C#怎样给AD用户建立Exchange邮箱(不用CDOEXM) (转)_涅磐飞升的
空间_百度空间C# how to AD users to establish a Exchangemailbox (not CDOEXM) (to) _ Nirvana soaring space _ Baiduspace
C#how to AD users to establish a Exchange mailbox (not CDOEXM)(turn) space Baidu space _Username: Password: _ Nirvanasoaring soaring space home page login Nirvana
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How does C#create Exchange mailboxes (not CDOEXM) for AD users?2010-08-31 23:48
These days have also been CDOEXM torture a, in accordance withthe following standard method of MSDN, add bird reference toCDOEXM, and my cdo.dll, cdoexm.dll are exchange
2000 work on the server copy down, and then use the followingMSDN to provide the code, reported wrong, always reported wrong,a road to the black newspaper error! Say yes:
System.Runtime. InteropServices.COMException (0x80072030) :there is no such object on the server.
Mailbox = (IMailboxStore) user.NativeObject;
Mailbox.CreateMailbox (homeMDB) ;
User.CommitChanges () ;
I can be sure that the homeMDB extended attribute value mustbe wrong, because it is derived directly from Microsoft' s ownwindows vbs script system to a text file, vbs script, behindwill use the export homeMTA and msExchHomeServerName
StrBranchName= "OU name 1, OU=OU name 0, OU= company OU"""There is only one mailbox user below the Ou of the upper layersof the path. "
StrDC= "gdmailclus1"' IIS server name
StrDomain= "DC=mail, DC=xxxx", 'AD server, DN
S trLDAP=, "<LDAP://", "+s trDC+", "/OU=", "+st rBranchName+","+strDomain+" >"
Set oLDAPConn = CreateObject ("AdoDB.Connection")
OLDAPConn.Provider = "AdsDSOObj ect""
Set oCmd = CreateObject ("AdoDB.Command")
OCmd.ActiveConnecti on = oLDAPConn
OCmd.CommandT ext =
"StrLDAP+"; (objectCategory=Person) ; Distingui shedName; mail;SubTree"
Set oResult = oCmd.Execute
Set FSO=Wscript.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")"Set f = fso.CreateTextFile" ("C:\Documents and"
Sett ings\szadmin\ desktop \homeMDB.txt ""
StrGetUser= "LDAP://", "+strDC+" / "+oResult.Fields (0)"Set oUser = GetObject (strGetUser)
StrGetUser+vbcrlf+ "name:", "+oUser.name+vbcrlf+",
"sAMAccountName:", "+oUser. sAMAccountName+vbcrlf+",
"serverName:", "+oUser. serverName+vbcrl f+", "Mai l:",
"+oUser.Ma i l"
F.Wr iteLine (oUs er.homeMDB)
'wscript.echo oUser.homeMDB
'wscript.echo oUser.homeMTA
'wscript.echo oUser.mailNickName
'wscript.echo oUser.msExchUserAccountControl
'wscript.echo oUser.msExchHomeServerName
'wscript.echo oUser.mDBUseDefaults
'wscript.echo oUser.mail
Moreover, I can not work in the exchange server on thedevelopment environment, can not debug, and had to find a wayonline. Later on the Internet finally found, the originalCDOEXM in C# is not good, the conversion step error, adjustinga GetObject VB.net method on the OK, I also like the same problem,that is to the changed VB.net well.
God, I completely fainted at this point, the admiration ofMicrosoft, once again rising birds, are their own East and West,can do so. .
