gram-negative bacteria and thegram-positive bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, the rickettus,spirochetes, and chlamydia. Bacteria-killing bacteria:haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus pneumoniae and
neisseria meningitidis. On the following bacteria only hasbacteriostatic action: staphylococcus aureus, suppurativehemolytic streptococcus, streptococcus viridans, group Bstreptococcus, escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae,singular proteus, typhoid fever, salmonella paratyphoidsalmonella, shigella, bacteroides fragilis anaerobic bacteria,etc. The following bacteria are usually of chloramphenicolresistance: pseudomonas aeruginosa, acinetobacter, e. coli,glue Mr Charest bacteria, indole, proteus, methicillinresistant staphylococcus aureus and enterococcus. This productis a bacteriostatic agent. Chloramphenicol is fat soluble,through dispersion into the bacterial cells, and reversible inbacterial ribosome on the 50 s subunit of the peptide chainblocked (probably due to the inhibitory effect of thetranspeptidase) , thus inhibiting the formation of the peptidechain, so as to prevent the synthesis of protein. Use the useof the external eye drops in the eyelid, 1~2 drops, 3~ 5 timesa day. It can also be used to treat chronic otitis. Rinse theear canal with hydrogen peroxide and then drip into the cochlea,2 drops, 3 times a day. Adverse reactions 1, occasionally eyepain, vision changes, persistent redness or irritation. 2, themouth is bitter. After the use of children, the development ofthe disease is not benign. Contraindication: the allergy tothis product is disabled. Note 1, large dosage for 3 months ina long period of time can cause optic neuritis or optic nervepapillitis (especially children) . Patients with long-term useof this product should be examined in advance and pay closeattention to the patient' s visual function and the symptoms ofoptic neuritis, and once they appear, stop. Take vitamin C andB vitamins at the same time. Do not contact your eyes when youdrop the bottle. You should tighten the cap of the bottle when
used. Do not allow the bottle to contact the skin to avoidcontamination. If the symptoms are not improved by 3-4 days,you should stop using and consult your physician. 4, adversereactions should be stopped. Children must be used under adultsupervision. Please put the medicine in a place where childrencan' t contact. Pregnant women and nursing mothers the localadministration of drug use of this product are, but because ofchloramphenicol, bone marrow inhibition, pregnant women andnursing mothers to use may also lead to neonatal andbreastfeeding baby produce serious adverse reactions, pregnantwomen and nursing mothers should be careful. Children arebanned from neonatal and preterm babies. Elderly patients withdrug use is unknown. Drug interactions 1, erythromycin andclindamycin or large ring lactone class, such as antibioticscan occur antagonism effect, so should not be combined use of2, such as are using other drugs, please consult physician orpharmacist before using this product.The drug overdose is notyet clear. Stores shade, close, and preserved in the cool.Packing polyethylene bottle, bottle/box 1. Valid for 12 monthsstandards < < China pharmacopoeia > > 8 ml : 2005 edition ofspecifications 20 mg related news chloramphenicol eye drops:pharmacy why no longer sell recently, the state food and drugsupervision and administration department: will include 12kinds of chloramphenicol eye drops, over-the-counterpreparations to prescription. This means that consumers willnot be able to freely buy 12 over-the-counter agents, includingchloramphenicol drops (ear drops) , from the pharmacy."Aplastic anemia" - side effects cannot be ignored
Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotics, not only hasan effect on a variety of bacteria, but also has effect forchlamydia, etc. Chloramphenicol eye drops (including ear
drops) , the price is relatively cheap, and in the past belongsto the over-the-counter drugs, eye (ear) some discomfort, somany people don' t want to go to the hospital, the figure isconvenient, often go to the pharmacy to buy chloramphenicol eyedrops drop eye (ears) . Although a dosage of chloramphenicol eyedrops (ear drops) is much smaller than the systemic application,but don't ask, don' t cause, random drops with antibiotics eyedrops (ear drops) , also belong to the category of abuse ofantibiotics, very wrong. If are sensitive to chloramphenicol,or long-term use of chloramphenicol eye drops (ear drops) , thepatient may also produce toxic effects of the blood, the mostserious is has nothing to do with the dosage of bone marrowtoxicityreaction, whichproduce irreversible aplastic anemia.Generally speaking, this anemia can have several months ofincubation period, which is not easy to detect early, but canbe characterized by bleeding tendency, such as subcutaneousstasis, stasis, and nosebleed. In addition, because of thedecrease of granulocytes inwhite blood cells, it can also leadto infection, such as high fever, sore throat, jaundice, andpallor. So far, there is no way to predict severe reactions andside effects of drugs, such as a sensitive trial like certaindrugs. Experts suggest that the following high-risk groups arenot suitable for the use of chloramphenicol drops (ear drops) :the innate glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is not sufficient;Pregnancy and lactation women, as this may endanger fetuses andnewborns; Patients are using drugs that inhibit the use of bonemarrow, such as antitumor drugs such as colchicine, butae, andpenicillium. If the function of liver function is not good, theperson who has injury to kidney function should be used oravoided. (5) the old. Anti-infection-chloramphenicol drops areno longer the "first choice", and chloramphenicol drops are
