triviaBy the light and heavy microblogging marketing(轻和重的微博营销)

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Bythe light and heavy microblogging marketing

Free paper Download Center News: 2012, the domestic social media is not normal,wi l l be a crucial year for them to achieve strategic transformation.Open our hearts to embrace change wi l l maintain high-speed development,whi le a passive response delay fighter may beforced outof dangerof being eaten.

Microblogging, for example, in a sense, that microblogging is the Chinese version of Twitter is a beautiful mistake,microblogging is actual ly bolted on to the road leading to the versati le network platform and other platforms, the best early preparations because:microblogging head-on col l ision in 2012 and, in direct competition days wi l l not be far off.

Microblogging has cometo a newjuncture

First, let me microblogging change the development of the Internet companies general ly fol low the three-step strategy:

The first step in gathering popularity, or games, or friends, or chat, or video, of course, in the form of


microblogging, and attract users to usevarious means to costs.

The second step to enhance the stickiness, add appl ications, add functional ity, plus the terminal carrier,adjuvant platform, al lowing users to stick in their own products.

The third step is to achieve profitabi l ity, strategic channelsto find the user stickiness is real ized.

This is the Internet companies to achieve long-term healthy development of the wi l l over the three tests.Microblogging, has experienced robust growth after 2011users, successful ly crossed the first step in gathering popularity which, Sina microblogging users from the beginning of a250mi l l ionat theend of a mi l l iontothree quarters, the numberof users of Tencent microblogging is morethan 300 mi l l ion,Netease,Sohu over050 mi l l ion.

Current microblogging has come to the second step -enhance sticky juncture. In this context, the rich microblogging appl ications to enrich the contents of the microblogging wi l l become the main theme of the 2012various microblogging developmentstrategy and thisThe main theme wi l l inevitably lead to the microblogging


change “from” l ight “heavy” .

“Light” media “reload” battle

Microblogging isa typical “l ight” media: theform of l ight,eachmessagecan notbemorethan140words, l ight content, trivia gossip Qi battle,and trivial the mainstream.

Microblogging improve product viscosity by the

“l ight” to “first manifested in the form, the number of users onl ine,messaging frequency, the user interface of the various microblogging being into more and more things: from the game, album,music, video,micro city,micro-interviews from the micro-groups,micro-search ...onlythinkof, no notfit into thistrend wi l l become in 2012the mainstream of developmentof micro-Bo can not help but reminiscent of that year the QQ, also in the case of user interface pattern basical ly unchanged, into more and more appl ications, and ultimately by a “l ight north of instant messaging software has evolved into a” heavy

“versati le network platform.

Microblogging is also reflected by the “l ight” to

“heavy” content on the topic of microblogging wi l l be morebeyond theminutiaeof personal l ivesinto thepubl ic domain, and further the real ity of force to propel the


Chinese society.

Microblogging “l ight” , but the information is more simple and rapid, often more close to the truth and essence, the microblogging rich source of information credibi l ity is often more than the traditional authority of media. People have not the future of microblogging the same expectations.microblogging and therefore has the potential beyond theInternet industryortechnologytools wi l l becomea profound impacton Chinese society.

In this sense, in 2012 the greatest influencewi l l sti l l be the strongest media properties Sina microblogging Tencent microblogging catch up on the number of users,but thetopic is somewhat insufficient, the influence is sti l l concentrated in the private sphere This may not affect Tencent microblogging money, but it may affect their social valueand development potential.

The real name system wi l l exacerbate earnings pressure

Of particular note isthat, near theend of 2011,Beijing,Shanghai and other cities have introduced local laws and regulations to implement real-name system requirements microblogging microblogging future overal l development


of increased uncertainty.Microblogging social function of the unfolding situation, The real-name system management seems logical. comprehensive real-name system for microblogging than we expected complex.

Local laws and regulations impose real-name system can improve the qual ity of the information, and l imit rumors and virtual violence, sti l l the test of time -microblogging users real ly wi l l be registered ID cards to become more responsible than in the past, more trustworthy or less foul language? In this sense, simply in order to enhance the qual ity of microblogging network information for pol icy considerations, each the microblogging original ly self-propel led real name certification system on the election,whi le the use of strong administrative means to push the real-name system is quite superfluous mean.

In addition, the real name system wi l l be numerous operating problems directly thrown to the operators of a microblogging actual ly al low enterprises to shoulder some of the functions of the government. For example:the verified user identity information, the specification of user behavior, correcting false statements, etc.. into the


burden of enterprises, so that the various microblogging operatorshundredsof mi l l ionsof usergroupsbythe huge potential business opportunities to the huge cost of supervision,whi le increasing the difficulty of protecting user privacy and let the private sector can make use of government resources to get. the user’ s private information.

,Microblogging is sti l l facing the problem of the profit model: the user interface space is compact, tolerate a substantial ad the microblogging games, videos,e-commerce services are notyet ripe, income generation needs its way to the additional operating costs wi l l be back. assume the responsibi l ity to protect user privacy,can not help but produce a trace of worry about their future earnings prospects. Fortunately, the legal texts of the greater flexibi l ity in the real-name system of microblogging in the implementation of l inks may be loose to tight or less extensive, This may leave the operating room for the negative impact of the buffer real-name system for user activity.

Viscousenough istheAchi l les heel of social media

Inadditionto microblogging andother social media in


2011, great development. Everyone to net the third quarter, the number of users 137 mi l l ion, and was successful ly l isted on the United States in May, the fund-raising over $700 mi l l ion.Happy 120 mi l l ion bythe end of October the number of users and strategic investment from Tencent microblogging, these social media mostly haveto relyon sel l ing advertising to achieve profitabi l ity. However, such a pure social media on the surface from the popular gathering to achieve profitabi l ity even cross three steps at one go,but the first two steps to go is notsol id: the user is sti l l relatively smal l,and growth has slowed down, the platform sticky enough. serious homogenization of content, appl ications, and its subsequentdevelopmentof these planted hidden.

Sticky enough especial ly deadly. This means that to enter thefield of puresocial media very lowthreshold, the integrated network platform into the social media more easi ly into other platforms and social media are more difficult. For example: in 2009,Taobao to launch its own Amoy arena of social networking platforms, the user exceeds ten mi l l ion within the next few months. In contrast, thepuresocial medialaunchof theonl inegames,


onl ine shopping, and so on hiatus, and rely on these appl ications to achievethe profitabi l ity of hope,based on advertising revenue situation short-term is difficult to change. Eata pot intheonl ineadvertising, it is inevitable demand exceeds supply, the race to the bottom it is not impossibleto achieve profitabi l ity inthecoming yearon a substantial increase is a smal l probabi l ity event. (Source:Chinese and foreign text:Gang








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