Fortunately, later found in a thread inside the method, theoriginal need not CDOEXM this rotten Dongdong, you can completethe construction of exchange mailbox work, directly write a fewAD extensions properties can be birds, the code is as follows:User.Properti es["homeMDB"] .Value=homeMDB;
User.Properti es["homeMTA"] .Value=homeMTA;
User.Properties["mailNickName", "] .Add" (dr["UserID",
"] .ToString") ;
User.Properties["msExchUserAccountControl", ] .Add (0) ;User.Properti es["msExchHomeServerName", "] .Add"
("/o=MAIL001/ou=mai ladmin/cn=Configurat ion/cn=Servers/cn=Mai l-SERVER") ;
User.Properti es["mDBUseDefaults", "] .Add" ("TRUE") ;
User.CommitChanges () ;
User is a DirectoryEntry object instance that you find, and Dris a DataRow in the input data set
HomeMDB, homeMTA, and msExchHomeServerName can be obtainedfrom the server using the above vbs script, and thestrBranchName in the script is changed to suit you
These three parameters of mine are as follows:
Private, string, homeMDB =
"CN=BE-SG2-MDB1, CN=GDMAI L-SG2, CN=I nformat i onSt ore,
CN=GDMAILEXCH, CN=Servers, CN=, the first management group,CN=Administrative
Groups, CN=xxxxORG, CN=Mi crosof t
Exchange, CN=Services, CN=Conf i gurat ion, DC=mai l, DC=xxxx";
Private string homeMTA = "CN=Microsoft"
MTA, CN=GDMAILEXCH, CN=Servers, CN=, the f irst managementgroup, CN=Admini strative
Groups, CN=xxxxORG, CN=Mi crosof t
Exchange, CN=Services, CN=Conf i gurat ion, DC=mai l, DC=xxxx";Private, string, msExchHomeServerName =
"/o=GMCCORG/ou=GDMAILEXAG/cn=Conf i gurat ion/cn=Servers/cn=GDMAILEXCH. "";
Trying to write the mail attribute in our work environment doesnot cause a constraint conflict exception, so you can changethe default mail address in batches by another VBS script.Change the default mail address of VBS:
StrBranchName= "Shenzhen branch""
S trBranchDoma in= "s z. ""
StrAll= "gd.xxxx.com""
StrDC= "gdmailclus1""
StrDomain= "DC=mai l, DC=xxxx. ""
S trLDAP=, "<LDAP://", "+s trDC+", "/OU=", "+st rBranchName+",
"+strDomain+" >"
Set oLDAPConn = CreateObject ("AdoDB.Connection")
OLDAPConn.Provider = "AdsDSOObj ect""
Set oCmd = CreateObject ("AdoDB.Command")
OCmd.ActiveConnecti on = oLDAPConn
OCmd.CommandT ext =
"StrLDAP+"; (objectCategory=Person) ; Distingui shedName; mail;SubTree"
Set oResult = oCmd.Execute
Wscript.echo oResult.Recordcount
While not oResult.EOF
StrGetUser= "LDAP://", "+strDC+" / "+oResult.Fields (0)"Set oUser = GetObject (strGetUser)
'wscript.echo oUser.name
OldMai l=oUser.mai l
If (Len (OldMail) >0) Then
OldPrimaryEmai l=Join (oUser.proxyAddres ses, "!")
INotChange=inStr (OldPrimaryEmai l, SMTP: , +oUser. )
“@” strbranchdomain sAMAccountName + + +稻草
如果inotchange = 0然后oldprimaryemai l =取代ol dprimaryemai l “即” “即” oldprimaryemail =取代oldprimaryemail ”即“+ ouser。sAMAccountName + “@” + strbranchdomai n +稻草 ”即“+ ouser。sAMAccountName + “@” + strbranchdoma in +稻草newmai l = ouser。 sAMAccountName + “@” + strbranchdomain +稻草
“wscript. echo”邮件 “+ newmail
“wscript. echo”代理 “+ oldprimaryemailstrproxy =分裂oldprimaryemail “ ” ouser。 msexchpoliciesexcluded
= “{ 26491cfc-9e50-4857-861b-0cb8df22b5d7 }”
“ouser msexchpoliciesexcluded = vbnull。ouser邮件= newmai l。
ouser ProxyAddresses = strproxy。ouser. setinfo
走wscript.echo “完成”
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