frequently used in the treatment of chloramphenicol. Now,sanitation, good trachoma has been largely destroyed, eyeitching, foreign body sensation, symptoms such as tears are notnecessarily trachoma, is likely to be other bacterialinfections. Other eye drops should be under the guidance of thedoctor. If failed to do bacterial culture and drug sensitivetest, selection of antibiotics eye drops now (ear drops) manykinds, such as ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and tobramycin, don'thave to be the preferred chloramphenicol eye drops. If you areable to develop the bacteria culture and the drugsusceptibility test, you will be able to use the drug moreaccurately. Once the infection is controlled and cured, itshould be discontinued and not used for a long time, and shouldnot be used as a preventative medicine. Reminder - focus onseveral matters needing attention If that is the condition is,must use chloromycetin eye drops (ear drops) , should payattention to the following: one, for a history of allergies tochloramphenicol, cannot be used again chloramphenicol eyedrops (ear drops) . Anaphylaxis usually occurs when the drug istaken with various skin rashes, heliodermatitis and vascularneuroedema, and quickly improves after stopping. In the past,the use of chloramphenicol drops (ear drops) had been reducedbywhite blood cells and platelets. When using chloramphenicoldrops (ear drops) , regular review of blood routine should bereviewed regularly, usually 1-2 months, and notice if whiteblood cells and platelets are reduced. Fourth, the computerworker, due to long time in air-conditioned environment stareat the screen, easy to have dry eye symptoms, can use withoutantibiotic eye drops, such as embellish clean,But don' t usechloramphenicol drops as a common treatment for eye drying. Anincrease of 2010 revised edition of China pharmacopoeia vary
content of chloramphenicol Eye Drops Lumeisu
DiyanyeChloramphenicol Eye Drops the page number: 2005 section2-778 (revised) contains chloramphenicol (C11H12Cl2N2O5)shall be the labeled amount of 90.0%~ 120.0%. [identify] (1)take this product 4 ml, and 1% calcium chloride solution 3 mland zinc powder 50 mg, water bath heating on for 10 minutes,pour take on clear liquid, add benzoyl chloride is about 0. 1ml, strong vibration wave 1 minute immediately, plus threeferric chloride test solution0. 5ml and 2ml methylene chloride,vibration wave, purple water layer. "Check" related materialand p-hydroxy benzoic acid esters preservatives Put A properamount of this product, with the mobile phase (A - B (68, 32)quantitative dilutionmade each 1 ml contains 0.5 mg of solution,as the test solution; Another chloramphenicol diol contentreference substance and reference substance of nitrobenzeneformaldehyde, chloromycetin reference substance and methylp-hydroxybenzoate, p-hydroxy benzoic acid ethyl ester,p-hydroxy benzoic acid n-propyl, adequate precision said, addmethanol moderate dissolved, with mobile phase (A-B (68, 32)quantitative dilution into each 1 ml contains chloramphenicol
0.2 mg, chloromycetin diol content 5 mu g, for nitrobenzeneformaldehyde, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 16 mu mu g g, p-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester 20 mu g and p-hydroxy benzoic acidn-propyl eight mu g mixture, as the material and p-hydroxybenzoic acid ester preservative reference substance solution.According to content determination under the chromatographicconditions, take 10 mu l reference solution into thechromatograph, adjust the detection sensitivity, make thechloramphenicol diol content peak of peak Gao Weiman range of20%~ 25%. The precision is obtained by using the liquid phasechromatograph and recording the chromatogram. In the area of
peak area, chloramphenicol can not be used for 8.0%, andcontains no more than 0.5% of nitrobenzaldehyde. Such ascontaining the corresponding preservatives, methylp-hydroxybenzoate, p-hydroxy benzoic acid ethyl ester,p-hydroxy benzoic acid ester c should be in the prescriptionof quantity (or label) 80.0%~120.0%. Microbial limit for thisproduct, diluted with sterile sodium chloride - peptone pH7.0buffer into each 1 ml contains about 0. 1 mg of solution,according to the membrane filtration method (appendix XI H)after treatment, use the buffer wash washing amount not lessthan 500 ml/membrane, to staphylococcus aureus [26003] CMCC (B)as the positive control bacteria, inspection in accordancewiththe law, should comply with the rules. The high performanceliquid chromatography (appendix V D) was determined. Thechromatographic conditions and system applicability test werefilled with octadecyl silane bonding silicone. Mobile phase Ais 0.01 mol/L heptane sodium sulfonate solution (0.01 mol/Lheptane sulfonic acid sodium solution 1000 ml, potassiumdihydrogen phosphate 6.8 g and triethylamine 5 ml, blending,with phosphoric acid to adjust pH value to 2.5) , mobile phaseB for methanol ; The detection wavelength is 27mm m. Take therelevant matter and the 10 mu l injection chromatograph for theantiseptic of hydroxybenzoic acid, andpress the table gradient.The number of theoretical plates of chloramphenicol is not lessthan 2500, and the separation degree of adjacent peaks shouldmeet the requirements.
Tabular data is not available for the time being
Measurement precision of the right amount of this product, madeeach 1 ml of the mobile phase quantitative dilution solution
containing about 0. 1 mg, shake well, precision measuring 10 mul injection liquid chromatograph, record chromatograph chart.In other words, the proper amount of chloramphenicol wasmeasured in the same way. The content of C11H12CL2N2O5 in thesupply test is calculated by the external standard method.[check] osmotic pressure extract, measured by osmotic pressuremolarity (appendix IX G) , should be 250 ~ 350mOsmol/kg.
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